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    Utiliser "registered" dans une phrase

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    1. So let this be registered into you: You are in covenant or

    2. ” Her mother’s voice barely registered above the noise

    3. He had informed her, numerous times, that even though her body was local, her mind was of Earth and he would have registered their children as pureblood terrestrial

    4. If she had children by Herndon in this body, they would be half-blood terrestrial and she would not allow them to be registered as anything else

    5. “Being registered with the EPA by no means counts for a seal of approval or a seal of safety”, says the National Coalition Against the Misuse of Pesticides

    6. "They have never registered as a tribe with the Kassidor Economic Union," Tahlmute said

    7. One of the agencies I have registered my availability with rings just after eleven to say that they have lined up an interview for me

    8. The ownership is in dispute and the people involved are not without stain," he was honest with her, but the only rule I worry about is interfering in tribal affairs, but the Brazilians have never registered as a tribe

    9. I stayed in the car, while my father registered for the night and my mother tried to reason with me and bring some sense of reality back, trying to impress on me the meaning and consequences of my actions

    10. ’I worked for the Migraine Association – it meant I could access the Errdians directly – not that everyone registered, but a lot did

    11. Whenever artefacts are revealed in this area, and they appear almost daily, we keep them underground, hidden in a safe place, because as soon as discoveries are registered, the authorities might as well run up a flag and invite the plunderers to try their luck

    12. Fortunately for Annie, she was still in such a state of shock that few if any of the shortcomings in her new home had yet registered in her consciousness

    13. If he had heard the song while at work or in the car, it simply hadn’t registered

    14. few if any of the shortcomings in her new home had yet registered

    15. work or in the car, it simply hadn’t registered

    16. “I bet she was registered for the program, she probably had the paperwork with her

    17. If she was registered for something at the Kassikan and didn’t show up, the room would be kept til the end of the term, then the contents would be tagged and sent to the catacombs, where they would be til this day unless they were used for historical research

    18. “Wow,” Ava said, “There were only a hundred seventy seven Tdeshi’s in the records who have ever registered for a course, I thought Tdeshi was a more common name than that

    19. That would mean he had noticed when Delurna’s face registered that information

    20. “You registered your home purchase with a previous address in Chardovia and you do store signs

    21. Finally the words registered, and he

    22. was going to kiss her; before it registered, his wet tongue made its way from her

    23. the car registered in the state of PA

    24. But I could not become a certified registered paralegal with the state of Florida

    25. There were a hundred thirty four Desas and fourteen Alans with property with registered structural support

    26. This time his snifter kit also registered no strong emotions but he didn't expect much after all these hours

    27. "I'm a registered charity

    28. The boy's actions were only marginally registered by her mind

    29. According to the eloquent, and sometimes well-informed, author of the Philosophical and Political History of the Establishment of the Europeans in the two Indies, the annual importation of registered gold and silver into Spain, at an average of eleven years, viz

    30. Something vague registered within him, and

    31. Nothing registered – Zarko was too shocked and stunned

    32. When my family registered with Ashpenaz he told us that my father had apparently been mauled by a wild animal and that he’d died of his wounds

    33. registered mail of it unopened to me dated

    34. ‘Sir, there is no one registered with that name

    35. And that’s the curious thing: you are are not registered on any database known to exist

    36. registered a jump from zero to one hundred

    37. Personnel would have cross checked with Security when he hadn’t registered for work for two days

    38. Their presence hardly registered, for my mind was filled with the wonder of God and the fact that Elizabeth knew of my visit by the angel, as well as my subsequent pregnancy

    39. He was registered at the Canadian institute

    40. ” He looked us over and I am sure he must have seen the horror registered on our mugs as we all remembered the last assault and the shambles it turned into

    41. I got to his hide and saw that he was a small man with pockmarked skin and very black hair his dark eyes were wide open but registered nothing I could only see the small hole where the bullet had struck

    42. All sales of land and of houses, and all mortgages upon either, must be registered, and, upon registration, pay a duty to the state of two and a-half per cent

    43. But where the fees of registration have been made a source of revenue to the sovereign, register-officcs have commonly been multiplied without end, both for the deeds which ought to be registered, and for those which ought not

    44. It smelled peppery and earthy, but the unfamiliar taste hardly registered on Rosemary's palate

    45. “Big Red is registered,” she stammered, pressing a trembling hand to her throat

    46. ” “But I made sure Big Red was registered in time for the show today

    47. ” “The rules do say that cats must be registered by closing date of applications, not by the time of the show,” the judge murmured, staring at his shoes

    48. Something registered in the back of his mind and he vaguely remembered a conversation he’d had once

    49. He began to reply before he registered the sarcasm in her voice, then decided to remain silent

    50. It was as if he had not registered Jimmy's words

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    Synonymes pour "registered"

    registered heeded retained heard