‘Yes, I think you’re right,’ she said when I had finished expounding my views on the subject, ‘Unfortunately, far too many parents opt out, saying that their children can make a decision regarding religious belief for themselves, but the problem as I see it is that, in order to make a decision, you need to know something about what you are deciding
According to his religious beliefs, he could feel a saint and a martyr, believing that his actions will earn him and his family a blissful life in heaven while his loved ones will have their material needs met during all their lives
Creationism is said to be a religious belief, proposing the existence of humanity, life, the Earth and the Universe as the result of supernatural workings by a supreme being
Theistic evolution is not a theory in the scientific sense, but a particular view about how the science of evolution relates to religious belief and interpretation
In today’s situation, where relativism has taken over and where there are more than 10,000 differing religious beliefs in the world, people are encouraged to find the truth that suits their lifestyle
This is the foundation of most religious beliefs
He did not want to be responsible for so many deaths, and he argued for the sake of Carl and his religious beliefs
It was too simplistic, agreed the majority of sociologists, to make such absolute divisions according to cultural or religious beliefs
They all understood, whatever their religious beliefs, including those who were not religious at all, for that matter, the inestimable value that religious principles imparted on the spiritual vitality of well-ordered society mindful of its eternal origins; and that true Wisdom was destined to achieve its loftiest expression(s) in the highest moral offices that properly instruct the Conscience of Men lest they fall prey to Tyranny or other capricious designs
A person should never be judged by the content of his or her religious beliefs but by the quality of his or her (own) actions
Isn’t it better to have those incentives imposed by religious belief than to have the bad behavior?”
The reason is that it functions as a hedge against religious belief, in particular the belief in Man’s uniqueness
Was he pro or con on the subject of science’s compatibility with religious belief? I wondered
A certain Doctor William Price from England was the first person to perform a “legal” cremation according to his eccentric religious beliefs
With the help of these, I was soon freed of my tedious teacher who continually turned the discussion toward his religious beliefs
” The Court has interpreted a Constitution designed to guarantee the right to exercise religious beliefs, Scruton perceives, “as an instrument of suppressing them
They did not know that their visceral need to destroy religious belief was at the same time a search for an alternative belief
We Andromedians were a racist species on our old planet Destiny, but that involved religious beliefs
Social order has always trumped religious beliefs
Roger refuses to be an armchair Catholic who tends to keep his religious beliefs quiet
societies consider that sexual behavior is governed by religious beliefs
Therefore, there will, of necessity, be a tie between religious belief and economic behavior
In this book he makes the premise I noted above regarding the tie between religious belief and economic behavior
It would be very unlikely that he would be any less hostile to conventional religious beliefs than any of the irreligious German philosophers such as Fichte or Hegel
The founder of this unique school of religions lived and died without ever revealing his personal religious beliefs
And did you never take notice of these commandments as twice recorded in the Scriptures, that in the first case deliverance from Egypt is assigned as the reason for Sabbath keeping, while in a later record the advancing religious beliefs of our forefathers demanded that this be changed to the recognition of the fact of creation as the reason for Sabbath observance?
It would seem logical that any proposition about evolution cannot bypass the idea of creation, buttressed with religious belief by those closer to the beginnings of life
For example, sometimes a child becomes ‘religious’ and tries to impose his or her religious beliefs and strictures on the rest of the family, which creates discord
This was in keeping with his religious beliefs, as was the fact that he, too, had main- tained his virginity for marriage
As illuminated by the content of Jesus' message, the united product of the centuries of the thought of these two peoples now became the driving power of a new order of human society and, to a certain extent, of a new order of human religious belief and practice
held, almost religious belief system
It listed several reasons for the eviction; namely that I was harassing other tenants with my religious beliefs, that I was operating an unlicensed business from my apartment, that the police had to be summoned to my apartment and that others in the apartment community didn't want me practicing or directing 'black magic' toward them or their children
He dreamed of a day till the day he was shot that America could be a land where all were equal no matter their race or their religious beliefs
Why do you think that the Tyhunies are always so happy when they are amongst one another? Because their religious belief is more satisfying to their hearts than what we Bloodliners have
“If we look at the written records left behind by not just the Widdionians and Leojins, but by the rest of the countries, we will find similarities in their religious beliefs that have a connection to the myths held about Calquax
I was hoping the Founding Fathers meant to add, Regardless of sex, class, religious beliefs or the color of a person’s skin
ings of various religious belief, whether spiritual or traditional
“For people with strong religious beliefs, yes, Your Majesty
He was born on February 7, 1919 in Lynchburg, Virginia and throughout his life, because of his religious beliefs, could never kill anyone
I am not an observant Jew and my encounters with The One have deeply affected my religious beliefs, but I have felt within my heart the power of the dream of a land governed by God
theory is that: Our adult behavior and spirit will follow our adult values and religious beliefs as will our intuition
I told him to save his speech for his triumphal climb to the summit of the Temple of the Sun and his face glowed with the thought of it, that particular pyramid being central to his religious beliefs
Paul knew what he was talking about, when combating the religious orders of each town that he went through, for he himself came from a deeply rooted religious belief, being a Pharisee of Pharisee’s
It was the many different religious beliefs that landed him in prisons, and were used to persecute him relentlessly
Prior to written history, Egyptians buried their dead in fetal positions facing west where the sun traveled to the land of the dead after passing the land of the living, thought little else is known about religious beliefs prior to the advent of writing
It was a surreal heavenly and holy feeling where Karan and Tarana were being bound by not just one religious belief but two
Even so, the Hebrews shared many of their religious beliefs with their neighbors, picking
Held within this view of specializations as quasi-religious belief
The Queen was especially worried by this whole affair: the often acrimonious and highly emotional controversy was taking a heavy toll on the King, who had to defend the family name while torn by the gap between his old religious beliefs and the recent facts presented by the Time Patrol that basically rendered many of those beliefs meaningless
Besides, you should have realized by now that their position is motivated as much by their fear of seeing their revenues go down as by religious beliefs
I am aware that you have very stringent religious beliefs about this
“My religious beliefs are rooted in Judaism but I do respect other traditions and will happily join you
And then, perhaps, the subsequent Indian history would have been less vicious! It is interesting to note Alberuni’s observations regarding the religious beliefs and the philosophical orientation of the Hindus around the turn of the eleventh century
But how come such a large multitude of people, many of them living amidst other religious groups, in contemporary times at that, could be so dogmatic about their religious beliefs? And, that too, in a world which is being driven by modernity backed by information technology! It should be our endeavor to understand this unique Muslim intellectual stagnation in psychological terms by wedding the P-A-C theories of Thomas A
pers into giving up their religious beliefs
cannot walk into this shop because of his religious beliefs
wine more than my religious beliefs dictate and allow; watching soft porn on cable ('cause
Hundreds of Christians, including women and children have been arrested and detained over the past three years, most without charge or trial, solely for the peaceful expression of their religious beliefs
years of Egyptian religious beliefs and threw them out the window
Human sacrifices were made in the past, then was left to the dark world of Islam under wars and Jihadi killings to do the job of human sacrifices more regular “fatwa” maintained by religious belief
The mind works on the law of religious belief under problem-solving realizations
Is it possible to straddle a middle ground between the position of abortion on demand versus those declaring it to be murder in every circumstance? The principled conservative should say yes, as abortion falls into the dicey area of both religious beliefs and sexuality
The principled conservative must deal with society as it is and acknowledges there is no wide-spread consensus for treating abortion like homicide—a requirement for converting a religious belief into the secular criminal law
But what of those with a religious conviction or belief against gays and lesbians and/or the gay or lesbian sex act? This is certainly a cause for tension because here the belief in sex as a private matter comes into conflict with religious beliefs which every American should be free to hold (so long as those beliefs are not advocating the forcible overthrow of the government, murder, terrorism, etc
one Saturday in 1998 illustrating aspects (he said) of his religious beliefs:
It matters that all of us witness to our religious beliefs with a life
religious beliefs throughout the modern world
infringement upon the religious beliefs of students and parents of the
ones religious beliefs, and the legal basis for the exemption (the state law,
Brooks found that religious belief was the strongest predictor of giving to
Even though my customs and religious beliefs were very different from theirs, they always treated me with kindness and respect
I was always treated like a family member by Reven and Annelle, even though my customs and religious beliefs were very different from theirs
Reven and Annelle Aleanse always treated me with kindness and respect and they made me feel more like a valued family member than just a friend of the boys, even though my customs and religious beliefs were very different from theirs
“You drink?” Clearly she was taken aback by his offhanded admission, as her strict religious belief crept to the surface
“These databases, they contain as much of human history as three generations of my family have been able to amass; but for what? What've I really done? I report on the never-ending cycle of bombs, fights between warlords, and the amalgamation of religious beliefs into one all-consuming hatred of the domed city, of the shuttles coming from the space station
We are talking here about the salvation of our country and of our blessed religious beliefs
“Why do you persecute the Christians? Why is their religious beliefs offensive to you?”
On the contrary, the less somebody intervenes in their Lives, living conditions, culture, religious beliefs, and relationships with other tribes, the happier and closer they are to the way of Life of their “totem”
I would like also to mention that this is the most complex problem of most Continuums of this range of the Planetary Creativity: even “people” that have different religious beliefs, different intellectual and cultural background, that use different information sources (that is, Self-Consciousnesses of which are structured by completely different SFUURMM-Forms), at times not only are unable to come to any consensus, but, even using all their efforts to achieve it, simply cannot get to elementary levels of mutual understanding
wonders and established a new religious belief, the center
“At any rate that is the substance or our religious beliefs in capsule form
This case would be especially embarrassing for them – first, they have stated that the crown was destroyed centuries ago and, second, you are a young Englishman, no religious beliefs, no historical background and limited access to Church files and vaults and yet, despite these handicaps, you are still ahead of them
In primitive cultures, wonder was developed in humans by rituals and rites… by habits and repeated attitudes-feeling-thoughts that develop awareness into what we call: superstition-religious belief, cultural norms, etc
Civilized humans have never willingly changed their own basic cultural and religious beliefs: they only try to change other cultures and religions to conform to theirs
Without Science now turned into a worldwide religious belief system> human societies would never have invented the horrors of modern industrialized warfare, never mind the unused, waiting-to-be-exploded nuclear holocaust which awaits this planet, and will extinguish all Life on Earth
Another way TV has successfully brainwashed viewers into a religious belief in meaningless, is the tons of meaningless Trivia it airs
They do not tell their students that the religious belief in education and hard work, and ability, and excellence, and competence, guaranteeing them some kind of upward social mobility; is total crap
I had the vague awareness that Indians tended to spiritualism and mysticism which I dismissed and scorned just as I dismissed and scorned our own Christian religious beliefs and rituals and what little I knew of the Muslim faith
This is the kind of religious belief that is created, when literally everything is easy and nothing is hard or difficult
What? Have a scientific study that scientifically proves most of modern western surgery is worse than doing nothing at all? You mean all those billions and trillions of dollars are spent on pure quackery? You mean the sacred religious belief that hospitals can help you instead of harm you is bullshit? The entire religious culture of hospitals and the worship of doctors and surgeons as veritable god-like authority figures would be destroyed… Now we can’t have that can we? Make people be responsible for their own health? Unthinkable
But once Protestant peasants discovered the new-found abstract freedom of creating their own brand of religious beliefs within the secret confines of their own self-rationalizing , self-deluding minds…: this trend caught on
What is American Republican dogma all about? It is the subconscious attempt to justify the religious belief that:
The religious belief that this final act of atonement on their deathbed would absolve them of all the sins and crimes they committed in their entire life Why do you think it is so important for a priest to be at your side just before you die? Where do you think this custom came from, eh? From Catholics confessing their sins every Sunday? If they confessed their sins every fucking Sunday of their lives as obedient brainwashed Catholics: why did they need this extra final confession just before they died, eh? It came from the Catholic church using fear, the fear of dying, the fear of death, as a form of blackmail; that’s where it came from
What a wonderful way to brainwash poor people into a religious belief of selfish greed, and at the same time make sure they will never rise up against their masters
This religious belief is a complete fucking LIE
The authority of god himself and all spirit-religious belief comes from the idea of the dead judging the living
Science has created the religious belief in the sacredness
Science has created the religious belief in the sacredness of
All the trials and horrors of the bible which god wreaked upon the living were meant to be a ‘test’ of their religious belief… to see just how fucking brainwashed and just how fucking stupid these dolts actually were
Interestingly, new cognitive therapy methods and concepts, suggest that the steadfast delusions some people experience with mental illness are modifiable with Cognitive Behaviour therapy, being on a continuum with the inflexible and deeply entrenched political and religious beliefs, many ‘regular’ people hold