On the stone floor a pyramidal device strewn with cones on each side began to vibrate at an almost imperceptibly fast rate
Torbin approached a pyramidal object nearly the same height as him, covered with cones: a smaller scale version of the temporal eradication device
There is a vast network of pyramidal structures which are able to communicate with each other
This will occur universally and simultaneously wherever these pyramidal structures are located
Nuke also confirmed Richard Hoagland’s claims in The Monuments of Mars that the pyramidal structures and the nearby face in the Cydonia area were built by ETs
Science proved that pyramidal structures pointing upward are receptive to the so
Pyramidal buildings also existed in the Roman Empire and
This creates a pyramidal pile of waste
The result of this basic dynamic of making tools are pyramidal civilizations which accumulate dead things
Creating the pyramids in Egypt, Creating pyramidal temples of stone all over the world: the pyramids of Nigeria, Sudan, Mesoamerica, India, Angkor, the Mayan pyramids, etc
It resulted in a unique characteristic of hominid-human awareness: pyramidal focus
This made them develop the habit and ability of pyramidal focus: the tendency to look narrowly only at one thing while ignoring other things around them
What fire did was it ingrained the habit of pyramidal focus hominids needed for tool-making and tool-use
No other animal possesses this form of dominant pyramidal focus which is both segmential and selective in nature
From our ancestors worshipping the mighty pyramidal power of destructive volcanoes for 25 fucking million years: that is where our great invention of using fire to cook with came from
What is left? For how many millions of years, were our direct ancestors the last, the slowest, the least afraid apes leaving a volcanic eruption? Were they only living animals left to see this display of magical flames after hot ashes fell from the sky like snow? The roaring eruption from a pyramidal cone of a volcano, fiery things coming out of that pyramidal pile, hot cinders coming from above down upon them, covering the land with white, black and grey ashes, just like we covered our food with ashes by cooking it over a fire; all this for 25 million years
The Pyramidal worship of burning pyres and dead volcanoes and pyramids of stone is where our religions comes from
The concentrated pyramidal focus needed for tool-use also became its primary form of awareness
The ape that could block out his outer awareness more successfully: so that hominids came to train themselves in this concentrated form of pyramidal awareness until it became dominant
This shows how both the tool and tool-brain mirror each other Millions of years of using tools plus a million years of staring at a fire, made this form of pyramidal focus dominant
The fear of all Pyramidal Power
Worshipping huge, pyramidal volcanic cones that we feared, hated and loved at the same time
Except… in the context of the fevered brain in the narrow, focused, pyramidal perception of one person in one instant of time… this creative process was and is non-contextual
Through tool-use: the development of pyramidal focus has fostered this kind of awareness in humans until it became our dominant form of perception
By developing and training humans almost exclusively in tool-use, the result is an overdeveloped pyramidal focus and an underdeveloped form of general awareness
As a general summary: it can be said that the evolving one-sided dynamic of tool-use by hominids resulted in modern humans evolving into a condition of Imbalanced Splitness, a condition of imbalanced, selective, pyramidal awareness
Without wisdom overriding our segmented knowledge, our pyramidal focus; we cannot behave, think, or feel rationally or sanely
By erecting a structure that pits its inhabitants against each other as antagonists, the pyramidal nature of the structure alone: creates greed in every living soul within its boundaries
The pyramidal apex of every accumulation was deified, or glorified, or revered, or respected and sanctified in many, many ways
As long as it looked like one of their pyramidal piles of accumulation… as long as it was bigger, taller, wider, longer than something else: it was worshipped and revered
This Pyramidal focus shaped the awareness all of our early cultures
Or in other words; a symbolical, pyramidal representation of an accumulated totality that is pyramidally focused-on, and worshipped
This was the transition from Nature Worship: to Pyramidal Worship
In each case, you can see how the Universal Dynamic of Pyramidal Focus is at work
What was the biggest, most important thing around the Semite slaves in Egypt? A physical Pyramid along with a strict pyramidal hierarchy of Absolute Authority
The Pyramidality of civilization, the pyramids of Egypt, all of the pyramidal ancient temples and structures, come from the historical legacy their ancestors, from the African volcanoes they once feared and worshipped; from 25 million years of living amongst volcanic eruptions, from our ancestors worshipping volcanoes for 25,000,000 years
The shape of the pyramidal volcano is everywhere in human civilization, the dynamic of the volcano is everywhere in the human psyche
World leaders strutting around, having their big ‘summit meetings’: the sum of importance they get from being on top of a pyramid of apes, the entire idea of power as a pyramidal mountain: what is so fucking powerful about a mountain? Mountains don’t have any power: they just sit there and do nothing
These opposing dynamics of pyramidal accumulation and crumbling of the accumulated pyramid has been going on for 10,000 years now, with the same results of growth and collapse; over and over again
Once the maximum pyramidal height is reached: all you get are continuing landslides of sand pouring off the summit without any gain in height… the top layers slightly shifting, while the bottom layers remain permanently crushed and buried under tons of more and more accumulated oppression, or pressure
Oppression is a pyramidal dynamic of pressure which comes from one-sided accumulation
Whether you like it or not, who you are and what you are is defined by your position in the hierarchical pyramidal pile of civilization
By building these inverted pyramidal shapes it became possible to accumulate more people into a smaller area than ever before
By building these inverted pyramidal shapes called arenas it becomes possible for a large mass of people to look at and hear the same thing: Mass propaganda; mass brainwashing, mass culture was born
The pyramidal greater good of the tribe, clan, nation, replaces the greater good of the weakened and secondary communal band
This pyramidal greater good is only interpreted pyramidally
Throughout history, the one constant of human pyramidal perception has been that: it is only what, or who is on top that counts
Even for entertainment, the inverted pyramidal arena becomes the basic form of inter-action
Segmentation; using these separate individuals to accumulate into one inverted pyramidal mass so they can all focus upon one thing
The pyramidal social dynamic of the city created the need for spectacle: where many people could all look at one thing
Human pyramidal focus created and determined how cities full of people live
It is human awareness reversing itself by pyramidal focus
Because dumb imbeciles were selfishly trying to get a personal advantage by keeping secrets because of the stupidity of adversarial competition and pyramidal overpopulation
However you look at it: no pyramidal arrangement of selective ownership can be logically justified
Most Pyramidal structures are a result of the dynamics of one-sided, destructive accumulation
By creating pyramidal cults of authority: the structure itself defines the value system
What is more structurally important in any pyramidal accumulation: the apex or the base? Can the base survive without the apex? Yes
Humans glorify civilization as an unquestioned, unexamined, pyramidal accumulation of knowledge, power, wealth and fame
Instead they only focus upon the apex of that pyramidal accumulation and worship it, glorify it… pyramidally, segmentially, out of context: simply by not putting all the segments of that totality together
Then this inverted pyramidal focuses of attention was magnified by the accumulation of more people gathering around to mindlessly be distracted by something
Why? Pyramidal focus
It even trains the spectators out of the habit of pyramidal focus
This is the logical end-result of the ant-heap of overpopulation, the pyramidal shitpile of civilized society, the insanity of over-accumulation which comes from using tools and competing instead of cooperating
Beginning with the concept of ownership and property, the increased accumulation of human populations, the development of abstract linear reality: abstract boundary lines, writing and a pyramidal authority which had to create a system for managing this condition of massed humanity
The lesson in all this is, that in order to preserve peace by upholding the concept of law: you must also preserve the pyramidal heap of civilization, and vice versa
All worship is actually a distorted pyramidal sense of Wonder
Belief is pyramidal: it worships-values-focuses pyramidally
It is a sanctification of ignorance and the refusal to explore or question beyond what is given as a pyramidal answer
What has the pyramidal sense of Wonder has created? Ten Thousand years of people being told what to do, what to think, and what to feel
That is what human pyramidal focus creates: a pyramidal structure with an elite who must be worshipped and revered
Civilization creates Pyramidal belief systems that are sanctified pyramidally, and worshipped pyramidally… these pyramidal aspects are all reflections of each other
This reverse pyramidal dynamic of the concentration of wealth, power, knowledge and social standing being accumulated at the top of civilization’s structures has not changed, and will not change as long as the entire human race takes this state of affairs for granted
Any single focus or viewpoint that is duplicated and multiplied by the dynamic of mass media, pyramidal focus, and the mindless, reactive conformity of spectators destroys perspective
In a consumer driven, corporate controlled economy: what point is there in having a media that broadcasts only what the consumer wants to hear and only what corporations allow them to hear? What is the point in broadcasting only one major story… the same story to billions of viewers, and by that pyramidal focus: implying that no other news stories happened that day to 7 billion people? That is the opposite of news
Humans possess two general kinds of awarenesses: the tool-brain focusing upon one thing to the exclusion of all else, pyramidal or selective focus and being aware of everything around you all the time, the Sense of Pure Wonder
But when that pyramidal focus becomes dominant and segmented, it becomes an imbalanced awareness; it develops a need for distraction
Put that together with the need to accumulate, the arbitrary randomness of human creativity, the need to survive inside the accumulation of civilization, the tendency to preserve, perpetuate, glorify, worship, value things pyramidally, the pyramidal dynamic of the four major aspects of human accumulation: knowledge-power-wealth-fame and you get the sum total of all human activity
We worship the pyramidal zenith of unapproachable, stunted people; who we call Stars… who if we got to know them, we would lose all interest in
This is the kind of Pyramidal tool-focus that creates the human ego
Somewhere down the reverse pile of pyramidal wealth, somebody has to pay for the wealth that is reaped and accumulated at the top
As long as someone is profiting at somebody else’s expense, as long as there is any imbalance in the pyramidal structure of profit, there can be no justice or equity
Witness Marx’s idea-book of replacing all hierarchy with a communal model: and how the so-called Marxists corrupted that idea and transformed it into a brutal, fascist, totalitarian state that was even more pyramidal, even more imbalanced, even more unfair than the capitalist model
where the pyramidal ascension of Nobles and Royalty was determined by those who died: leaving an empty seat
And the lower down you go on the pyramidal heap: the more insecure the jobs are
The dynamic of upward mobility in a pyramidal pile of hierarchical exclusiveness; guarantees social friction, and unhappiness for 99% of the population
The ego is merely the crust of separation that humans must develop in order not to be crushed by others of their own kind in the pyramidal sand pile of civilization
All of these dynamic are based upon the pyramidal dynamic of exclusivity
In the pyramidal structure of civilization where most jobs are menial-boring-limiting: there is always a constant struggle and conflict going on for the more rewarding jobs; but most jobs are only financially rewarding
This is the inevitable dynamic which the pyramidal structure of civilization creates; the more humans overpopulate themselves, the higher the pile of human masses accumulate: the more rotten and criminal and corrupt will be the ones who manage to clamber to the top of this shitpile and stay there as long as possible
Human society accumulating into pyramids, into pyramidal piles of wealth, power, status
Once you hear the code words of a higher purpose, a higher spirituality, a higher level, a higher self, a higher authority… you can rest assured that the rest of the message will be a bunch of exclusionary pyramidal crap
It was corrupted and poisoned into an elitist organization; it became just another elitist snobbery of ‘higher spirituality’; just like all the other elite pyramidal social structures that oppress mankind
Because you worship the pyramidal apex of everything
What is the difference between selective Pyramidal focus, selective intelligence and selective Incrementalism? Nothing
Without the pyramidal overpopulation of billions of poor people whom they rob and tax and cheat, they could not even exist let alone survive
Civilized human awareness is pyramidal in focus and exclusively selective as hell
What I call: Pyramidal Focus is what Science calls: Selective Awareness
Superstar baseball and hockey players receive fame and huge salaries: but the farm leagues and the thousands of athletes who are trained and groomed just so a few can reach this pyramidal status, get almost no recognition at all
This pyramidal reversal of actuality exists in all civilized value systems
The result of placing ourselves at the top of a pyramidal hierarchy of life-value is the slaughter and destruction of all other living organisms being routinely done without qualms or misgivings