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    Utiliser "refract" dans une phrase

    refract exemples de phrases





    1. That refract and reflect all that prior

    2. It has a little propeller that whizzes through the water as you retrieve the line, and big, shiny eyes made of glass beads to twinkle and refract the light

    3. How quickly the smuglight reflected off the fish and travelled to this lens, quicker than thought this archetypal image of fishiness travelled over the mists to refract through glass and sit large and proud on Fishmael's retina

    1. The glittering display was dazzling as their Light was reflected and refracted around the cavern a million times and more

    2. The better a stone refracted light, the better it held power pushed into it

    3. Light that, unbeknownst to her, refracted through the makeup she wore

    4. Refracted back are only those parts and qualities that masculine

    5. They had prisms incorporated into their construction that refracted the sunlight and projected brilliant rainbows at seemingly random directions onto an otherwise colourless environment

    6. As the refracted gravitational wave

    7. refracted gravitational wave, with its negative

    8. because they resemble the refracted gravitational

    9. 2) the refracted gravitational wave heading for

    10. refracted wave carries the light with it as it bends

    11. waves would be refracted less and less as altitude

    12. refracted from another location

    13. The rays could be plainly seen because they refracted off the sea spray that hung in the air all along the escarpment

    14. From below, Mitchell looked up at Jose's face dance with the refracted light that penetrated the active water

    15. caught the light and each refracted and reflected a different wavelength

    16. A film had developed over them, which refracted the

    17. The way the ripples caught and refracted the sun soothed him

    18. tear refracted the sunlight

    19. With a throaty roar the river peeled back and mounted up into a wall across the length of the gorge until it overflowed overtop of us and formed a watery tunnel that glistened brightly with the refracted rays of the sun that had come out of hiding on this cloudy day

    20. There was a swish of sound and the chamber lit up with a jeweled array of color, as light tunnels from the surface reflected down light that was refracted by the use of crystals into a glittering intensity of color that swept throughout the entrance of the Queens’ Haven

    21. Gems of unimaginable proportions and quality were everywhere, but it was the gold that caught and shown in the crystal refracted light that took the breath away

    22. A whole train of associations connected with the objective world is set going in the mind when rays of light strike the retina refracted from objects

    23. Emancipated from the objective world, they no longer dissected the object to see what was inside it, but studied rather the anatomy of the light refracted from it to their eyes

    24. This rule can be observed by the example the photons of visible diapason, when they are refracted and make spectrum

    25. I spotted this fact in the perpendicularity of the sun's rays, which were no longer refracted

    26. But there are other rays, which Herschel, who some years since discovered them, calls invisible rays, which are still more refrangible, are next beyond the violet, when refracted, and partake of most of its properties, except that they are invisible

    1. That is accomplished by refracting the incoming light such that the parallax of the light from the opposite side of the object, relative to the viewer, is presented to the viewer without the reflected light of the object itself

    2. And I could not breath, I was spasming and choking on bile, and my mind was ten thousand shards of glass, all grinding and refracting, and my memories were all there at once, drowning me, I could not breathe, I choked and choked and could not see, my mind my mind it was too much, a billion colors refracting and I could not see or think or breathe, and then my master was pulling out like a long filthy rope pulling from my stomach and stretching my nostrils and slimed up up up

    3. ambient light, a twenty-inch refracting telescope beckoned them

    4. reflecting, rainbowed mist, refracting into the air and area

    5. Above them at the surface, he could see snorkelers skim along the top of the ocean, with waves refracting the direct sunlight

    6. The sun was sparkling off of the tree, shining through the ice arches, refracting into its full spectrum, which was finally mirrored in ice they skated on

    7. pattern on the arm of the couch cast by the sun-light refracting through his glass of tea and ice

    8. Malum spun his staff as he spoke, the crystal prism refracting rainbows across the courtyard

    9. The sun’s rays were refracting through it, flooding the courtyard with every colour of the rainbow

    10. Raindrops, as they fall, act as tiny prisms, refracting (bending) and diffracting (separating) the light shining through them into long and short wavelengths of photons that in turn reveal the true essence of white light (electromagnetic energy) as different colours

    11. methods of lighting up, refracting, and photographing this deadly drama

    12. He tried to focus on the glass in his own, refracting the red glow of an exit sign beyond the bar

    13. The gradation of colour, from a bright silvery hue to a dusky red, is owing, in a certain degree, to the state of the atmosphere refracting different coloured rays, and also to the materials in the compound, similar to the different hues in artificial fireworks

    1. Above his head, light refracts through the water tank, the symbol of the compound’s slow, pointless struggle

    2. Refracts an arch across the sky

    3. Black conducts, reflects, (refracts is it?), the heat

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