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    public image

    1. Moreover, she is always trying to prettify her public image -rather awkwardly I'd say: Tonight, once again she told me she has a love affair with a young man from Crete, yet they only phone each other

    2. Besides it may not be good to the public image of the terrorist group to have genuinely mentally ill people in their ranks

    3. That could also mean that more than a third of Queenslanders had a not so pleasant experience with his police force, which would not improve their public image

    4. You can enhance your career (and your public image) by getting involved in charity work or altruistic causes

    5. You start to redefine your career path and your public image over the next few months

    6. As mentioned in the yearly report, it is good to enhance your career and public image through involvement with charities and good causes

    7. “I don’t know, but I’m sure it has something to do with their public image

    8. The publicity helped the planet’s public image, but only deepened the Swordsmen resolve to punish those who had made them look so inhumane

    9. He had to do something to improve his public image

    10. careful about its public image, in order not to attract unwanted publicity to its affairs and

    11. She was very conscious of her public image, whether on or off the clock

    12. the rhetoric, the public image and the charisma that has dazzled the

    13. about her older brother did not gel with the public image her mother had created over the

    14. Have you considered your public image if this were to end up as news

    15. Was Diamond Head Crater really behind what had happened? Wasn’t it just Stripehead and Natalie? This ambiguity had been almost acceptable when it was merely a matter of building-up a public image, but now real history was being made

    16. My mother was a narrow, silly little mind whose constant concern was our public image and whose guiding principle and personal code of correct conduct was

    17. Was he getting some twisted glee out of her apology, even though he was the one who had screwed them in the first place? Forget about her public image

    18. "Look, let's not talk about it now," Massie said, wishing she had shut her glossed mouth and stayed true to her decision to save her public image

    19. By a singer whose public image was supposed to be as an anti-establishment naturalist; who loved Nature, and hated all big business and corporate consumerism? How venal and obvious was his sellout to being famous and rich living in the exclusive headquarters of the billionaires of Sun Valley? Fighting against any corporate encroachment of his exclusive Nature setting? While representing environmental interests by blatantly lowering himself to the level of an asshole redneck? He fell in love with the simpler carpenters who just drank beer and worked on his porches

    20. The pretence, the posturing, the manufactured public image and the real thing behind that image, the two-faced shrewdness, the two-faced lying of these stupid jackasses can be seen in Wilhelm’s reaction to hearing the Austrian Ultimatum to Serbia writing as a side note in his diary: “It’s now or never”

    21. He had a public image and he enjoyed it

    22. He was brought in when Denny’s faced many lawsuits for discriminating against black customers, and he successfully transformed Denny’s public image issues into a number-one ranking in Fortune magazine’s “Best Companies for Minorities” category in 2000 and 2001

    23. She became aware of her frivolous public image long before she began to grow old, and in the house she was often heard to say: “We have to get rid of all these trinkets; there’s no room to turn around

    24. Urbino Daza and his public image: his talents were limited, his manner awkward, and he suffered from sudden twitching, caused by either happiness or annoyance, and from inopportune blushing, which made one fear for his mental fortitude

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