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    Utiliser "raffle" dans une phrase

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    1. Atop the podium was a large, fat man holding a raffle of some sort

    2. “7-14! Who here has a raffle ticket reading Revelation 7-14?? ”

    3. Instead of piddling for the little prizes which are to be found in what may be called the paltry raffle of colony faction, they might then hope, from the presumption which men naturally have in their own ability and good fortune, to draw some of the great prizes which sometimes come from the wheel of the great state lottery of British politics

    4. On this table there were programmes and a box for charity donations, a clipboard with raffle sheets and a lockup box for the raffle and charity money

    5. Luckily, the chairman who was also an EB salaried employee gave me the EAP Director's name and phone number on the back of a raffle ticket

    6. In fact, during the season, at Century 21’s tent, I had won in a raffle a Carhartt leather work jacket emblazoned with the Miller High Life logo which I cannot wear around Groton lest I shock my fellow Friends of Bill

    7. His mind however, was idly speculating on whether or not the raffle for the car would be drawn a week on Sunday as was planned

    8. “Well,” Steve said, “they are drawing the raffle after the morning services on Sunday, at noon, in the church hall at St

    9. Later that night Chris pulled the raffle ticket out of his wallet and checked the number, it was still 999

    10. The ground underfoot was littered with discarded raffle tickets

    11. You seemed to be surprised when you won the car in the raffle

    12. The week before it Matthew bought a raffle ticket, as did Bridget in one the main stores in the town

    13. He was so fortunate he had decided to buy a ticket in the raffle and so, so lucky to have won it

    14. the more raffle tickets an individual has earned, the more chance they have of winning

    15. A young woman who was selling numbers for the raffle of an accordion greeted him with a great deal of familiarity

    16. She liked him so much from that first meeting that she fixed things so that he would win the accordion in the raffle

    17. It was during that time that it occurred to Petra Cotes to raffle off rabbits

    18. They reproduced and grew up so fast that there was barely time to sell the tickets for the raffle

    19. But one night, when nobody in town wanted to hear about the rabbit raffle any more, he heard a noise by the courtyard door

    20. “Were going to have to raffle you off,” she would tell her, perplexed at the fact that men’s words would not penetrate her

    21. It was such an unbreakable decision that Aureliano Segundo went back to her house eight months after the last message and found her green disheveled, with sunken eyelids and skin span-gled with mange, but she was writing out numbers on small pieces of paper to make a raffle

    22. “Unless you plan to raffle off bones

    23. Sometimes the cock’s crow would find them piling and unpiling coins, taking a bit away from here to put there, to that this bunch would be enough to keep Fernanda happy and that would be for Amaranta Úrsula’s shoes, and that other one for Santa Sofía de la Piedad, who had not had a new dress since the time of all the noise, and this to order the coffin if Úrsula died, and this for the coffee which was going up a cent a pound in price every three months, and this for the sugar which sweetened less every day, and this for the lumber which was still wet from the rains, and this other one for the paper and the colored ink to make tickets with, and what was left over to pay off the winner of the April calf whose hide they had miraculously saved when it came down with a symptomatic carbuncle just when all of the numbers in the raffle had already been sold

    24. they wondered what had happened in the world for the animals not to breed with the same drive as before, why money slipped through their fingers, and why people who a short time before had burned rolls of bills in the carousing considered it highway robbery to charge twelve cents for a raffle of six hens

    25. As he lost his voice, however, and realized that in a short time he would be unable to bear the pain, he began to understand that it was not through raffled pigs and goats that his daughter would get to Brussels, so he conceived the idea of organizing the fabulous raffle of the lands destroyed by the deluge, which could easily be restored by a person with the money to do so

    26. The night of the raffle the winners held a huge celebration, comparable only to those of the good days of the banana company, and Aureliano Segundo, for the last time, played the forgotten songs of Francisco the Man on the accordion, but he could no longer sing them

    27. Several times, when she had no animals to raffle off and people lost interest in the lottery, she went without food so that Fernanda could have something to eat, and she continued fulfilling the pledge to herself until she saw Fernanda’s funeral pro-cession pass by

    28. that the grand prize in its raffle to emphasize environmental awareness will be a Hummer

    29. (On the evening of 07/15/06, my husband won the 50-50 raffle at the Founder's Day dinner

    30. He greeted me warmly by name, told me to fill out a name tag and handed me a ticket for the door prize raffle

    31. rifa is usuallyused in the sense of the English word "raffle" or

    32. Here’s a sample script for offering a give-away at someone’s event: “It would really help me out if you would raffle off or give away some of my products

    33. Stage a unique raffle

    34. “What you going to raffle?” the Patrón asked

    35. Oh, I know it ain’t very valuable, but when you got something that ain’t worth much—why, you raffle it, don’t you? If you got a good cause you can raffle an old pair of socks

    36. By tacit agreement no one mentioned the raffle to Doc

    37. Consider what was in store for the ticket holders: a party at the Palace Flop house; a raffle that amounted to a potlatch; an engagement of exciting proportions unknown in the annals of the Row; and, on top of this, a costume party! Any one of these would have been enough

    38. The quiver was added as a hiding place for the winning raffle ticket

    39. For although nearly everyone on the Row knew the raffle was rigged, a certain pride made it necessary to carry the deception off with dignity

    40. To a certain extent the theme of the Palace Flop house raffle and engagement party was chosen because of Hazel

    41. In front of the back door a little stage was built, with a painter’s dropcloth for a curtain and the door for an entrance—for certain theatrical effects, not counting the raffle itself, were planned for that area

    42. Joe Elegant’s life had not been in danger since the engagement and raffle party, but he hadn’t felt much friendliness in Cannery Row either

    43. I don’t at all like the idea of vaudeville, and I abhor a raffle!”

    1. prizes that were to be raffled off that evening

    2. At first Aureliano Segundo would spend three days of the week shut up in what had been his rancher’s office drawing ticket after ticket, Painting with a fair skill a red cow, a green pig, or a group of blue hens, according to the animal being raffled, and he would sketch out a good imitation of printed numbers and the name that Petra Cotes thought good to call the business: Divine Providence Raffles

    3. As he lost his voice, however, and realized that in a short time he would be unable to bear the pain, he began to understand that it was not through raffled pigs and goats that his daughter would get to Brussels, so he conceived the idea of organizing the fabulous raffle of the lands destroyed by the deluge, which could easily be restored by a person with the money to do so

    1. Tipene had no interest in raffles, so he kept walking

    2. Dixie drove me to this rehab in RI Tuesday morning with a paper shopping bag full of extra AA books she had accumulated via her uncanny luck of winning raffles

    3. headed for Orchard Road to have a drink at the Raffles

    4. She had arrived in Macon-do in the middle of the war with a chalice husband who lived off raffles, and when the man died she kept up the business

    5. Until the end of the wars Petra Cotes continued to support herself with the returns from her raffles and Aureliano Segundo was able to sack Úrsula’s savings from time to time

    6. The raffles never got very far

    7. At first Aureliano Segundo would spend three days of the week shut up in what had been his rancher’s office drawing ticket after ticket, Painting with a fair skill a red cow, a green pig, or a group of blue hens, according to the animal being raffled, and he would sketch out a good imitation of printed numbers and the name that Petra Cotes thought good to call the business: Divine Providence Raffles

    8. Aureliano Segundo was so busy trying to maintain the prestige of his raffles that he barely had time to see the children

    9. Tormented by the fear of dying without having sent Amaranta Úrsula to Brussels, he worked as he had never done, and instead of one he made three weekly raffles

    10. She saw to it that she had a good pair of shoes for street wear, that she always had cloth-ing, even during the times when the raffles were work-ing only through some miracle

    11. The Raffles Hotel and Singapore Club were often frequented by officers

    12. Cutting me off in traffic and making me wait behind them at the grocery store and winning raffles and buying the last waffle cone at the ice cream shop

    13. give the microphone to this reprobate at the Cottonfields, Coco’s, Raffles, Coimbra,

    14. His order has definite epicurean tendencies, which have traditionally been accepted by the Church because its raffles, casinos, horse and/or lizard races, etc

    15. His name was John Raffles, and he sometimes wrote jocosely W

    16. after his name, and that he, Raffles, originated the witticism of calling that celebrated principal BaLamb

    17. "Yes, I've done," said Raffles, taking hold of his hat which stood

    18. As Rigg pronounced the last words he turned round and looked at Raffles with his prominent frozen eyes

    19. The contrast was as striking as it could have been eighteen years before, when Rigg was a most unengaging kickable boy, and Raffles was the rather thick-set Adonis of bar-rooms and back-parlors

    20. But the advantage now was on the side of Rigg, and auditors of this conversation might probably have expected that Raffles would retire with the air of a defeated dog

    21. "That's a pity, now, Josh," said Raffles, affecting to scratch his head and wrinkle his brows upward as if he were nonplussed

    22. Raffles on most occasions kept up the sense of having been educated at an academy, and being able, if he chose, to pass well everywhere; indeed, there was not one of his fellow-men whom he did not feel himself in a position to ridicule and torment, confident of the entertainment which he thus gave to all the rest of the company

    23. Raffles, whose appearance presented no other change than such as was due to a suit of black and a crape hat-band

    24. Bulstrode, but it ended in his putting out his hand coldly to Raffles and saying—

    25. "Thank you," said Raffles, making a grimace

    26. Bulstrode had not yet fully learned that even the desire for cognac was not stronger in Raffles than the desire to torment, and that a hint of annoyance always served him as a fresh cue

    27. Bulstrode entertained Raffles merely as a friend of her former master

    28. Raffles, that we can hardly enjoy each other's society

    29. "With all my heart," said Raffles; "this is a comfortable place—a little dull for a continuance; but I can put up with it for a night, with this good liquor and the prospect of seeing you again in the morning

    30. It was inevitable that he should wish to get rid of John Raffles, though his reappearance could not be regarded as lying outside the divine plan

    31. Raffles, with whom he was condemned to breakfast

    32. Raffles," said the banker, who could hardly do more than sip his tea and break his toast without eating it, "I shall be obliged if you will mention at once the ground on which you wished to meet with me

    33. Raffles winked slowly as he looked at Mr

    34. "That must be as it suits my convenience," said Raffles coolly

    35. Raffles had pushed away his chair and looked down at himself, particularly at his straps

    36. Raffles," said Bulstrode,

    37. "Ah, to be sure," said Raffles, with a mocking cordiality

    38. Bulstrode felt a shuddering nausea, and did not speak, but was considering diligently whether he should not leave Raffles to do as he would, and simply defy him as a slanderer

    39. And again: it seemed no wrong to keep Raffles at a distance, but Mr

    40. Raffles ended with a jocose snuffle: no man felt his intellect more superior to religious cant

    41. "Ha, ha!" said Raffles, with an affected explosion, "that reminds me

    42. Here Raffles rose and stalked once or twice up and down the room, swinging his leg, and assuming an air of masterly meditation

    43. He was rising to do what Raffles suggested, when the latter said, lifting up his finger as if with a sudden recollection—

    44. Raffles immediately took out his pocket-book, and wrote down the name, not because he expected to use it, but merely for the sake of not being at a loss if he ever did happen to want it

    45. Raffles there is always probable good in a secret

    46. Raffles, who never hesitated to thrust himself on unwilling observation, if it suited his purpose to do so

    47. Hereupon Raffles, who had lifted his hat with the last words, turned himself round with a swing of his leg and walked away

    48. Later in the evening, however, Raffles overtook him in the street, and appearing either to have forgotten the roughness of his former reception or to intend avenging it by a forgiving familiarity, greeted him jovially and walked by his side, remarking at first on the pleasantness of the town and neighborhood

    49. Will suspected that the man had been drinking and was considering how to shake him off when Raffles said—

    50. She ran away from her friends when she was a young lass—a proud-spirited lass, and pretty, by Jove! I knew the reason why she ran away," said Raffles, winking slowly as he looked sideways at Will

    1. She touched my head and caressing my raffling hairs

    2. And, worst of all, she had burned two blisters on her fingers helping Pittypat and Cookie make layer cakes for raffling

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    Synonymes pour "raffle"

    raffle raffle off