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    public attention exemples de phrases

    public attention

    1. The former of these two effects is a very small loss, the latter a very small advantage ; both too insignificant to deserve any part of the public attention

    2. This difference, however, would surely be too insignificant to deserve the public attention

    3. “We have established bases in every major city in the country and we are poised to act and finally bring our name to public attention

    4. That would mess with all of you, and meanwhile, we could get other agents infiltrated into La tempête secrète during all the public attention Karla's fall would create,” he sang like a

    5. Why they’re constantly seeking public attention; needing to be ‘seen’ here there and everywhere, causing scandals, going to every opening, award ceremony, divorcing, remarrying, joining odd religious sects… in a vain attempt to find the acclaim and satisfaction that performing for a camera can never give

    6. It is seen as a way to bolster lagging economies, focus public attention, and again, control the people

    7. He had learned how to manipulate the facts to help focus public attention on his own concerns

    8. Narasimha Rao, whom circumstances ascended to the gaddi, believed it was his destiny to be remembered as the ‘father of economic reforms’ in the Indian history, but, as the Sangh Parivar’s, mandir wahi banaayenge’ clamor and the Musalmans’ banaane nahi daenge crusade were diverting the national political focus and the public attention from his ‘reforms agenda’, he might have wished that Allah would somehow shift the dilapidated masjid to Pakistan for renovation

    9. Some medical aid was then provided immediately after the news caught public attention and hence the government

    10. I always wanted to become CM of this state but for that, I needed public attention and moreover their support

    11. Public attention was distracted by the appearance of Monsieur Bournisien, who was going across the market with the holy oil

    12. But, in the late 1940s, the Massachusetts facility was not suitable for Rosemary—not because she could not be properly cared for there but because, as Archbishop Cushing told Joe directly, “it would be impossible to avoid public attention

    13. At these words the public attention became more intense, and all eyes were turned towards the door through which Benedetto was to enter

    14. During the reading of this, which was long, the public attention was continually drawn towards Andrea, who bore the inspection with Spartan unconcern

    15. As the matter is eight years old, and as its importance was somewhat obscured by a political crisis which was engaging the public attention at the time, it may be as well to state the facts as far as we have been able to ascertain them

    16. Such is a bald statement of the singular and romantic series of events which centred public attention upon this Lancashire tragedy

    17. These elections were attracting public attention from several circumstances connected with them, and also from the people taking part in them

    18. Thus, although we found Southampton full of Pressmen, we absolutely refused to give any information, which had the natural effect of focussing public attention upon the meeting which was advertised for the evening of November 7th

    19. The price movement that arises from the return to fair value attracts public attention

    20. Financial crises that attract wide public attention are usually associated with the collapse or near collapse of some domestic or foreign financial institution or of the credit of some sovereign nation

    21. During the 2002-2007 bull market, the best-performing stock market sectors were related to housing and finance, but these sectors did not attract nearly the public attention that the dot-com stocks had done during the preceding bubble bull market

    22. Hence the issue is inactive and attracts little public attention

    23. Rising prices and the success of some investors attract public attention and heighten expectations for further price rises, raising investor demand

    24. When the typhus fever had fulfilled its mission of devastation at Lowood, it gradually disappeared from thence; but not till its virulence and the number of its victims had drawn public attention on the school

    25. The slightest public attention threw him into a fit of embarrassment

    26. Even the legislation by which the United States permitted English vessels reaching American ports to avoid the legal requirements of American statute law (which requires a seat in the life-boats for every passenger and every member of the crew) attracted no public attention, and occasional references to the subject by those better informed did nothing to awake action

    27. In spite of the attempts of the friends to hush the matter up, so much public attention has now been drawn to it that no good purpose can be served by affecting to disregard what is a common subject for conversation

    28. We give no opinion regarding the theories of Professor Mitchill, not intending to review the work, but merely to aid, as far as in our power, in drawing the public attention to the interesting subjects about which it is occupied

    29. The flagitiousness of that embassy had been attempted to be concealed by directing the public attention to the price which the gentleman says was given for the disclosure

    30. "Permit me to draw public attention to an almost incredible act of vandalism which was perpetrated during the last year in Egypt, close to the capital

    31. Public attention is thus directed to the merits of the new patent, and sales or introduction often effected

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