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    Utiliser "prohibitive" dans une phrase

    prohibitive exemples de phrases


    1. One can only write a small fraction of what was actually said, even if they could remember every word and write fast enough to get it all down in a reasonable time, the cost of the paper would be prohibitive

    2. The cost of maintaining a larger military force was prohibitive at that time

    3. Whenever the cost of labor becomes prohibitive or (comparably) higher in certain markets in relation to others, most businesses will likely gravitate toward (the) cheaper sources of labor

    4. A society that measures its economic output in terms of per capita GDP, a useless indicator in many respects, without regard to its components (people), may ultimately discover its social costs equally prohibitive

    5. Although this highly sophisticated and financially prohibitive and ―impractical‖ venture may appear ‖implausible‖ to some, the reduction in stress-related travel, increased quality time, higher productivity at the workplace and the system‘s ameliorating impact on our environment (already) under enormous stress, not to mention our nation‘s increasing dependence on foreign sources of oil, may very well offset the cost(s) associated with this awesome undertaking

    6. That one simple move would abolish the astronomical profit and, for that alone, criminals would abandon the trade, exactly as when similarly prohibitive liquor laws were repealed

    7. commander the risks and benefits of military actions (and inactions) for seven hard years, he knew a pan-Indian revolt could cost the new nation a prohibitive $15 million / year

    8. In addition, the wind blows best at places far away from where the electricity is used and the cost of transmission can be prohibitive

    9. “The import fees would be a mite prohibitive

    10. prohibitive since it would be almost as much as

    11. The cost is normally prohibitive

    12. had to travel were prohibitive

    13. Their strategy was; if they didn’t like the person they would ask a prohibitive rent and get rid of them that way

    14. Therefore, taking into consideration the total tonnage of bombs dropped and the horrendous toll inflicted on Bomber Command, was the return for such prohibitive losses disproportionate? To try and answer this, it is necessary to go back to the strategy adopted by Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain at the outbreak of World War Two in September 1939

    15. Had prohibitive taxes on dirty energy and waste been invested in waste reduction and independent energy infrastructure in America decades ago, the American economy would still be strong and the world would be a cleaner place

    16. Due to the high demand for, and low supply of, doctors; and prohibitive malpractice insurance costs, other doctors refuse to perform duties associated with the pediatric endocrinologist, and patients have no choice but to endure the added time and expense submitting to a specialist who’s office may be a number of hours away

    17. It’s just un-American to extort people’s savings when they could very well provide for themselves in the absence of prohibitive regulation

    18. But because stem cells in the body are relatively difficult to extract and have often been exposed to environmental conditions that determine specific tissue development prior to extraction, mass reproduction of individuals’ own stem cells for therapy still faces significant prohibitive challenges

    19. But without a doubt, good education and wise leadership will far exceed prohibitive law

    20. where costs are highly uncertain or where the entry costs are prohibitive, are

    21. But ultimately they realized that there would be a prohibitive cost for drilling and blasting out the massive boulders by quarry men as well as the labor to construct roads

    22. delay on getting a command executed on the internet would be prohibitive, this

    23. But the cost of flight training seemed prohibitive, so he had

    24. I don’t think that the cost would be prohibitive

    25. Simply the amount of time it demands makes it prohibitive for anyone except the lucky few

    26. From the employer's point of view this was sensible because the cost of funding defined benefit plans had become prohibitive

    27. And when the costs got prohibitive and the behavior uncontrollable, they are abandoned

    28. had risen to such prohibitive prices that Atlanta ladies were lining their old dresses with pound, tea five hundred dollars a pound

    29. It was the most wanton place and the most prohibitive, both seductive and prim

    30. The margins of safety above suggested are materially higher than those hitherto accepted as adequate, and it may be objected that we are imposing requirements of unreasonable and prohibitive stringency

    31. 7 Most of those sold between 1934 and 1939 either carried very low coupon rates or immediately jumped to a prohibitive premium

    32. But the very copiousness of the data required usually makes the prospectus of prohibitive length

    33. For some market participants, transaction costs may be prohibitive, and a strategy that looks sensible based on model-generated values may not be worth doing when transaction costs are also taken into consideration

    34. Call spreads are used initially when there is strong defined resistance above a trigger or the cost of the desired long call is prohibitive

    35. For individuals this might be prohibitive, but for professional trading firms this is an opportunity

    36. This issue with this pricing characteristic between the index and the option pricing may result in a risk reward profile that is prohibitive

    37. For a long time, geologists had known that massive shale gas formations existed throughout North America, but the cost of getting commercial quantities of gas from the shale was prohibitive

    38. Although “The Heir to the Hoorah” was freighted with a title so prohibitive that people who attach importance to names might be excused for fighting shy of it, it proved to be a play with so many real laughs in it that criticism was disarmed—one always says that as though criticism started armed, which is absurd!—and joined in the somewhat irresistible mirth

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    Synonymes pour "prohibitive"

    prohibitive prohibitory exclusive restricted excluding incompatible