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    Utiliser "punctuality" dans une phrase

    punctuality exemples de phrases


    1. Kaitlyn Spelman was the first to join him; she sat in the chair across from him and complimented his punctuality

    2. By checking old calendars, they found that it wasn’t ‘occasionally’ that the cutter departed and a tug entered just at dusk: it was with precision, every three months – on the tenth – most unusual in a country where nothing happens with such punctuality

    3. He appreciated punctuality in a killer and this guy was right on time

    4. His punctuality is assured by the two or three wristwatches he wears, ‘to exercise them

    5. The orchestra filed in with typical Prussian punctuality, and by the time our suds arrived most tables had been taken and all eyes focused on the stage where the announcer with hunched shoulders and a hangdog expression was getting ready for his humorous monologue

    6. Aureli-ano, in turn, could sit and read on the porch, waiting for the letters from Amaranta Úrsula, which still arrived with the usual punctuality, and could use the bathroom, from which José Arcadio had banished him when he arrived

    7. Punctuality was an asset, he thought to himself as he negotiated his BMW into traffic

    8. “Uh, oh,” she said, and grimaced, knowing how much Sal valued punctuality

    9. “Well, they’re not exactly known for their punctuality and in this weather, who knows?”

    10. He ate with appetite and he slept with punctuality

    11. Bridge was the one activity which, though it was taken out of its compartment at the proper time, didn't go into it again with any sort of punctuality

    12. I did not expect punctuality

    13. Punctuality is never appreciated by the unpunctual, and the poor always wait for the rich

    14. Evidently there was no rush of punctuality

    15. With such encouragement as this, was she dismissed on the present occasion, to her brother's carriage; which they were ready to enter five minutes after it stopped at the door, a punctuality not very agreeable to their sister-in-law, who had preceded them to the house of her acquaintance, and was there hoping for some delay on their part that might inconvenience either herself or her coachman

    16. Morrel, and I shall say that he is a man honorable to the last degree, and who has up to this time fulfilled every engagement with scrupulous punctuality

    17. The house of Thomson & French had 300,000 or 400,000 francs to pay this month in France; and, knowing your strict punctuality, have collected all the bills bearing your signature, and charged me as they became due to present them, and to employ the money otherwise

    18. "But as a man of honor should answer another, tell me fairly, shall you pay these with the same punctuality?" Morrel shuddered, and looked at the man, who spoke with more assurance than he had hitherto shown

    19. The bills signed by Morrel were presented at his office with scrupulous exactitude, and, thanks to the delay granted by the Englishman, were paid by Cocles with equal punctuality

    20. Great, therefore, was the astonishment when at the end of the month, he cancelled all his obligations with his usual punctuality

    21. 27, in the Rue du Helder, on the 21st of May, at half-past ten in the morning, and your word of honor passed for your punctuality?"

    22. "Good-morning, Lucien, good-morning," said Albert; "your punctuality really alarms me

    23. What do I say? punctuality! You, whom I expected last, you arrive at five minutes to ten, when the time fixed was half-past! Has the ministry resigned?"

    24. "Punctuality," said Monte Cristo, "is the politeness of kings, according to one of your sovereigns, I think; but it is not the same with travellers

    25. This convinced us that something great was to happen, and threw me into an unusual flutter when I repaired to my guardian's office, a model of punctuality

    26. Then, when he had assured himself that he could neither be seen nor heard, and was consequently relieved of doubts, he said,—"Thanks, madame,—thanks for your punctuality;" and he offered a chair to Madame Danglars, which she accepted, for her heart beat so violently that she felt nearly suffocated

    27. As the envoy of the prefect of police punctuality personified, was not yet come in, but that he would be sure to return as the clock arrived ten minutes before ten, he was told that Lord Wilmore, who was precision and struck

    28. The following morning, with the banker's usual punctuality, the eighty thousand francs were placed in the young man's hands as he was on the point of starting, after having left two hundred francs for Caderousse

    29. And to make time to get through all that lay before him every day, he adhered to the strictest punctuality

    30. He did everything with the punctuality imposed upon him in the execution of his duties, and in order once for all to get through the ceremony in a becoming manner

    31. He had but one fault—if one might call it so—and that was his exaggerated idea of punctuality

    32. In what are these ten millions of dollars to be collected? In bank bills, the credit of which is at least doubtful? No, sir, in specie; and when this is entirely withdrawn from the State banks, and the banks are unable to pay the money for their bills, who does not see that this confidence is instantly destroyed—that the bubble bursts—that floods of paper bills will be poured in upon them, which they will be unable to meet, and which will for a time be as worthless as oak leaves—that the banks themselves must, at least temporarily, become bankrupts, and that a prostration of credit, and all those habits of punctuality which for twenty years, we have been striving so successfully to establish, will inevitably ensue, and, with them, also, there must be suspended the commerce, the industry and manufactures of the country; and a scene of embarrassment and derangement be produced, which has been unexampled in our history

    33. As credit is essential to trade, so is punctuality to support credit

    34. Look at the business of any commercial people, and see how much of it is done upon credit; and see the integrity and fidelity with which punctuality is maintained in order to support their credit

    35. And they serve to keep the standard of money steady and correct; to insure punctuality; to preserve credit; to inspire confidence, and to promote a spirit of industry and enterprise

    36. The amounts involved are small, of course, while the talk might seem superabundant to taciturn people like us; but the exactitude in accounts, the watchfulness against debts, the punctuality in their mutual settlements, if grafted into the working of many a church that I have known, would greatly help its peace and growth, and even its good name

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    Synonymes pour "punctuality"

    promptness punctuality