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    Utiliser "purgative" dans une phrase

    purgative exemples de phrases


    1. to find him administering the same purgative to both the

    2. In Christian mysticism, the three ways of the spiritual life are the purgative in being purified from sin, the illuminative in true understanding of created things, and the unitive in which the soul unites with God by love

    3. I recognized some spurges that let their caustic, purgative sap trickle out

    4. Both things were confused in her memory as a single purgative, as much for the taste as for her terror of the poison, and at the abominable lunches in the palace of the Marquis de Casalduero she had to look away so as not to repay their kindness with the icy nausea of castor oil

    5. ” He would say that they never prepared lunches as appetizing and unusual as on the days when he could not eat because he had taken a laxative, and he was so convinced that this was treachery on the part of his wife that in the end he refused to take a purgative unless she took one with him

    6. I know of nothing more purgative of winter fumes and indigestions

    7. —A sirup is boiled of the root, and given for a purgative, two pills at a time

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    Synonymes pour "purgative"

    aperient cathartic physic purgative evacuant