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    Utiliser "regular customer" dans une phrase

    regular customer exemples de phrases

    regular customer

    1. What's up Tapan?' Ish asked a regular customer

    2. regular customers, and greeted him with a welcoming

    3. I occupy my days by exploring the city, reading, writing this journal and spending much time in the café at the end of the street, where I am fast becoming a regular customer

    4. For example, if you’re a mobile restaurant and have a following of regular customers, you may want to add a location to your tweets to let your followers know exactly where you are

    5. In addition, if you have a regular customer who falls

    6. There were regular customers

    7. At least he’s a regular customer—weirdoes give coffeehouses their appeal

    8. some of his regular customers; they were all worried about Danny

    9. They had their regular customers

    10. The king of sleaze was another regular customer, he was a builder, Malkit Singh, in his late 20’s, shorter than me and I’m 5ft 2! He thought it would be great if I would consider being his wife, I thought, No luv! I don’t think so! Well Malkit decided to make an appearance that night, as soon as he walked in, I frantically looked round for a place to hide

    11. After the death of José Arcadio he had become a regular customer at the wise Catalonian’s bookstore

    12. The owner, who knew her well as a regular customer, grinned on seeing her and her baby and hurried to lead her to a small table in a corner

    13. � Seeing the sign from one of his customers sitting at the counter, he hurried with a fresh mug of ale, putting it in front of a fairly drunk RAF Leading Airman who was one of his most regular customers

    14. the business, you could have 12-24 regular customers, and customers =

    15. existing base of regular customers, is a booming business

    16. His critics argued that he was nothing more than a glorified pimp, and he was a professed enemy of the local Baptist churches (even though one of their ministers and several deacons had been regular customers)

    17. ‘’Jodie Brown, one of our regular customers

    18. Then some of them became my regular customer

    19. My point was that I was a regular customer at that Lowes store location, and I had a tree with Lowe’s tags on it that I was trying to return

    20. ing Sticks were regular customers, stopping in to visit with her

    21. Fleurette continued her story by saying, “As it had been another unsurprisingly quite day, I had been at the front of house conversing with an elderly couple who had become regular customers

    22. Orders and quantities ordered by regular customers have recently increased

    23. Now these plain and worn women sat playing cards, watching television or chatting noisily, ignoring the few regular customers who entered to buy beer rather than sexual favours

    24. With their own companions of the time they had experienced a few occasions of high octane nightlife, once even joining tables and dancing until the early hours of the morning, but they were not regular customers as so many of the younger set were

    25. Besides, Hunting Sticks recognized them as regular customers

    26. Some may have a few regular customers that buy from them

    27. Establish Visible Measures Of Success - If you want regular customers to return and buy more, then set that as the goal for your customer service team

    28. When Crass, Philpot, Easton and Bundy entered, the landlord, a well-fed, prosperous-looking individual in white shirt-sleeves, and a bright maroon fancy waistcoat with a massive gold watch-chain and a diamond ring, was conversing in an affable, friendly way with one of his regular customers, who was sitting on the end of the seat close to the counter, a shabbily dressed, bleary-eyed, degraded, beer-sodden, trembling wretch, who spent the greater part of every day, and all his money, in this bar

    29. He was a very good customer; not only did he spend whatever money he could get hold of himself, but he was the cause of others spending money, for he was acquainted with most of the other regular customers, who, knowing his impecunious condition, often stood him a drink `for the good of the house'

    30. He was not a regular customer here, having dropped in casually about two o'clock and had remained ever since

    31. Easton had chummed up with a lot of the regular customers at the `Cricketers', where he now spent most of his spare time, drinking beer, telling yarns or playing shove-ha'penny or hooks and rings

    32. Carmody was one of his regular customers

    33. The man who waited patiently for her wasn’t one of their regular customers

    34. Bambi Simmons, that’s the manager, said our vic was a regular customer and maybe a pain in the butt

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