Utiliser "pomegranate" dans une phrase
pomegranate exemples de phrases
1. " It was the size of a kiwi, the taste of a plum but with the seeds of a pomegranate
2. Being distracted like that, it was then that I surprised a mystical pomegranate tree, her bold round fruit already ripening amongst long, glossy leaves and she actually tried to trip me amongst her roots, lying like stiffened serpents around her base
3. pomegranate seeds, the one that Mother had sold in Smyrna to buy a day of food, the last
4. Or maybe it was like Persephone’s six pomegranate seeds
5. The sun was low in the sky and shadows from the pomegranate tree near our door covered the table
6. Pomegranate trees preened themselves with scarlet flowers, while nearby the gnarled limbs of olive trees became mere dark blobs against the landscape
7. Looking up, the limbs of the pomegranate tree were silhouetted against that spectacular sky
8. Pomegranate and grape seed extract keep sunscreen in the very top layer of the skin, where their defensive action is needed
9. At this point the comment that a student of the Bhagavad Gita, the sacred book of Hinduism, is interesting: "A comparison that allows us to clarify this separation between Creator and creature would be the fruit of the pomegranate
10. Grains within the pomegranate are part of the grenade but not the grenade
11. 2 And Saul tarried in the uttermost part of Gibeah under a pomegranate tree which is in Migron, and the people that were with him
12. 3 Your lips are like a thread of scarlet, and your speech is comely: your temples are like a piece of a pomegranate within your locks
13. 7 As a piece of a pomegranate are your temples within your locks
14. She went into the fridge and poured them both a glass of pomegranate juice
15. 34 A golden bell and a pomegranate, a golden bell and a pomegranate, on the hem of the robe round about
16. 26 A bell and a pomegranate, a bell and a pomegranate, round about the hem of the robe to minister in; as the Lord commanded Moses
17. 26 A bell and a pomegranate, a bell and a pomegranate, round about the hem
18. His voice sounded like the warmest of summer nights when the skies were clear and the air perfumed with pomegranate blossom
19. Up short stairs onto the verandah, Theo was greeted by a tall slim lady, her young daughter Yasmin, youngest son Fadhal and the pomegranate of her eye, Nooshin
20. For example, the pomegranate that is presented to the people of Paradise is comprised of the delineation mentioned in all the previous Verses and is referred to with the words: “couches”, “cups”, “attractions” and “zareba”
21. Pomegranate and couches contains (that is, pleasures), cups (meaning that the spirit applies to it), attractions (meaning that it is sweet and delicious and the spirit passes to it), and “zarebas” (which is to say that it contains many delights which all flow together to the spirit and spread within it)
22. As she started to lift the bottle to her lips, her mind flashed to biting Cristian’s neck and tasting his blood, likening the flavor to that of pomegranate
23. As the steak is being prepared, bring the leftover marinade and additional 1/2 cup of pomegranate juice to a boil in a small sauce pan until it reduces by half or the sauce coats the back of a spoon (~10 minutes)
24. pomegranate sauce on the side
25. Before Hades would let her go, he asked that she eat a small portion of red pomegranate seeds that he had brought especially for her
26. ” She gave me another glass and although it contained pomegranate juice, it was recognizable as the synthetic formula that Dr
27. The pomegranate trees were heavy with fruit ready to be harvested
28. Apart from the pomegranate: it is the most segmented food on Earth
29. It was a pomegranate
30. The juice of the pomegranate is the color of blood
31. The pomegranate is a fruit that makes you spit out all of its useless seeds, after sucking all of the bitter juices from them
32. The act of eating a pomegranate; forces you to continually spit on the earth; until you have spat out all the bitter seeds, after sucking all the blood out of them
33. The shape of a Pomegranate seed is the exact shape and size of a corn seed
34. do you think the original acts of cave-spitting by our ancestors signified anything? Do you think the act of spitting on the walls of caves might be connected to the spitting you must do; in order to eat from a fruit of knowledge, or a pomegranate? Are these facts symbolically connected? Are these facts trying to tell us something we would rather not hear or see? Where does the word spite come from? From envying something
35. It is true that when he is hungry there is a certain appearance of voracity about him, for he eats at a great pace and chews with both jaws; but cleanliness he is always mindful of; and when he was governor he learned how to eat daintily, so much so that he eats grapes, and even pomegranate pips, with a fork
36. She was coloured like a pomegranate for richness
37. changed itself into a worm, and, piercing the skin of a pomegranate which had
38. pomegranate as fast as he could
39. pomegranate seed and eaten it like the rest
40. Pomegranate! From the sublime to the ridiculous is but a step
41. He She rounded a thicket of pomegranate trees which were shaking bare limbs in the cold was wearing the remains of his butternut trousers and one of Gerald’s shirts, a shirt which in better times went only to Court days and barbecues, a ruffled shirt which was hot, and he stood resting as she came up to him
42. It made the boy blush redder than a pomegranate
43. Cut tender rhubarb into 3-inch (8-cm) long stalks, and vacuum-pack with the pomegranate apple juice
44. We sat under our pomegranate tree and I knew I'd made a mistake
45. I hurled the pomegranate at him
46. We buried her in the cemetery on the hill, the one by the pomegranate tree, and I said a prayer for her too
47. Do you remember how we used to sit under the pomegranate tree there and read from the Shahnamah? The droughts have dried the hill and the tree hasn't borne fruit in years, but Sohrab and I still sit under its shade and I read to him from the Shahnamah
48. Hassan had said in his letter that the pomegranate tree hadn't borne fruit in years
49. We'd go up the hill by our house and sit beneath the pomegranate…" I trailed off
50. Pomegranate glowed in her lips, and the noon sky in her eyes