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    Utiliser "predicting" dans une phrase

    predicting exemples de phrases


    1. · Your joints are more accurate in predicting rain than the National Weather Service

    2. were magical ways of predicting the future and how effective that

    3. - increase in "predicting ability" of calculated methodology that is an opportunity of full comsideration of technological factors and given requirements to concrete;

    4. I don’t want to start predicting the future but, one way or another, we will make it

    5. Looking back in history, we can verify that as history unfolded, the information hidden in the text at the time of writing was indeed correct when predicting future events, both in the surface text as well as in hidden codes

    6. To construct the patterns, models or the numerical design in the structure of the text, while at the same time predicting events in the distant future with 100% accuracy, both in the surface text and in codes embedded in the text, would be absolutely impossible for a human to achieve

    7. Wallace was halfway right in predicting Truman would cause “a century of fear

    8. “I’ve combined the two reports I gave you before—the one predicting the killer

    9. ” She is more explicit on a similar occasion, predicting the Court will “increasingly” make its decisions “in deference to international law and foreign opinion

    10. Well aware that most newspapers in Latin America and in Europe were predicting McGovern’s victory, Roger enumerated what he thought were compelling reasons why McGovern would lose

    11. Certainly our physical theories of the fundamental interactions within the Standard model equip us with models for predicting

    12. You are almost predicting

    13. so much predicting what is going to happen to you, but more about who

    14. these props, the lady was predicting the future

    15. (It seems like he was predicting the future)

    16. Predicting my arguments and spitting them back at me is clever, but how does it help you or anybody? To achieve good works that will shine forever in tribute to Christ, God, and the Virgin, we are told not to speak useless words, and to confess our sins to God every day with sighs and tears, and to hate our own will

    17. ground, that they had no reason to track me, that somehow they were confident in predicting where I was going

    18. predicting the fall of the temple, then they conclude that it must

    19. She and Trask kept on till nearly midnight, replaying parts of the conversation, mimicking Carl's talk and gestures, predicting the actions to be played out at lunch

    20. neighbors, predicting that someday Blefuscu would

    21. Both predicting and forecasting have evolved to the state where they

    22. They are predicting the devastation of resources

    23. and respected method over predicting numbers (filters, key numbers, number

    24. Perhaps we may go a little further than that in Predicting what He will teach

    25. Private Raines asked, “Are you predicting it or making them come up what you’re calling?”

    26. The calendar method of predicting ovulation

    27. With that, it is still best to make use of ovulation predicting kits, since they are more accurate

    28. The weatherman on the early morning news was predicting a white out

    29. Accurately predicting the Swordsman battle strategy based on the combat simulations Greg had created specifically for this purpose, computer controlled lasers mounted on the decoys and on the surrounding asteroids quickly dispatched the entire first wave of scouts

    30. When you see a green box around a horse's odds, it denotes that the racetrack is predicting the horse will be the favorite for the race—the horse who the public thinks is most likely to win, but whose payout will be the lowest if it does!

    31. confident you feel in predicting the way that behavior will change

    32. Speakers warned about the consequences of government injustices, but white speakers offset them by predicting that the European scramble for Africa would bring missionaries great advantages

    33. After predicting that one of his own disciples would betray him, to the dismay of all present, Yeshua had concluded the meal early and had left with a few disciples to go to the Mount of Olives

    34. A year from now, meteorology will only get better in predicting the weather

    35. They’re predicting a new southerly change during the week

    36. And predicting the future

    37. attempts to have a controllable total leverage ratio, predicting the next earnings cycle

    38. multiple discriminant analysis, it is still 94 % accurate in predicting bankruptcies one year away, and about 72 - 80 % accurate in predicting bankruptcies two years away

    39. However, the real culprit was methodology; beta was used as a tool for predicting

    40. predicting events that would occur after sixty-nine sevens (483 years from the command to rebuild

    41. However, predicting changes in the cost of capital and

    42. There is no predicting how long that trend will continue

    43. predicting the forces that move a stock and combining them into a consensus that smoothes

    44. invented the very important astrolabe, used for predicting celestial positions, and determining such things as the observer’s location or time of day, which would be crucial to open ocean travel

    45. Julius, in the same way that I move my arm as if I am throwing a ball to you, you will instinctively move your hands to catch it, you are predicting what will happen in the future because you are in tune with how balls move through air

    46. years, mankind still needed a method of predicting seasonal weather changes for important

    47. It was also Peter‘s idea that Nostradamus might brag about successfully predicting that there would be no great flood in the year 1524

    48. worked superbly in predicting atomic and sub-atomic events

    49. predicting that the Muslims would think that by killing Christians and

    50. It’s the exercise in creative futurism, predicting the future in such a way that provides insights to the present, that most intrigues us

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    calculation estimation