Utiliser "record player" dans une phrase
record player exemples de phrases
record player
1. ! It's only a record player, man
2. He turned his head and searched the floor, but there was nothing left of the old record player
3. There were wire recorders and tape recorders then but they were big and boxy, clumsier to handle than a small record player
4. Colling suggested that music might be appropriate, but because there was no band available, it would have to be recorded marches, played on the portable record player that Sergeant Delonzo had carried across Europe in the back of the ¾-ton motor pool truck
5. It was about this time that Bridget spotted a second hand record player in one of the local shops and bought it
6. the winter chill, and an old record player stood in for the expensive sound system
7. On Christmas Eve she laid on the couch with the record player low, the Christmas lights twinkling and the fire burning
8. The party was still going on now, long after the booze had gone and someone had spilt wine all over the record player, with those dogged dancers still going out of little more than monkish habit
9. Today’s turntable, with its playing cartridge, evolved from the phonautograph, phonograph, gramophone and record player
10. Believe it not, someone came up with an idea for a record player in a car in the late 1950s
11. The first product Motorola started to develop was a record player for automobiles
12. Having thrown out my old record player years ago and with no way to play the albums this was a section of my entertainment center that did not get a lot of play
13. present to dance and made sure the record player was never silent
14. “Please tell me you had one of those Fisher Price record players in your room
15. She lifted the needle from an old-fashioned record player, plunked on one corner of her messy desk, and removed a record and slipped it into a paper sleeve as she said, “Well, don’t just stand there
16. Past mixing with present as the shamanic drums battled with Don Mclean’s American Pie which spun round and round on a record player somewhere in my mind
17. Just a huge new television set and an elaborate record player and
18. The O was meant to look like a vinyl record and the T had been moved to an angle to look like the arm of the record player
19. She places the microphone into the bell-shaped speaker of the electrophone, switches on the record player, and the plate begins to spin
20. What I came to know as “modern jazz” played on the record player
21. When I hit the road again, I traveled with a portable record player and a suitcase containing a small selection of discs that I would listen to in my hotel room in order to stay out of trouble upon my return to America
22. At home, he had a Fancy Trax portable record player with a built-in speaker, and they could kill hours doing goofy dances in front of the mirror or playing tennis-racket guitars
23. (What, did he think they were made out of money? is what Charlie’s mom said when he asked if he, too, could have a Fancy Trax record player
24. They’d remembered! He almost ran to the Fancy Trax record players
25. Yes, life was filled with pain, as Patti now sang from the record player
26. And Patty realized Ben was just standing over his record player, picking up the needle and playing the words over and over, like a prayer
27. It was a whole nother room, the serious part of the tornado cellar, and yes, a dead end, but no time to think, got to keep going, and now light was illuminating the basement, Diondra and Crystal were coming and I shut the door behind me and stepped into the narrow room, more stuff stored there—old record players, a crib, a mini-fridge, all stacked to the sides, not much more than another twenty feet to run, and behind me I could hear more of the junk pile collapsing in front of the door, but that didn’t help much, they’d be through that in a few seconds
28. Thing 1 dropped her records all over the section of floor vaguely near the record player and made her way into the kitchen
29. Despite this, he continues to set the stage for the great seduction—the smoking jacket, chilled champagne, potato chips, and Rachmaninoff on the record player—all with hilarious results as The Girl successfully avoids the seduction