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    policies exemples de phrases


    1. It pays to always carefully read the guidelines and policies given by the online dating service

    2. Over a plateful of slightly stale tractor-wheel biscuits and weak tea in chipped china cups, Danny and Annie found out that there were no savings, no insurance policies and no investments

    3. policies, he would have been delighted to see the Pope

    4. 'Are you insinuating that the policies of the

    5. 'Surely you can see that Philippe's policies are in no-

    6. The crowd gathered every midday to hear the separate policies each political party stood for

    7. Yells by radical American liberals that we brought it on ourselves through our Imperialist policies won"t wash

    8. Evil therefore being its own cause, its cure does not lie in the application of traditional social policies

    9. Thus, when criticized at a press conference due to the fact that some of his domestic policies weren"t exactly producing the expected and desired results, quipped: „I"m a Ford, not a Lincoln

    10. Obama built his presidential campaign around the “change” theme: “This is our moment, our time to turn the page on the policies of the past, to offer a new direction

    11. If you attempt to call them on their personnel, programs, and policies, you will inevitably be put off, if not downright lied to, for liberalism itself has become, over the years, a touchy subject for those of the left

    12. Apartheid schools had strict policies on hair, and any infraction would be reason for a flogging

    13. So we took out life insurance policies that included an AIDS test as standard

    14. Unfortunately, the Police Stations did not enforce these same weight policies vigorously enough so some policemen became really overweight—a huge embarrassment to themselves and the SAP

    15. Political Correctness, rather than securing our nation‘s (legitimate) interests abroad, is guiding military policies at the State Department

    16. should be apparent by now after prolonged experience with failed (economic) policies

    17. His unfortunate flirtation with Keynesian Economic Policies (Wage and Price Controls) and prolonging the ―Great Society‖ by introducing fresh initiatives, threw a monkey wrench into the economy but enough of that! Seeking (public) forgiveness, if not self-forgiveness, this tormented soul sought redemption in seclusion and productive writing

    18. A depleted treasury must find creative ways of raising revenue however dry the well in order to pacify the demands of its citizens; engendering more spending promoting a vicious cycle of tax and spending policies sapping the energies and moral vitality of its productive citizens who grow increasingly cynical while the Rabble grows more demanding and the government more obliging

    19. The Balkanization of America will prove to be the inevitable outcome of ill-conceived immigration policies aimed at injecting

    20. second thought, however!) Their egregious ignorance of its transient nature and uncertain classifications often serve to persuade the misinformed and other well-meaning individuals to support (socialist) custodial policies that do little, if anything, to relieve its harmful effects

    21. Higher fertility rates, common among the poor, exacerbated by lax immigration policies, have strained our nation‘s productive and material resources beyond their capacity to accommodate even the (basic) material requirements of its working classes

    22. immigration policies are compromising the quality of life in areas where poverty, congestion, disease, drugs, crime, substandard housing and decaying infrastructures are demoralizing (complex) social and cultural arrangements (and civility) as an alarming number of our citizens are feeling alienated from mainstream conventions that no longer seem to provide any meaning

    23. Not unlike other ―commodities‖, its (―timely‖) value is subject to variable supplies and demands; that is to say, its value is generally determined by the perceived impact (variable) monetary and fiscal policies will have on the supply and subsequent demand (for dollar currencies)

    24. This is what happens when human rights are taken too far and the standards dropped to have better press releases to cover for your own failed policies

    25. If this sounds like so much hyperbole, the reader might properly consider the confiscatory tax policies of socialist governments that have routinely driven many of its most productive citizens to safer (tax) havens in order to ward off efforts designed to appropriate their wealth

    26. Reagan‘s supply-side initiatives who sought to distance himself from these policies after he (Bush) assumed the office of the presidency and that arguably cost him a second term in office

    27. You will need to update policies or restart your computer for the changes to take effect

    28. I say think because it may be possible, as hard as it is to swallow, that many locals actually supported the terrorists because they liked their policies of nationalism and not only fear

    29. As always her Apartheid policies made her the black sheep of the world and created a sort of lager mentality of us against the rest of the world

    30. It would appear that the European Economic Community (EEC) is focusing much of its attention on micromanaging the private affairs of its member citizens rather than promoting sound economic policies

    31. Why they felt the need to do this within South Africa is interesting to me for it shows they detected enough criticism of their policies to be worried

    32. This is where Republican (alternative) policies came into play

    33. Many are homeowners and investors naturally inclined toward (economic) policies that favor investment

    34. Thus I always recommend changing your will and policies the moment that you become engaged

    35. I would like to briefly respond to a letter published in your newspaper about a group of Larchmont residents, led by David Hechler, opposed to policies seeking to ban homosexuals from participating as Boy Scout Masters

    36. Hechler and others sharing his opinion(s) have every right to express their (own) private viewpoints, such does not extend, however, to overriding the policies and standards of a privately run organization

    37. The who, what or why‘s are of no particular importance inasmuch whomsoever is an enemy of America is a friend of ours! We are once again reminded that America‘s foreign and domestic policies are the seminal ingredients that have engendered everything that is wicked in the world today

    38. For all their claims of loving, wanting, and promoting freedom, Libertarian policies have been tried exactly twice, first under the military dictatorship of Chile, where they worsened the lives of most Chileans, enriching elites while others were worse off

    39. Does that not represent an overwhelming majority against the one million demonstrators? Europeans should not confuse the public discussions that take place in this country as a repudiation of the president’s policies

    40. If that is you, why be a partisan party follower? Why makes excuses for wrongs done by those you once voted for? Why devote yourself to any political party, except to hold its feet to the fire and live up to higher principle? Why would any such person of good heart and intentions focus on fluff and ephemera like “leadership qualities” and supposed statesmanship? Why focus on anything but whether people will live or die because of wars threatened or prolonged or avoided or ended, or policies or politics that inflict or relieve human suffering? Why care about anything but these concerns?

    41. It was helping them organize on a national level, to form a united front against policies long practiced by wealthy landowners and government, which favored the rich and forced the poor from the land

    42. Many economists argue that the uncertainty about a government’s fiscal and monetary policies is one of the biggest problems with government, and the mechanism would essentially eliminate spending uncertainty

    43. increasingly concerned that the Agency's environmental policies are being advanced to the detriment of

    44. That is, these policies are impacting our standard of living by

    45. government concerned with the United States' policies regarding energy and safety in handling nuclear

    46. these international organizations, they are controlled by socialists and the policies they promote are high taxes, more regulation and bigger governments

    47. they can continue to be irresponsible instead of adopting the policies that will lead them to prosperity

    48. In addition, the debt held by the public with current tax policies extended would soar to 90% of GDP by

    49. the Kyoto Treaty and environmental policies that would benefit Enron

    50. The acid rain scare of the 1980s projected the loss of forests in industrialized countries and led to policies that cleaned up the air quite nicely

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