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    Utiliser "precautionary" dans une phrase

    precautionary exemples de phrases


    1. But sensing his lack of comprehension it told him in English every precautionary measure it was taking to counter the ship’s mysterious effects, as its thrusters were edging him nearer

    2. They are (otherwise) free to choose single or (promiscuous) lifestyles or employ precautionary measures against pregnancy…although conservative theologians would properly disagree

    3. I feel somewhat ridiculous engaging in all these precautionary measures, and constantly covering my tracks, although I tell myself it is necessary to do so

    4. “The Japanese government says it’s just a precautionary action and that there is

    5. “It’s just a precautionary measure

    6. Presumably the greater good would be defined, under the precautionary principle, by anyone who can generate the “loads of publicity” necessary to frighten the public into believing drastic measures are required

    7. There is no reasoned evaluation of the assertions relied upon for precautionary policies and penalties

    8. The precautionary principle actually operates that way

    9. The entire global warming affair can accurately be described as application of the precautionary principle on a global scale

    10. Manzi characterizes the precautionary principle as an idea that results in a “bottomless well of anxieties

    11. The precautionary principle would furnish armies of the Civil War in America with a weapon by which to regulate and destroy lives and property of citizens on a “nuclear” scale

    12. Under the precautionary principle the restraints of science, law, the Constitution, or a democratic test in public elections are all wiped out

    13. Perhaps we should then be asked to accept priestly readings of the spirits of wooded glens, or of the echoes of ghostly animals painted on walls in ancient caves, to determine what new precautionary steps must be taken

    14. precautionary measures for early blood screening along with Europe and the United

    15. It was just a precautionary measure, just in case the Devil had any other tricks

    16. The gaunt lich-troll gestured casually, dissolving his precautionary barrier

    17. "Slow down, son," said Sam in a precautionary sort of way

    18. When deciding about the uses of aromatherapy for your ailments and healing, use the following guidelines as precautionary measures:

    19. This meal was what some animal species call a convenient precautionary meal

    20. As a last minute precautionary measure, I rescanned the area carefully and with calculation

    21. now realized that it was likely a precautionary lie; done for

    22. For precautionary measures, I’ve done the standard examination

    23. (In a whispering voice I gave my buddies some precautionary

    24. “No, I’m sure it was just precautionary,” Terence said quietly as he tried to assuage her obviously frayed nerves

    25. Feltus expected the next line of questioning, the judge’s own desire to know about the witnesses and their reputations, from years of having dealt with this same never-changing procedure that he assumed was a precautionary measure on His Honour’s part to prevent any miscarriage of justice due to prejudiced witnesses as a result of having executed an innocent man after the witnesses conspired to provide misleading testimony

    26. A spokesperson at the MoD maintains there was no underhanded dealing and claims their actions now are merely precautionary while the investigation is underway

    27. Evidently, that would give the impression of great peril and doubt in the mind of the one man who should have total and firm command of the situation, which inspired Feltus to maintain his calm, assuring posture and firm, confident tone that together should indicate that his actions were merely precautionary and in no way suggested the risks were exceedingly high, especially now that the apparent elusive methods of the clever murderer had been determined so that he could adequately protect against another such attack

    28. The corridor was still clear, the deathly silence and the dark shadows creating the eeriness that usually filled the air of a mausoleum, when he took another precautionary survey of his surroundings before turning to his left and walking the short distance into the Tower where he immediately approached the stairs on the southern side of the anteroom; glancing up at the spiral stairs, a momentary flash of vertigo disoriented him, but he regained his stamina by shaking his head lightly and closing his eyes quickly so that the uncomfortable feeling, one with which he had struggled before, subsided without interfering in his duties

    29. Lowell caught the precautionary measure and smiled at his partner, though he recalled with some trepidation the previous incident that had resulted in breaking the door down so as to gain access to the murder scene

    30. As one last precautionary

    31. It could however still be only precautionary measures taken by the enemy

    32. You probably don’t have it, but for precautionary

    33. suggested that they strip naked again as a precautionary measure, but

    34. However, in light of the rains which have already begun in North Africa,” he continued, “which have added up to Jack still being one hundred percent correct, we are taking precautionary measures

    35. That is why he issued a precautionary firman (a decree) which condemned to death anyone found to be carrying a single louse on his body or clothing when he entered Istanbul

    36. Sionna had finished cleaning and disinfecting Aazuria’s wound, and was administering a tetanus shot to her as a precautionary measure

    37. he sensed that something was amiss and he had prepared some precautionary changes to his

    38. They knew he was unpredictable and he resented the precautionary methods they were taking

    39. open the account as a precautionary measure

    40. Fortunately, the malaria test for James was negative and he was given a precautionary shot of antibiotics

    41. This is the result of “I don’t want”», even though everything started so optimistically, so “logically”, and so thoughtfully! And you were even ready to hang all possible tags on me, such as “a sexual maniac”, only because I have deeper Knowledge than you and always try to save you in a precautionary, careful manner from that which later you will be unable either to correct “personally” in any way, bring back, or change

    42. We should analyze the mistakes of others with the reasons behind them & should initiate precautionary measures to not repeat those mistakes in our own life

    43. I threw in few novels in the bag as precautionary measures in case I get a sprained ankle or a muscle pul

    44. "You think that the Raali gonna attack us?" Jerry and shoots a few precautionary pulses from his pistol on the nearby carnivorous leaves

    45. But a precautionary CAT scan located the clot, and Reagan was rushed into surgery

    46. Bulstrode with precautionary information for his daughters and servants, and accounting for his allowing no one but himself to enter the room even with food and drink

    47. Nor was there wanting still another precautionary motive more related to Ahab personally

    48. The first drawback was the fact that it was probably now a marked place and that certain precautionary measures had been taken in regard to it since the scandal at Olsufy Ivanovitch’s last ball

    49. What says the sarcastic British Minister? Why, sir, that they have no cause of complaint; that it was laid by the President as a precautionary measure; and they were told by our Minister that it was not to be considered as a hostile measure

    50. I consider the original imposition of the embargo, as wise in a precautionary point of view; and notwithstanding all that has been said, and eloquently said, by the gentleman from Maryland, (Mr

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    Synonymes pour "precautionary"

    precautional precautionary