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    Utiliser "punishable" dans une phrase

    punishable exemples de phrases


    1. The Hebrew religion totally forbade intercourse outside of marriage and adultery was punishable by death through stoning

    2. Such behaviour would not be tolerated by the court officials and it was punishable by five lashes with a braided camel-tail whip on the naked back

    3. “Piss off you fucking grave robber you do know that it’s a crime punishable by death to loot the dead?” His face went pale at the mention of this and so did the faces of the two lads he was talking to

    4. Crime is wrong and should be punished, always, but it should be punishable by an appropriate prison sentence decided by a judge and jury, as has worked in our country for a long time

    5. They took it one step further and classified slave trading as piracy, an act punishable by death

    6. It seemed that in wartime, theft and consumption of spirits and other substances that ‘occluded the mind’ were punishable by death

    7. Mistreatment and abandonment are considered as to be punishable offences

    8. trade with dogs and cats to animal testing purposes to be punishable

    9. "You collaborated with the French, and that is punishable by death

    10. Throughout most of the known universe all enlightened species have passed a law making this gesture punishable by amputation of the fingers or tentacles or whatever the extremities just so happen to be

    11. While vandalism may be considered "art" by some, it is nonetheless a crime against property that is punishable by jail time, monetary fines, or both

    12. Statutory rape is a state sex crime that can be charged as a felony or misdemeanor offense and may be punishable by incarceration, fine, probation, and/or registry as a sex offender, depending on the state and circumstances of the incident

    13. To deliberately cause addiction in schoolchildren was heinous, and should be punishable by a death sentence – as it was in certain countries in the East

    14. All of this can the better be understood when it is recalled that these Jews looked upon eating with unwashed hands in the same light as commerce with a harlot, and both were equally punishable by excommunication

    15. The Council considers trespassing a crime punishable by death

    16. The two of them need to be transported separately, because otherwise I’m punishable

    17. All relevant materials are the property of the courts and destruction of any log or record of occurrences relevant to the disappearance and subsequent reappearance of the four missiles recently returned to us is a Federation crime and is punishable by Federation statute

    18. He had rebel technology, which was most likely, punishable by death

    19. rape is punishable with up to 10 years imprisonment

    20. actions" and are punishable by the Article 132

    21. circumstances are punishable with 3 to 6 years of

    22. then it is punishable with 4 to 10 years of imprisonment

    23. punishable with 12 to 20 years of imprisonment with

    24. Another thing: let’s make white collar crime involving the illegal taking of, perhaps, $2,000,000 or more , with intent, a crime punishable by death/lifetime in prison without parole, which is carried out without appeal, as long as the amount, and the intent is shown in undeniable terms

    25. � Without wanting to confess it openly, Browning felt a near fatherly affection towards Ingrid and would not have hesitated to adopt her if not for the fact that it would have clearly constituted an act of fraternization with the enemy, a crime punishable by death in time of war

    26. ����������� ��Because, for me, adopting a German during that war would have been considered by the British as an act of fraternization with the enemy, a crime punishable by death at the time


    28. While adulterers were being drowned in the river however, incestial relations were punishable by burning

    29. Loud and clear the anchorperson bellowed his feeling at what he thought was a crime punishable by no less than life in prison

    30. It used to be on the front of her website before porn became a hate crime punishable by life imprisonment

    31. They consider crimes by Others that harm Humans premeditated and thereby punishable to the maximum extent of the law, which basically means you’re executed

    32. "That Lady Catherine was with child, which, you must know, is a crime that is punishable by death

    33. At a rupturing rate of nearly 50% and with the mere mention of silly things like 'the environment' or 'standards' or 'the planet' being punishable by death, it was not long before every ocean was oozing with oil

    34. Rape is a crime punishable by death

    35. Deviation from the “Path” that “God” intended is punishable

    36. “Dewi, I can’t believe you said that, illegitimate or not, she is still the Ruling Monarch’s daughter, insulting a member of the royal family is punishable by death

    37. The act had been punishable by death

    38. In front of God’s eyes this crime was punishable with death

    39. On the wall right in front of me is a poster stating that, under US Federal Law, such an attempt is punishable by 10 years imprisonment, or a fine of $1million, or both

    40. All except for what his Peers regarded as a punishable offense… which was almost never

    41. � As we noted before, we subordinate ourselves to the dominating order as we find it, or we attempt some form of insubordination, a punishable crime

    42. Killing a cat was punishable by death

    43. His voice had a hint of humor to it as he said into my ear, “You know that’s a punishable offense stealing my pictures?”

    44. These rules govern our actions and are punishable by death

    45. This offence constituted a prominent part of the sin of 'witchcraft,’ or 'dealing with familiar spirits;’ punishable with death

    46. A crime punishable by…”

    47. Treason is a crime punishable by death in America, as well as in many other countries

    48. There are practices and there are acts which, owing to circumstances, the law cannot visit, though they may be worse than many things which are legally punishable

    49. “The prosecution says that Dennis Martin was a philandering rat but that being a rat isn’t a crime punishable by death

    50. And you know, Kaylee, there’s nothing in my contract that says a complicated love life is punishable by suspension

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    Synonymes pour "punishable"

    punishable penal