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    Utiliser "porter" dans une phrase

    porter exemples de phrases


    1. and the watchman called unto the porter, and said, Behold another man running alone

    2. To him the porter openeth; and the sheep hear his voice: and he calleth his own sheep by name, and leadeth them out

    3. 3To he the porter opened; and the sheep hear his voice: and he called his own sheep by

    4. authority to his servants, and to every man his work, and commanded the porter to

    5. He is directed to the first floor of the Ladywell building on the far side of the hospital, and taking the advice of the porter, Alex heads off in the direction of the link corridor on the ground floor, two floors down from the current level

    6. When Alex looks at him oddly the porter explains that the hospital is built on the side of a hill

    7. Harry ducked back into the station and charged the porter with minding her valise until they should return for it on their way back to Clive House

    8. And the Phrygian porter -- Nerissa hadn’t learned his name or his offense -- looked like a wraith, because he was permitted only two hours of sleep a night

    9. They were led by Lyconas, the tall porter

    10. it’s a porter

    11. She has also published Porter House, a paranormal romance

    12. A hospital porter came out of the lift, wheeling an old woman in a wheel chair

    13. The porter gave her only a passing glance

    14. The rise in the price of porter, occasioned by an additional tax of three shillings upon the barrel of strong beer, has not raised the wages of common labour in London

    15. In the price of threepence halfpenny, which is at present paid for a pot of porter, the different taxes upon malt, hops, and beer, together with the extraordinary profit which the brewer charges for having advanced than, may perhaps amount to about three halfpence

    16. If a workman can conveniently spare those three halfpence, he buys a pot of porter

    17. inconveniency, upon all the different pots and pints of porter which he drinks in any such period of time, the sum might frequently distress him very much

    18. In the porter brewery of London, a quarter of malt is commonly brewed into more than two barrels and a-half, sometimes into three barrels of porter

    19. In the porter brewery, therefore, the different taxes upon malt, beer, and ale, amount to between twenty-six and thirty shillings upon the produce of a quarter of malt

    20. Thomas Porter was the officer in charge

    21. He came “as a peacemaker” his escort, Admiral David Porter said,

    22. An early 1960"s novel by Catherine Ann Porter that pretty much characterized, unbeknownst to the author, who had no crystal ball, just where our ship of state is currently headed

    23. "Pay the porter, please, ma'am," he said giving Toinette's ear a

    24. Up until now he was not sure if Frank Porter was inclined to help him

    25. As early as 1968, US General Robert Porter urged, "In order to facilitate the coordinated employment of internal security forces within and among Latin American countries, we [US military and intelligence] are

    26. A porter, intent upon making sure that no American officer had to carry his own luggage, had hurried over to take his bags from him when he emerged from the restroom

    27. 26 And the watchman saw another man running, and the watchman called to the porter, and said, Note another man running alone;

    28. 10 So they came and called to the porter of the city, and they told them, saying, We came to the camp of the Syrians, and note, there

    29. 21 And Zechariah the son of Meshelemiah was porter of the door of the

    30. porter,” said Giuliani spokesman

    31. The recipient of this award is a warehouse porter named Basrin Davess, who risked his life to save two co-workers from being burnt alive in the fire

    32. It is as a man who journeyed and left his house and gave his authority to his servants and appointed every man to his work and 35 charged the porter to be wakeful

    33. The porter unlocked a door at the end of a short passage and respectfully told Lorna to enjoy her stay at the hotel

    34. "This is it," the porter announced and unlocked the door to the cabin

    35. "I think the corridor is bigger," she muttered as Henry tipped the porter to leave the luggage

    36. We filled shopping trolleys at Tesco’s, collected Green Stamps, and then I earned my supper by acting as porter

    37. He doted on Kiril but worried that one day one of the foreigners he ‘entertained’ to supplement his meagre income as a porter, would either bring disease or take him away

    38. As they entered the platform a railway porter seeing Matthew carrying his guitar in one hand said with a Welsh accent “who have we got here then, Tommy Steel”

    39. working as a porter, pushing a trolley laden with parcels and other goods

    40. He is carrying out wil ingly the obligation of porter and repeats once again: Without an Orthodox anthropology, without true interpersonal relationships,

    41. The true shepherd enters the fold after the porter has opened the door for him, and his sheep, knowing his voice, come out at his word; and when they that are his are thus brought forth, the true shepherd goes before them; he leads the way and the sheep follow him

    42. He went in the lift with the porter and followed him to his room

    43. “I can arrange for her to be here in about an hour,” The porter smiled and waited

    44. He saw a porter and asked him where he could find Doctor Radcliffe

    45. The taxi driver passed the two packages of newly purchased clothes to a porter and Travis checked in as Simon Tracey, a commercial traveller in weight-lifting and body building apparatus

    46. The night porter had a message from Leo the head desk clerk

    47. Your friend is in town," said the night porter

    48. While on the train her accompanist, Billy King, asked the porter about the possibility of some food

    49. Towards the end of September 2007, I had another huge zucchini from Porter Farms so I decided to try a new recipe for bread using that vegetable

    50. Kittyś moaning gets louder and louder, it will even entertain the night porter on the ground floor

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    Synonymes pour "porter"

    porter porter's beer door guard doorkeeper doorman gatekeeper hall porter ostiary pullman porter o. henry william sydney porter cole albert porter cole porter katherine anne porter