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    1. This sporting pogrom is another transparent attempt engineered by Feminists (men and women alike) who are hoping to advance a unisexual agenda aimed at feminizing robust young boys and transforming them into

    2. After Nancy opened her mind, Hanna found out that, among other lives, she had been a Russian Jew victim of a pogrom in Kiev

    3. According to this legend (Mahabharata, Vishnu Purana, Vayu Purana), when the deity of Aditya the Daksha performs a sacrifice to the Himalayas, having invited to a feast all the gods, except Rudra-Shiva, the last with his "horde" arranged pogrom and destroy the victim, and agrees to restore it only when he will receive a share due to him

    4. In the foyer of one of the private theatres a small committee of local barristers who had undertaken to conduct the cases of those who had suffered in the last pogrom against the Jews was reaching the end of its daily task

    5. "You see, in the reports that have lately appeared in the local papers of the melancholy and terrible days of the last pogrom, there have very often been indications that among the instigators of the pogrom who were paid and organised by the police—the dregs of society, consisting of drunkards, tramps, souteneurs, and hooligans from the slums—thieves were also to be found

    6. Oh, yes, they would gladly accept an invitation to a pogrom

    7. The thought that we may be confused with them is a hundred times more insulting to us even than the accusation of taking part in a pogrom

    8. "Many of us protected the victims during this pogrom

    1. This will include the discriminations, pogroms, and expulsions that precipitated the migration of the bulk of the Jewish community from Western Europe to Eastern Europe

    2. Then there are the religious zealots who have carried out pogroms (ethnic cleansing) in Pakistan, Bangladesh, and many other countries

    3. There had to have been numerous pogroms and serious

    4. Pogroms, Wars, Genocide, the Fall of the

    5. While the unfortunate Jews suffered again at the Christian hands in the European lands in several pogroms before the Holocaust, given the Hindu tolerance for other religious dispensations, all through it was in India that they could breathe easy without let or hindrance nonetheless pursuing their faith

    6. All the centuries of religious wars and the pogroms and inquisitions and mass genocides of Christian sects who had a less corrupt interpretation of Christianity could not hide the blatant corruptions and hypocrisies of the Catholic church from European society

    7. WW1 had destroyed the health and intelligence of the people of the Russian empire through a civil war and Stalin’s brutal pogroms, death camps, systematic starvation of the masses, mass terror, mass brainwashing, and the execution of all competent people who had any status as authority figures; until the genetic health of people of the USSR was permanently damaged, until all the people were indoctrinated into becoming brutalized terrified slaves, by being forced to work in the most inhuman miserable conditions performing the most demeaning tasks, until the once healthy population of the Russian empire was completely destroyed… This was done to destroy the communistic culture of Russia: the Communal culture of the Russian people which had existed long before the Bolsheviks came into power: the culture of small villages farming their land together: communally, as friends and equals

    8. well aware that the Vatican and cohorts initiated pogroms and crusades to destroy populations like

    9. We thieves by profession know better than any one else how these pogroms were organised

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