Utiliser "purloin" dans une phrase
purloin exemples de phrases
1. It took Little Red Gangsta nearly two hours to purloin Mr
2. the absence of Jimmy Scarecrow, and therefrom purloin, steal, or
3. only to purloin that most anointed liberating gain
4. only to purloin thou cherished wealth
5. who only desired to purloin thou
6. will only serve to purloin our precious anointed wealth,
7. Thee can never purloin
8. To climb a wall, to break a branch, to purloin apples, is a mischievous trick in a child; for a man it is a misdemeanor; for a convict it is a crime
1. with taxes purloined from the owners of neon signs,
2. Relief flooded through him as he realised that he could see reasonably well by the light of the moon – he wouldn’t need to use the torch he had purloined – well, not yet at any rate
3. They had little water with them but had purloined the water bottles from the soldiers left in Chram
4. I knew that my purloined goods would not be absolutely safe anywhere, but I had a thought
5. The businesswoman’s outfit Sicarius had purloined for her was dressier than any of the clothes she had in her own closet—back when she had a closet—but she still felt grossly underdressed
6. Some members of the occupation forces dealt not only in cigarettes, but also in coffee, sugar and gasoline purloined from Army stores
7. Since Cisneros told me this part had been written about thirteen hundred years ago, I couldn’t imagine what the condition of the body was when they purloined it
8. remembered the purloined matches
9. , 2003), in which Burger purloined government files for the (apparent) benefit of the Clinton administration
10. He takes up a heavy smooth stone he had earlier purloined from the stream bank and positions a piece of shiny stone on a heavy boulder just so… BAM! BAM! BAM!! He pounds away and then stops mid-blow
11. government, working with the purloined corporations, destroyed
12. So what’s happened in between? Most likely they have been purloined
13. Her friend was sitting in the rocking chair, (which Henrietta had strategically placed in the room so she could look out the windows with an unobstructed view, without anyone outside being able to see her), with two cats in her lap, and was alternating gazing out the windows and reading a book she’d purloined from Kathy’s bookcase
14. The Purloined letter
15. His legs had been dipped in Kool-Aid as payback for a purloined book
16. I had it examined by a botanical expert and elicited the information that it was ablossom of the homegrown potato plant purloined from a forcingcase of the model farm
17. The cardboard had been cut from a Canadian Red Cross POW relief package; because the Red Cross didn’t know of Ofuna’s existence, the package had probably been brought from another camp by the Japanese, who routinely purloined the contents of such parcels for their own consumption
18. He and the padre could be seen frequently side by side, meditative and gazing across the street of a village at a lot of sedate brown children, trying to sort them out, as it were, in low, consulting tones, or else they would together put searching questions as to the parentage of some small, staid urchin met wandering, naked and grave, along the road with a cigar in his baby mouth, and perhaps his mother's rosary, purloined for purposes of ornamentation, hanging in a loop of beads low down on his rotund little stomach
19. No doubt Molly had a few purloined airs and borrowed graces from her time of service in the grander houses on the upper side of Birkenhead Park, but while the family stayed within the more substantial apartment that Pat’s money had secured, the illusion was maintained
20. Purloined,” she added
21. “I prefer purloined to stole
22. They tried to argue it away by reminding conscience that they had purloined sweetmeats and apples scores of times; but conscience was not to be appeased by such thin plausibilities; it seemed to them, in the end, that there was no getting around the stubborn fact that taking sweetmeats was only "hooking," while taking bacon and hams and such valuables was plain simple stealing—and there was a command against that in the Bible
23. note to Princess Mary breaking off her engagement (Mademoiselle Bourienne had purloined it from Princess Mary and given it to the old prince), and he heard from him the story of Natasha’s elopement, with additions
24. I must be served at the fireside, she said; and she placed before me a little round stand with my cup and a plate of toast, absolutely as she used to accommodate me with some privately purloined dainty on a nursery chair: and I smiled and obeyed her as in bygone days
25. As soon as he reached Moscow, Prince Andrew had received from his father Natásha’s note to Princess Mary breaking off her engagement (Mademoiselle Bourienne had purloined it from Princess Mary and given it to the old prince), and he heard from him the story of Natásha’s elopement, with additions