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    Utiliser "proceed with" dans une phrase

    proceed with exemples de phrases

    proceed with

    1. As you proceed with your studies of Yoga you will find yourself taking less interest in food and more interest in spiritual matters

    2. She could not believe that the Kassikan itself, especially the founders that she knew personally, could have deliberately overdosed Tdeshi to proceed with the transfer

    3. He would contact Harry immediately with instructions to proceed with the plans once he gained her approval

    4. "I think you should proceed with a fresh vote as you have already decided

    5. He sent a mental warning to his companions, indicating they should proceed with caution

    6. Now we will proceed with the exchange of

    7. If you have this desire to go beyond the basic lessons of life, by all means, proceed with your own selection of alternative experience

    8. To dream that your father is dead forewarns that you need to proceed with caution in conducting some business matter

    9. She offered a good-humored smirk and though the Imperial was still burdened by the fresh, devastating news as well as his own constant worries, he decided to take the Breton’s lead and proceed with a smile – weak as it may be

    10. And since your scanning equipment failed to pick up his physog there is no way I can proceed with this investigation

    11. The B’tari and their council agreed he should proceed with his plan to create a wormhole

    12. “Proceed with caution, Mark

    13. “How are we going to proceed with this? Ky here is going to drill a hole in it

    14. the Gulf fleet, directed his ships to proceed with dispatch from Veracruz, on the east coast of Mexico, to Point Isabel, at

    15. Steamer Shenandoah, and that he must at once proceed with his papers

    16. We would all be well advised to proceed with caution

    17. But before we proceed with defragmentation, let me explain why your hard drive becomes fragmented in the first place

    18. Both men watched her as she closed her eyes in a resting position and gave them a gesture to proceed without her attention

    19. proceed with a jury hearing but thought about what I had gotten

    20. Certainly, at the moment, he had no idea how to proceed with the business of persuading this woman to take the higher road, this most difficult, demanding road

    21. from Shri Maharaj, once they refused to proceed with their meal unless

    22. therefore proceed with these versions until further notice

    23. Proceed with the steps you will probably still end up

    24. The RCMP found there were grounds to proceed with disciplinary

    25. “The prosecution is ready to proceed with the trial in the case of the United States against Kenneth Milton James, Jr

    26. It is perhaps possible to proceed without dispensing of objective representation altogether, and for those who wish to uphold representation, I say let us give it a try and move forward

    27. Caligula was petitioned not to proceed with this plan by Jewish delegation sent for that purpose to Rome

    28. Instead, the prosecution had to proceed with more circumstantial data

    29. “Now, Nemia my love, Alilia, Theramin? Shall we proceed with the business at hand?”

    30. I approve of all those projects and plans, and you may proceed with them with due pace

    31. “At any rate, I want you to proceed with all the proposed facilities here with equal priority; the library, the university, especially the faculty of Healers, the resort, and the military academy

    32. And before we proceed with the awards ceremony, I’ll have you know that we have room in our military for sixty-four more fighters at least

    33. “Those of our peoples who are not facing Zarkog’s attackers at any given time send mobile forces to assist those who are, and the rest proceed with further fortifications of their defenses, and the provision of non-combat support

    34. Still, let us proceed with the sharing

    35. His only choice was to proceed with the ceremony

    36. you stil proceed with the open ceremony or wil you conduct it

    37. it was for the best that he didn’t proceed with any surgery unless life-threatening

    38. Don’t proceed with

    39. Then proceed with the following steps:

    40. way to proceed with this more expanded goal, is to read the reference books mentioned in each of

    41. We could not proceed without you

    42. proceed with the plan

    43. “Please proceed with your experiment

    44. You and your companions may proceed within

    45. “We should proceed with caution, My Friends,” said Sigrid

    46. “Okay how do we proceed with this thing Avery?” Barry asked

    47. As you proceed with your mental exercises, build on the thought that they are

    48. All they heard was that a funeral of a wizard was to take place and they were curious as to how they would proceed with it

    49. Jesus had trouble on earth, he has even been falsely called the "man of sorrows," but in and through all of these experiences he enjoyed the comfort of that confidence which ever empowered him to proceed with his life purpose in the full assurance that he was achieving the Father's will

    50. Whenever you feel angry at your dog though, you should not proceed with the training session

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