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    prone to

    1. Snails are prone to grow during the early spring, during which it would be unwise to plant anything unprotected that you did not mind the snails eating

    2. Stress can make an animal or human more prone to flea attacks

    3. being blessed and not prone to addictions; to the love which is not

    4. ‘Your grandmother was prone to attacks of nerves

    5. ‘You say that Mrs Hartley-Jones told you that Mr Middlesex was prone to these angry outbursts?’ Jarvis asked

    6. ‘Simthwaite said that Chrissie was prone to wandering off to sit on the shore

    7. whinger who was prone to moaning over the slightest

    8. They were far less prone to fire than the thatching used throughout Ionia

    9. If she had taken the time to really think about her situation in that fort, being widely outnumbered and outmatched in pure brawn, it might have made her sloppy and prone to mistakes that could easily have gotten her killed

    10. One can choose to rely on people’s philosophical interpretations of what they saw around them, which we know is subject to human limitations, not only in space-time, but also the human quality of being prone to making mistakes

    11. waterproof, can be prone to corrosion and denting

    12. Their gentle astringent action makes them ideal for animals prone to scouring and horses can be seen to select rosehips happily when given the opportunity

    13. her as a model student, prone to being a little on the cautious side

    14. One of my best ones is a certain headache powder I’d make for Rufus, who was prone to such afflictions

    15. Sebastian was prone to

    16. ‖ Instead, Evil has acquired a subjective meaning; that is to say, lacking certitude or prone to conventional (or essential) assumptions whose questionable propositions render formal interpretations problematical, if not (morally or ethically) judgmental because of their underlying ―uncertainty,‖ thereby raising the question: what constitutes Good, for that matter? Plato argued that ―which we call evil is merely ignorance and that good is that which everyone desires‖

    17. Transitional elements, as emerging possibilities present themselves, are oftentimes prone to violence because of rising expectations; unlike a society‘s wealthier segments who, lacking little in the way of material comfort, are ―stable‖, as a rule, or (ironically), the abject poor who, (temporarily) resigned to their wretched living conditions, are equally ―at ease‖ in a dormant stage of transition waiting for such an opportunity when there will be reason enough for hope or ―change‖

    18. It is unfortunate that many liberals, prone to accepting freedom at it face value, oftentimes fail to appreciate its actual, if not historical significance as well as America‘s necessary involvement in any war that promotes the cause of freedom

    19. here is my nephew and not the kind of boy who is prone to

    20. Care lines dotted his forehead, and one could easily spot he was not a man prone to laughing easily

    21. New identities and traveling incognito didn’t seem to offer the appealing sense of intrigue and excitement it had for her when first it was mentioned rather, as the conversation unfolded, the prospect became ever more complicated, prone to discovery and horrifying

    22. It might not have even been noticeable to the largely hunter-gatherer populations that lived in mostly temporary shelters around the areas most prone to suffering the slow steady intrusions

    23. Imperial triumvirates seemed to have been prone to this kind of competitiveness, including Constantine’s, which led to his victory over two other co-equal partners

    24. “Yes, that’s what you said,” said Michelle with surprising skepticism in the tone of her voice, considering that she would usually be prone to believe that God might have done such a thing

    25. Since it is so clearly prone to issue decisions that favor one side or the other and since it is foreign to our form of government it should be abolished

    26. head was prone to burst

    27. We're not so prone to judge the minds of others once we have carefully seen our own

    28. It is prone to melt throughs, and this has been outlined in a

    29. “And they’re all built on the coastline; very prone to

    30. Q: The worry with me is that I am prone to denying existence to

    31. observed them making out on one of the soap operas my mother was prone to watching,

    32. with others, and is less prone to becoming ill

    33. He had warned me via phone before my interviews that many of the lab’s Hispanic females were very prone to filing EEO claims versus Anglo male bosses

    34. more prone to using technology, then there are several forms of

    35. prone to unexpected bouts of violence, and even though they were

    36. Such people are hounded by creditors, frustrated and harried, and are prone to tell you what they could have done had they been able to take advantage of an opportunity

    37. Certainly one of the most pre-eminent of astronomers for the last several million years, but reclusive, and not prone to a great deal of communication

    38. We pursue truths to help us with our experiences, and yet, no matter how much we evolve, we are always prone to the human condition

    39. A bout of insomnia will often bring on a migraine in someone prone to

    40. a place where I was prone to falter

    41. A bout of insomnia will often bring on a migraine in someone prone to them

    42. ‘If we understand how the brain works, we may find reasons why certain people are more prone to religion,’ says Newberg

    43. Nowadays, she’s prone to point out that Wilfred wasn’t necessarily evil (at least, not in the

    44. In adolescence, they were more likely to be seen as shying away from social contacts; to be stubborn and indecisive; to be easily upset by frustrations; to think of themselves as bad or unworthy; to regress or become immobilised by stress; to be resentful and mistrustful about not ‘getting enough’; to be prone to jealousy and envy; to overreact to irritation with a sharp temper, so provoking arguments and fights

    45. terrible sleeper, prone to snoring, hogging the sheets and sprawling her long limbs across the

    46. ‘Chantal, stupid!’ I hear Daveda shouting from the back porch—she was prone to

    47. with the excuse that we hadn’t told her that the house was prone to flooding during hurricane

    48. was prone to crying, but when very angry her face would turn to stone

    49. prone to abstractions and gives a substance and

    50. Overall, the PSP is hardly prone to any software issues

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