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    prison sentence exemples de phrases

    prison sentence

    1. On this basis we regard a 20-year prison sentence to be

    2. Could you believe it? There was a great deal of social unrest and people cried out for longer prison sentences and more arrests

    3. Crime is wrong and should be punished, always, but it should be punishable by an appropriate prison sentence decided by a judge and jury, as has worked in our country for a long time

    4. Raven raised his eyebrows in disbelief, but before he could speak, Andre continued, “The prison sentence is more about consoling the public than it is about punishing the offender

    5. Sheena didn’t buy into coincidences and knew there had to be a connection somewhere, a connection that could lead to a long prison sentence!

    6. For example, anarchist Chris Plummer received a fifteen year prison sentence for breaking into a home and burning neo-Nazi recruiting materials, while Don Black, a white supremacist who tried to overthrow the government of Dominica, received only a three year US prison term

    7. The man had good legal representation, but had still been facing almost certain conviction with prison sentence of ten to twelve years

    8. Marsh received a prison sentence of 12 years, obviously with time off for when he was in custody

    9. She said that prison sentences were tough in Dubai, and

    10. He forgot that he just received a 20 year prison sentence! His memory must be as bad as my ex-wife

    11. Now, the vacation was over, and her prison sentence would

    12. A prison sentence for an unknown heinous crime?

    13. The “alleged” commanding officer, an Old Etonian and ex SAS professional, was handed down a prison sentence of thirty-five years

    14. "For a mission, yes! They volunteered for a special task, not a prison sentence that has snared their sons and their grandsons,"

    15. Without one, I was just hours away from a prison sentence

    16. He had started off with petty thieving, then he had been found guilty and given a long prison sentence for the hi-jacking of a transit load of antiques, which had been bound for Canada to a multi-millionaire business man, who had emigrated there

    17. Bert Bingham was given a 12 year prison sentence, with the judge saying that there should be no allowance for Bert to be given any early release this time

    18. The police called it a mere accident, though there was always talk that he had bought them and the judge off so as not to face a prison sentence

    19. Murray settled down on the back seat and studied the registration numbers of the vehicles as they came and went from the car park, it was just before noon when a Nissan Patrol with the registration Murray was looking for came rolling down the ramp and parked two bays away from the lift door, Mr Hawk stepped from the car and gave a casual glance around the car park, at least it would have looked like a casual glance to an onlooker but Murray knew better, Mr Hawk had scanned the whole car park looking for a threat, he had counted and evaluated every car in the car park, finding nothing untoward he then walked to the lift door and disappeared from Murray’s view, Murray stayed were he was without moving and sure enough two minutes later Mr Hawk stuck his head around the lift door and studied the car park again, checking that nothing had changed, he was behaving exactly as a professional should, as Murray would behave if the roles were reversed, although Mr Hawk would never recognise the fact he had placed himself at a slight mental disadvantage, Mr Hawk’s first impression of Mr Jay had been less than flattering, in fact he thought Mr Jay was a bit of a dork, a clever dork but never the less a dork, not a professional like himself just someone who played around with safe’s and lock’s, this was exactly the impression Murray had set out to promote, even though Murray had outsmarted him, Mr Hawk’s subconscious had still not discarded this first impression that Mr Jay was a gifted amateur, the prison sentence for receiving a measly amount of jewellery reinforced this opinion, this gave Murray a huge advantage

    20. Fess up to mitigate your son's prison sentence? Hell no

    21. Failure to do so could lead to a hefty fine or a lengthy prison sentence

    22. “Should the court find you in violation or noncompliance of any or all the above, a fifteen-year prison sentence with no opportunity for parole will be immediately activated

    23. If you are found guilty,” said Newman, “you will probably be handed down a long prison sentence

    24. For someone who, just eighteen months ago, was facing an extended prison sentence in a fake encounter case, it was an astonishing turnaround

    25. The Federal Government had gone under the concept of a lifelong prison sentence for such a crime for decades

    26. The judge has indicated that he can expect a prison sentence

    27. They think that their own laws are merciful and prison sentence is better for the thief than cutting off his hand, but alas their laws bring them more distress, more thefts and those thefts generate murders and violations, that the thief doesn’t fear because he knows that, in case he is arrested, he will be sentenced for his crime to imprisonment not more, moreover he will meet the masters of criminals in the prison, and after he finishes his sentence, he will get out of the prison having his heart filled with the wicked desires of stealing and devastating the society, that society which has a mercy upon him and does not cut off his hand!

    28. Since Damascus was a small city with a limited population the news was soon circulated in the main square, and that strange story eluded no-one, so it was repeated again and again every evening and at every gathering; it was on everybody’s lips, till eventually it reached the ears of a wicked girl whose brother was a criminal serving a prison sentence

    29. He decided circulate a letter that will urge the public to beseech the government to impose longer prison sentences for black criminals

    30. Back when she was using, Lydia had pled guilty to a felony drug charge in order to avoid a prison sentence

    31. “I think he’s made peace with the prison sentence,” I said, an insight I shared only because the guy had given me $300 and I wanted more

    32. Fermina Daza submitted to this deluxe prison sentence in an attempt to avoid catastrophe with one final sacrifice

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