Utiliser "recruit" dans une phrase
recruit exemples de phrases
1. Now, we are forced to recruit below our standards and traditions in order to replenish our numbers
2. Brice had just left, once more thwarted in his efforts to recruit Alec to his cause when their conversation began
3. If you are stumped on how to recruit affiliates, check out these 7 tips…
4. The Legate had had fairly high hopes for the new recruit and expected as much
5. The man added that he could tell the red-headed Nord would make an excellent recruit and that with more warriors like him, the damned Imperials would be driven back across the Jerall Mountains soon enough
6. Beside him the tawny-headed recruit, a man even younger still, excitedly turned to him
7. Excitable and given to theatric antics, the officer was sure that this recruit had been a bard in his previous life
8. The clownish recruit was not yet satisfied
9. recruit only stammered and cleared his throat awkwardly, eyes huge and dashing to and fro in nervousness
10. After their appearance at the robbery attempt I started suspecting that it might be the case, but being a new recruit I had to put that theory to the test
11. The mischievous blond recruit, always eager to impress his DRAFT
12. Carius took a drink of water while the recruit spoke
13. He again derided Brynjolf for his eagerness to recruit the young woman - a move no doubt driven by her charisma, a supply of which matched that of the red-headed Nord
14. The Breton turned to see the smiling face of one of the other soldiers, an Altmer – something of a rarity in the army, but nonetheless a proud recruit
15. But the trance was broken by a rushing recruit at his side
16. He tersely addressed the recruit without even allowing his eyes to break away from those of the red-headed man
17. The dark-haired Imperial watched the recruit run off, regretful for snapping at him and preoccupied with the latest developments
18. Carius’ eyes darted to the side in thought, then back to the recruit before him
19. But nearly all of them were wondering what had become of not only their Guild Master and the promising recruit, but now also Brynjolf – who had for years been a steady second hand at the helm
20. And even though the Tribune ignored him, the recruit did not hesitate to speak to Penelope with barely contained enthusiasm
21. But the very name the recruit just mentioned so casually nearly stopped her heart
22. The higher the quality of your giveaway, and the more relevant it is to your market as a whole, the easier it will be to recruit new subscribers
23. The determined young woman, the latest and most promising recruit she had seen in a while, was related to this mystery
24. as well as recruit young greenhands that were always part of a
25. These men constituted the nucleus of the force which Waddell needed to organize and recruit at the place
26. Over and above the transfer itself, the most important immediate objective was to recruit sufficient additional crewmembers, so
27. ‘Of course I had to appeal to your ego – it was the obvious way to recruit you
28. There was no mistaking their destination, the Kingarin Forest, where they would attempt to recruit Dremelden Immortals
29. By its use, the misappropriation of kit, a common form of recruit hazing, would be impossible, and the possession of a full equipment by each soldier easily assured
30. Often wondered if we could not recruit fast bowlers from them but as you know, sport teams were also separated by law
31. It is not their fault that they were forced to use many years’ worth of quota of new recruits for the 2010 Soccer World Cup and thus they cannot recruit anyone for the next couple years
32. Before that they could not recruit for years because of budget constraints which is why I said the College don’t really exist any-more
33. He sported the rank of a raw recruit, and he had a swollen and likely broken nose
34. They also could not recruit from the South African Army and many who did volunteer were returned to the Military Police as deserters
35. But now it is known that terrorist groups are increasingly recruiting specialists in engineering, medicine, chemistry, physics, computer programming and you have to ask yourself why for the skills they are trying to recruit is betraying their intentions
36. During the Second World War both 6 and 5 went out of their way to recruit (wartime only) practising lawyers or barristers as they are called in the UK
37. In the recruit it often means a gradual change which is seen in the way he dresses and acts
38. The new recruit must betray his comrades to the Security Forces to gain trust
39. Boys from the age group 11 to 16 are popular to recruit because they don't question orders and are easily manipulated
40. I would remind this young man that whatever franchise in whatever sport, team owners are looking to recruit the most talented athletes available on the open market that offers its club the best opportunity to win regardless of color or ethnicity
41. Since the US was seeking allies in the Third World, in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Mideast, one could not easily recruit such allies if there were images of police attacking nonwhites in papers and on television
42. Often the only labor activists who would recruit minorities were socialist or communists (not allied with the Soviet Union) such as A Philip Randolph and Emma Tenayuca
43. If anything, it only brought him more troubles because the secret police considered anyone with revolutionary experience to be a likely subject for the counterrevolutionaries to recruit
44. “She did recruit me, true enough
45. “I think she’s trying to recruit him,” Tobias says
46. Evelyn won’t let us leave without a fight, so I thought it would be best to recruit people who I know to be experienced with surviving danger
47. We should discreetly recruit like-minded patriots from among all the people of the plateau
48. The first town we encountered did not resist, but rather the chief tried to recruit us to destroy their neighboring town
49. Henry became more wary and tried to recruit locals to scout for us
50. I think they tried to recruit him once
1. It was where they’d first learned to fly the Bitzer as a test squadron recruited from prison
2. from which they had been recruited
3. and the Travellers Guidance Group – almost invariably recruited
4. This was the time he was recruited into the
5. was recruited, because of the size of his hands
6. than thirty years of age, recruited by the NN after college and then three years with
7. There's a reason why the Order never recruited these people, it's because they're ill-bred, poor blooded idiots
8. Lastly, Gunt had recruited a score of children
9. they – recruited – some of their women
10. the elite are recruited and their education
11. In it were several things that he had received from Serian on the day that he was recruited: a set of white Elastics, a pistol, two loaded magazines, and a spare SmartWrist
12. In addition, there were suspicions that the Shenandoah had recruited crewmembers from the local area in violation of
13. Booth had recruited five conspirators including John Surratt, but by April 14, only two remained on board
14. Such a massive undertaking meant a somewhat aggressive recruitment drive: people, such as electronics technicians, software engineers, structural engineers, an architect, and even a geologist were recruited – whether they liked it or not
15. Captain Hawes recruited new crewmembers and soon the ship
16. Before the revolution, Martha had served as a Gate Captain for Charkel, now she was recruited in Tobin’s army after being recommended by a number of the other local captains
17. recruited me to be the salesman for Carolin Homes
18. Jack Mills wisely stayed out of direct sales but instead recruited dealers to do the selling to the public
19. We recruited our sales force mostly from the United States
20. As he explains, motor units are recruited in a speciic pattern, from the smallest to the largest
21. “When lifting a light load to failure, the smallest motor units that were initially recruited will become fatigued, producing less force or ceasing to ire completely, at which point larger motor units will be recruited to sustain the lifting movement
22. Theoretically, nearly all motor units will be recruited, trained and hypertrophied
23. That message translates to more muscle ibers being recruited and more motor neurons being ired in preparation to protect the muscle from potential injury
24. that will be recruited
25. be recruited and the more energy that will be stored in
26. He has enlisted an army and recruited the men from many kingdoms, mercenaries and so called adventurers alike
27. Experienced guys were the first choice unless they were police women recruited to answer the 10111 (emergency like 911) phones, but have you ever heard of a woman who would do anything and keep quiet while doing it? Hell, even I could tell the generals that they were not going to stay on the phones, and that they would want to be in on the action! Gave me grey hair at 21 they did with their constant demands for squad cars and the right to become fatherly, (perhaps motherly) with wayward criminals and terrorists
28. “I guess I’m lucky to have recruited a professional assassin
29. Crowley recruited from his adepts, Joshua and Adriano had seen them fail, fall into despair, and
30. What about the notorious waterboarding and Guantanamo Bay? Yes, also necessary in the theatre of real life but it also recruited many more radicals
31. I wondered if that was a common mix they tried for, or if they just took the classes as they came depending on who happened to be recruited, or captured, or whatever you consider it
32. We also know that Al Qaeda is trying something known in the trade as "sleeper agents" where they actively advise the newly recruited members to stay in their countries and become active later on
33. ” Fillmore was recruited for the Know Nothings by Anna Carroll
34. Plantation owners recruited labor from China, Japan, Puerto Rico, the Philippines, and Blacks from the US
35. I think a lot of guys got recruited that way, and ended up in Murmansk fighting the Bolsheviks
36. He was one of those recruited as the operator of a safe house
37. If that turns out to be an accurate account, why would he have been insistent upon its inclusion? Is it possible that Revelation, being so full of symbolism and metaphoric references seemed rather similar to the Mysteries of the Mythrian belief system, and would have been of interest to newly recruited acolytes from paganism?
38. as twelve had been actively recruited to serve as prostitutes
39. We’ve been moving product throughout the entire state, we’ve recruited some smart young niggas that have proved that they’re willing to put in the work, and our enemies have fallen to the wayside
40. Another small boy, recruited with the promise of a wad of rolled up banknotes
41. I added that perhaps the southeastern Timacua, the Calusa, the Cusabo, and the coastal Northeast Bands should be recruited as well
42. Harry thought how ridiculous it sounded and chuckled to himself, did the readers actually believe any of it? The man had obviously been recruited from the National Enquirer
43. The lawyers in turn have recruited swarms of scientists to work up
44. Nor does he wish to know that in the shadows of his flawless image, amongst the bottom dwellers of society, there are always the jailers, the torturers, and the murderers waiting to be recruited to the cause
45. At 13, I was recruited by the Masons (DeMolay)
46. Since he did not have enough coaches for the girl teams, he recruited a reluctant and expecting Josie to coach Suni’s team
47. While Roger may have mishandled the situation when the family crisis began with Josie’s revelation of her “homosexuality of convenience” into which he maintains she was shamefully recruited, his patient, though at times painful, dealings with the children are finally paying off
48. From my having been recruited for Marine Corps PLC (law) at Emory, I knew that the future JAGs did the same 16-week gig at Quantico as combat officers
49. While in her first year as Dean, the Department of National Defense recruited her to organize the nursing department at the Veteran’s Memorial Hospital which was under construction
50. Another interesting twist of fate, of which the Navy was ignorant when they recruited me, and for most of my tenure, was that I had been interviewed by telephone by Ingalls’ GC, George Washington Howell, before the Navy hired me—then on its third try, assigned me to Pascagoula
1. Sixteen years ago, we chose to seal the portal and stop recruiting and stop rescuing orphans
2. do it whenever the recruiting drive lacks
3. She simply had started recruiting too late
4. For when you mean to graduate? Is it this coming July, 1982 or next of 1983?? I'll pray for you to success with the recruiting job
5. Several officers of great experience have assured me, that, so far from recruiting their regiment, they have never been able to supply it with drums and fifes, from all the soldiers' children that were born in it
6. The same went for their entire recruiting process
7. After all, no one knows anything about the Justicars' recruiting process
8. registration and insurance, planning for the food and ship supplies, planning for recruiting crewmembers,
9. That was over six weeks ago now, and they had made their camp around the city of Charkel since that time, recruiting soldiers for their army and bringing peace to the region that was infected by the threat of revolution
10. grievances, coupled with its lackadaisical application of the law(s), are not lost on attorneys eager to exploit such grievances by recruiting and manipulating prospective jurists from the ―community‖ who might prove (potentially) sympathetic to their argument(s)
11. * The Rhodesian Army had recruiting posters saying "Join the Rhodesian Army and be a man amongst men
12. More troubling, however, has been the emergence of Fifth Columnists who are using our college campuses, correctional facilities and, sadly to say, military establishments as recruiting (indoctrination) centers for advancing racist and anti-American viewpoints
13. But now it is known that terrorist groups are increasingly recruiting specialists in engineering, medicine, chemistry, physics, computer programming and you have to ask yourself why for the skills they are trying to recruit is betraying their intentions
14. For me this means that unless your aid money is actually reducing poverty the recruiting grounds for new terrorists are growing rapidly
15. For example, anarchist Chris Plummer received a fifteen year prison sentence for breaking into a home and burning neo-Nazi recruiting materials, while Don Black, a white supremacist who tried to overthrow the government of Dominica, received only a three year US prison term
16. The militia movement was founded by white supremacists with the intention of infiltrating and recruiting gun rights activists, especially conspiracy theorists who imagined Clinton was going to take away privately owned guns
17. Should she call the Army? How? The phone book had a 1-800 number for a recruiting office in London
18. Recruiting within the officer corps for training with the newly formed and highly classified Contra Officers Combat Readiness Training (COCRT), sponsored by the CIA, began even before the Samosa family’s hurried departure
19. The worry she’d assigned to recruiting Caroline hardly seemed worth losing a day over, a feeling that was strongly reinforced when she awoke the next morning with a hangover of enormous proportions and an airplane to catch, but the many pieces were in place and maybe in time to prevent a shortage of product
20. Hatred is a way of rallying support, a way of recruiting, a way to become a hero
21. The plan includes spending $600 million over the next five years with the US doing the recruiting and
22. Recruiting offices were flooded, funds were appropriated, Ringgold was lionized in song and ballad,
23. It would be best if you do not do any recruiting
24. He told me that the Khakhan was recruiting among all the coastal tribes and near coastal tribes in the south
25. recruiting for road sweepers at the moment
26. He had been busy recruiting and gathering supplies for the expedition
27. For example, in this same case when there is no improvement in knowledge, recruiting a subject matter expert in to the project can be the contingency plan
28. Each major recruiting centre has a designated
29. At least two weeks went by, so I called the recruiting firm which had set up the interview, David J
30. We know the enemy is hard at work, recruiting for the coming battle
31. They then began recruiting top people from within the agency to bring together an entirely new creative and marketing team to handle the account
32. We had plenty of women in high positions in the agency at that time, so the emphasis was on recruiting minorities
33. As an example of how aggressive his approach to prospecting and recruiting was, I came across this letter to my father from the publisher from the Sampson Independent dated July 21, 1981: I wanted to write you to explain my actions at the banquet for the NC Press Association
34. “We have yet to determine an answer to the question of whether it would be better for Hilia to recruit a pair of elves and a pair of humans, or whether Prince Mark and Princess Talia would be better served by maintaining a more perfect racial balance among their forces by recruiting another mixed-race pair such as themselves
35. Career services include a range of activities – from seminars for students on career-related topics to one-on-one coaching to assistance with job search activities to access to on-campus recruiting – and some twists in between
36. Career fairs and on-campus recruiting are also ways to expose recruiters, who are more familiar with full-time students, to the value of Executive MBA students
37. Many programs, including UCLA and the University of North Carolina–Chapel Hill, may require waivers from sponsored students to acknowledge their use of career services or certain aspects of career services, such as on-campus recruiting
38. Petty Officer First Class David Hileman, the head of the Duluth Recruiting Detachment, planned the conference with the help of city and Coast Guard officials
39. Recruiting them should be easy
40. Their recruiting had been mildly successful—two capable bowmen
41. Recruiting among a pool of resources is an activity the sales project manager must be at ease with
42. to sit and wait on the recruiting officer
43. Checking with Army Recruitment he again was stonewalled until he informed the recruiting officer that this was a murder investigation involving the murder of a detective and that full cooperation was required
44. destination, the Navy recruiting station two miles away
45. Why would Luke take his demon-infested cruise ship all the way down there? The last time we'd seen him, he'd been cruising along the East Coast, recruiting half-bloods and training his monstrous army
46. "Well you're better start thinking about recruiting some more soldiers because when this deal hits, there is going to be enough money to spread," Xavier said
48. viral effect of current members recruiting new members should take effect
49. I reckon that within six months he could be recruiting for us
50. She was recruiting Newlanders for your army
1. recruits, and they could fill their cups from a water
2. recruits,” Briz said warmly, lifting his tankard in salute
3. In general, the NCOs in charge of the new recruits did not
4. These new recruits seemed different somehow, maybe smaller than regular humans, less armored than the last ones too
5. Of course potential recruits were becoming harder to convince lately
6. “I must say, new recruits with such passion and conviction can too often seem few and far between
7. "That is one neat trick you guys are pulling on your recruits
8. The way in which several recruits paused and stood gape-mouthed, bearing lop-sided grins, amused her greatly as she and the officer marched ahead
9. The revelation drew brief mumbles and gasps from among the recruits
10. Naturally it was some of the younger recruits who were so eager to assist, while the older ones merely sat back and snickered to themselves at the spectacle
11. It mattered not how much he reminded himself of the genuine praise heaped upon him by officers and fellow recruits alike for his surprising deftness with a blade - even two at once
12. In fact, they were openly advertising for more recruits
13. ‘You don’t have much of a choice now, I’m afraid, my friend,’ Roidon said, ‘We are recruits working towards the new revolution
14. ” The wind bag pushed off his face scarlet and sweat breaking out on his brow his ego had been deflated and like all cowards he had retreated he must have thought he was dealing with new recruits or something though he now knew better
15. The new recruits have nothing to complain about
16. “I’m going to look for more recruits,” she said
17. The point is that all white police recruits learned to speak Swahili above training in weapons or tactics
18. It is not their fault that they were forced to use many years’ worth of quota of new recruits for the 2010 Soccer World Cup and thus they cannot recruit anyone for the next couple years
19. Some kidnapping did place for new recruits
20. Many times the new recruits are from support groups and it is known that active recruitment is taking place in Mosques
21. The Russians had begun a recruitment effort on a national scale, as they had suffered many casualties and the army was desperate for new recruits
22. Added to that, US military recruiters increasingly relied upon immigrants, who made up to one out of six recruits by the Iraq War's end
23. I heard that 6 decided to run a training operation with 5 and the idea was that 5 will arrest and interrogate some 6 recruits who duly installed themselves in a hotel room waiting for 5 to come and arrest them
24. The new men consisted of both transfers from other units and new recruits out of training
25. Procrastinators around the lands with the authority of the ministers rounded up men of all ages that were fit for duty; those who had received military training as militia men in the past, as well as new recruits that could not tell the pointed tip of a spear from a moose’s behind
26. The Metropolitaine was filled with newly sworn-in Nigerian recruits
27. He then pointed to the crowd of recruits in the Metropolitaine and continued:
28. UN peacekeepers are obtained from various countries and the UN pays the countries for their recruits
29. Those recruits aren"t necessarily the best as indicated
30. The recruits watched us in awe
31. He told me to continue working on the spear and instructing the recruits for a few more days
32. I could defeat most of the recruits, but only after a struggle
33. After many days I was able to more easily defeat the other recruits, but would still lose to Tlilcuetzpalin although after a longer struggle
34. We recruits would be off for those days
35. He urged us to keep an eye out for the recruits during the upcoming festival
36. The recruits were teased about the noise they had made the first day, but it was clear they were accepted since they had finally caught up and learned to infiltrate
37. Theodore sought me out and told me that I had been mentioned to the commander as the one who had kept the recruits in touch with the Ordu during their first shaky days
38. ” They suggested that perhaps it was just a rumor spread to secure more recruits after that last miserable campaign in the jungles east of the great mountains
39. Aspenquid was on maneuvers with the new recruits but would be back in a few days
40. Martin thought Carson was cowardly and would delegate anything remotely dangerous to his subordinates, including freshly trained recruits
41. Aspenquid was busy training recruits and would be back that evening
42. Phillips felt Martin’s actions were the only solution after formal complaints failed to correct the situation and two other recruits were severely injured as a result of the C
43. Once we outlawed the practice, the young men became willing recruits in our wars of conquest
44. I am hard on the new recruits, but it’s for their own good
45. After two weeks or so, the new recruits were slowly and patiently yoked up to a
46. After two weeks or so, the new recruits were slowly and patiently yoked up
47. He managed to hide his anger and shame as he regularly beat the other recruits and soldiers on the track, in the marches and on their training
48. happened to the military?' They cannot get recruits, their equipment is out dated,
49. While you were getting acquainted, I was reviewing these recruits for their military potential
50. And it is standard practice to test the mettle of new recruits on their first combat exercise by facing them against ever-increasing opposition until they either choose a wise retreat or are overwhelmed