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    protected exemples de phrases


    1. Plants under the care of the ants are protected by them and are also used as a source of food either for them directly thru the sap or pollen of the plant or indirectly thru the use of aphids and other insects which attack the plant and which in turn are ‘milked’ by the ants (for their nectar)

    2. "I'll trust in the Instinct to keep me from physical harm, but I could loose my kedas, they are not protected

    3. It's a Yant and it's got Sammy surrounded and Rocco revenged and protected, whole and in one piece

    4. law of life in Jesus Christ protected us

    5. "It's password protected," the cherub said to her

    6. "He believed he was protected by his skin-art?"

    7. Only the male technicians get to know about anything of 3D reality outside the ship, the female technicians are protected and do not, they provide essential services to the female Paradis

    8. "Women were protected in my day," he said and tried to turn his head from the subject

    9. "Understand this much, in heaven our women are protected," God rumbled, "their duty is done, they have completed their duties to men

    10. Who do you think kept the dinosaurs at bay? They protected us and cared for us

    11. The teachers had protected them, and taken loving care of them over the years

    12. She had picked up on the energy and knew instinctively that this area was to be protected

    13. All the shelves, table tops and chair backs were protected with embroidered white linen and above us, a wooden beamed ceiling

    14. “Dr Paul, he has always looked out after us, and always protected us and everyone in this camp

    15. Space for a single crew member in the wheel housing and steps that lead down to a tiny protected observation area and little more space for when it was too stormy to stand in the open

    16. Lord Tarak was master of Security Hold; he and his people trained the warriors that protected Aura

    17. But he hid there when he could live nowhere else because the nymphs of the rocks protected him from prying eyes

    18. They have to be protected

    19. 'Sacred ruins? Protected? Oh, don't be so damned sentimental

    20. Sophia and Dorini and Faria are now protected as Designated World Heritage Sites

    21. “They are better protected also,” Elmore pointed out

    22. worked hard would be protected

    23. While Jean’s Heart-Wall protected her heart from

    24. It had protected her heart all these years

    25. protected His chosen people in faultless faith and truth and there are those of each and both

    26. Holding the blanket in place she raises herself up into a sitting position, adjusting the pillow so that her back is protected from the cold stone wall

    27. Some of them are twelve … how responsible were you at that age? The problem is that kids are just too sexually aware these days and not protected from their own sexuality

    28. expected that only the residents of his own world would be protected

    29. The Ash Ward must be protected if the Barrier is

    30. I love you as a grown and independent woman, I loved Tdeshi as a child, a child who needed to be protected and nurtured, Leand’s daughter

    31. the east, with a courtyard entered through an archway and protected

    32. The room is in half light, protected from the outside world by shabby brown curtains that are almost drawn together

    33. protected from the ever-present wind by the castle walls and the

    34. Andy heard voices outside the window of the cell as he washed, grateful that he was safe inside, protected from any hassle

    35. A phone number and contact details scrolled along the bottom of the screen as the presenter went on to describe the bird sanctuary, giving a potted history of the Arlosh Warbler and interviewing the obviously irate chairman of the sanctuary committee who waffled on about desecration of protected sites and the like

    36. originally protected the ornament

    37. ‘Tough!’ the Inspector laughed ‘I know we don’t actually have anything to charge him with – other than aiding and abetting desecration of a protected site – but I’d like to hang on to him for a little longer

    38. Had there been any passersby, they would have observed only a beautifully choreographed dance by two elegant women which protected them from painful death at the hands of a master

    39. “Because we must protect it!” Suzie said, as they came up and approached the Impenetrable Cavern, “The Spirit of the Valley told us that the Impenetrable Cavern and its secrets must be protected at all costs

    40. The Heseans had discovered this place many moons ago, and when they learnt of its power, they had used it to trap what they called ‘The Beast’, and now they protected it generation after generation after generation

    41. in and protected her

    42. protected and provided for us, he is

    43. Getting to the data room was easy, also getting into the protected computer was easy, I found out that thousands of Altreenan’s had been killed while in the sleep rooms! I can’t understand why, I mean, the agents would know that they would simply go back to the astral sub base

    44. Is my hurt so covered and protected by this wall that no

    45. The Arabian oryx is protected here – due to its horns, it is believed to be the animal behind the legend of the unicorn

    46. Local wildlife includes bear, lynx, wild boar, deer, otter, fox and, buffalo and the protected Van Cat (one green eye, one blue eye!)

    47. This smal island is dominated by the Rock of Gibraltar, known for its protected apes who receive a daily supply of water and food, plus regular vet care and microchipping

    48. Tobago is smal er but has one of the highest bird densities on earth, and contains the oldest protected rainforest in the world

    49. The cities were protected by walls that were as much as twenty feet high

    50. "Why does Alan need his privacy protected?"

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