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    1. To dream that your desk is cluttered indicates that you need to prioritize and reorganize aspects of your life

    2. They will have to reorganize and redeploy before they can attack again

    3. I am trying to reorganize the empire to make it more efficient

    4. (Reorganize storage, home or office layout, clean out the "clutter")

    5. that had come up, to reorganize ourselves, to rest, or to simply

    6. Luckily a Su-Katii general was in the region conducting a training exercise and he managed to reorganize the demoralised troops

    7. There will be categories of information that cross over into each other and you may choose to reorganize later, but you can't reorganize

    8. He only needed a few minutes to reorganize the three rear lines to extend the formation losing the depth of the ranks but covering the crumbling flank better, this would stop him from being totally outflanked and keep the Tanarians hemmed in by the jagged rocks that lined the wide track

    9. He immediately began to reorganize the men ready to move out to the mines, but before they departed there was something that he knew he would need to find, but where could it be? The townsfolk were now busy tending to the wounded and dying, some exacting their revenge

    10. Could he improve market share? Could he reduce costs? Could he reorganize the division? Could he? He, too, wondered about all these questions, and with little experience in turnarounds, but with a lot of faith in himself and answers presenting themselves, our hero, President Andy took over the division, that we will call GIO

    11. Jesus loved these Cretans, notwithstanding the harsh words which Paul later spoke concerning them when he subsequently sent Titus to the island to reorganize their churches

    12. Having heard the latter half of Jesus' message to the man, Gonod was all day occupied with meditations thereon, and he resolved to reorganize his home when he returned to India

    13. For the purpose of this record we will reorganize and classify these teachings as follows:

    14. If you reorganize things you will find that everything can be handled

    15. If you make the changes, reorganize, shift things around and eliminate waste and redundancy, you will have all the resources that you need

    16. Every October, when enrollment was reconsidered, schools lost teachers and had to reorganize classes; the teachers, like her, either had to substitute or were sent to some hellhole where they couldn’t keep teachers from quitting

    17. "Unless something happened in World War Two to reorganize the hunt,” he said, and his mind went back to recall Garnet Reed’s story of lighthouse keeper Tubby Paulson hearing a voice speaking Russian in 1944, and how all wire recordings were confiscated

    18. The Border Police patrol thus had time to reorganize and reposition itself to face the incoming Taliban advance

    19. � Secretaries Stimson and Knox, I believe that it is now more urgent than ever to rearm and reorganize our forces

    20. file chapter eleven and reorganize rather than liquidate; they have assets and obligations

    21. Since the decision to reorganize or liquidate rests with trustees, they need to analyze

    22. However, our sources in Washington all agree that she was able to reorganize and coordinate in a masterful way the efforts of the American missile program, which was prior to her taking command parceled out all over the place and was plagued with inter-service rivalry

    23. "Reorganize!" This he does, and the company quickly rebounds

    24. I had to reorganize

    25. After the Great Player´s cards were on the table, there was a moment, a nanosecond, where His Will was to reorganize them

    26. Humanity must evolve to conceive of life as play so as to completely reorganize their economic structure, political organization and institutional systems to keep life habitable for Eartheart and themselves

    27. (reigned 1759-1788) who did what waspossible to reorganize the state and curb the stifling

    28. to reorganize the state of Georgia, and he was the first governor of Georgia to

    29. abominable situation is to clean house and reorganize this civilization around verifiable wisdom

    30. When the servant was gone, Cambridge told his sister that he had felt no pressing interest in either mother or daughter until recent years, when he'd begun to reorganize his coup from its initial stutter at the hands of Michael Quinn

    31. It’ll take him a while to reorganize his army though

    32. Taking some days off to reorganize your house and to throw out those things that bring bad memories could be the antidote

    33. We are now attempting to reorganize ourselves and to persuade the silent majority to say publicly what they have told me privately in support of this proposal

    34. In the morning, we collected our boxes and took them back to our camp to reorganize our packs before heading on

    35. The French retreated, and she assumed they would regroup and reorganize, and wait for the king to arrive to develop a new battle plan

    36. The plague had changed everything, but no one had had the brains – or perhaps the courage –to reorganize farming in the light of the new circumstances

    37. Even more importantly, perhaps, he shared the earl’s awareness of why it had been so vital to reorganize and rearm the Mighty Host

    38. We simply believe that in order to resume the offensive successfully and carry God’s banner to victory we need to reorganize, rearm, and reequip His forces

    39. “Reorganize and rearm all you like,” Clyntahn said coldly

    40. At least half of them simply fled, falling back before the attack, seeking some fresh position where they might hope to reorganize and hold

    41. 30 on the dollar, Graham was confident that Fisk would reorganize and that holders of the bonds would receive $700 in new securities for each $1,000 bond they held

    42. That means being able to analyze the liability side of the balance sheet as well as the asset side, and understanding the legal pathways through which bankrupt companies move as they either reorganize or liquidate

    43. Put simply, if an economic entity cannot be made creditworthy, sooner or later that entity has to reorganize or liquidate

    44. Despite the general economic prosperity of the 1990s, a plethora of department store and discount store chains (Federated Department Stores, Macy’s, Caldor, Kmart, Wards, Bradlees, Zayre) have had to reorganize their capital structure either out of court or in Chapter 11

    45. The company has less need to reorganize or liquidate

    46. Thus, a company in Chapter 11 has access to financing that is usually unavailable to companies seeking to reorganize out of court

    47. Clearly, Public Service was easily reorganizable, whether EBIT was $100 million, $200 million, or something in between, because a company can easily reorganize on the basis of existing earnings without extinguishing any security holders’ ownership (existing holders of common stock would have had their percentage ownership reduced from 100 percent to around 2 to 5 percent of the reorganized entity)

    48. Had Public Service been willing to consider a prepack, it might well have been able to reorganize within six months, with each class of security holders treated in a manner that complied with bankruptcy code requirements that the plan of reorganization must be fair and equitable to all parties

    49. In many recent cases—Lehman Brothers, AIG, Citigroup, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac—it would have been extremely difficult, if not impossible, to either reorganize or partially liquidate each company in order to rehabilitate it

    50. Mechanisms ought to be in place to provide capital, and/or expeditiously reorganize these companies, which are reasonably well managed but lack access to capital markets

    1. Belle reorganized the office in the hardware store to do double duty for the 'Lodge Office,' and with Harry, she set up the necessary account ledgers and booking sheets

    2. They then fell back, reorganized themselves, and sortied again using a sensible hit-and-run tactic to keep the Frances off balance

    3. He reorganized his forces

    4. In the Realms, Elijah reorganized the Council

    5. It is interesting to note that the first-time buyers used Ithaca Gun as a cash cow, overextended themselves in the recreation business, and reorganized under Federal bankruptcy laws in 1979

    6. checked and reorganized, because we’d almost finished with the

    7. The party administration was then reorganized on the basis of regional languages

    8. Nancy clenched her teeth, realizing that the merchant was right: the rioters had reorganized themselves after Nancy’s furious charge and were now closing their ranks around her

    9. They will then be reorganized into a new, provisional unit

    10. That job had initially belonged to the bombers of the Imperial Army and Navy, but the unexpectedly tough resistance of the American fighters and anti-aircraft guns had bitten big holes in the Japanese air units, with many air regiments having to be withdrawn from combat in order to be reorganized and reequipped, having lost sometimes up to two thirds of their planes

    11. Their air fleet would now have no choice but to withdraw from combat in order to be fully reequipped and reorganized

    12. By that time, Ingrid had learned by radio that the remains of the 19th Regiment had been reorganized in a new blocking position on the northern road to Masan, in the company of four M20 armored cars from Angie Dickinson’s unit

    13. Production for the console would discontinue in most markets by 2002 and would be Sega's final console before it reorganized its business as a third party game provider only, partnering primarily with its old rival Nintendo

    14. Mark Smith spent twenty-five years in the corporate world until the company he was working for reorganized and he found himself out of a

    15. I"ve reorganized some of my interests under a new multinational corporation

    16. theological seminaryand was reorganized with lay instruction in 1769

    17. Our manager insists that the group is reorganized

    18. 4) Our manager insists that the group be reorganized

    19. His task was to propose a vision for a reorganized water protection section within the organization

    20. They rapidly reorganized their men to start a counterat-

    21. The nunnery was thriving and, because Caris had reorganized the monks ’ affairs as well as the nuns ’ after the flight of Godwyn, the monastery was now more prosperous than it had been for a hundred years

    22. He’d been free to think about—feel about—the battle the way any secular admiral might have felt, and what he’d felt had been exultant elation … and somber, proud pain for the price his reformed and reorganized navy had paid to win it

    23. But you’re the man who reorganized the Navy, built the fleet, and trained the men Rohsail and Raisahndo used, and your Navy is the only one to have twice defeated Charisian squadrons in battle

    24. I’d love to see one decisive enough to inspire Stohnar to sign a separate peace, but that’s not bloody likely after Zhaspahr’s frigging “Sword of Schueler” and that bastard Edwyrds’ concentration camps! Either way, though, we have to hammer them at least hard enough to drive them back onto the defensive and buy ourselves some breathing space to get our economy reorganized into something more sustainable

    25. If trading in the shares has been suspended – say because the company is being reorganized, or there are questions about the figures, or because it is subject to a takeover – the price listed is the last one before suspension, with # next to it

    26. In most cases they are required to take new securities in a reorganized company

    27. Second, there are reorganizations, which come in two flavors: (2) those producing a mélange of cash and securities and (3) those in which the investor’s goal is control of the reorganized company

    28. In 1928 and 1929 changes in management and in managerial policies were made, new lines of product and direct sales methods were introduced, and certain phases of production were reorganized

    29. Assuming, as seemed inevitable, that the company was to be reorganized along the lines proposed, it was clear that these Choctaw and Memphis bonds would enjoy a very strong position, whether they were to be left undisturbed with their lien on a valuable mileage and their back interest paid off, or were to be given par for par in a new, small first mortgage on the entire system

    30. , reorganized in 1933

    31. A great deal of money was made by shrewd investors not so many years ago through the purchase of bonds of railroads in bankruptcy—bonds which they knew would be worth much more than their cost when the railroads were finally reorganized

    32. Our premise was strikingly vindicated by the financial history of the numerous railroads reorganized in the 1940s and in 1950

    33. Some of them buy the bonds of companies headed for or already in bankruptcy, thinking that either the bonds will be redeemed for more than their cost or that they will end up owning equity in a reorganized company as it emerges from bankruptcy

    34. If the company is reorganized and does emerge from bankruptcy, the creditors will be paid in cash or new securities depending on the kind of debt they hold

    35. She has reorganized her life around the 3-P Principles of Productivity, Participation, and Peace

    36. Dividend income tends to be unimportant, also, where a company is not essentially a going concern, but rather is in a resource conversion or a workout situation (that is, with prospects of being liquidated, acquired, or reorganized), because of the expectation by shareholders that realization will be obtained on a more advantageous tax basis than if dividends were paid

    37. Clearly, Public Service was easily reorganizable, whether EBIT was $100 million, $200 million, or something in between, because a company can easily reorganize on the basis of existing earnings without extinguishing any security holders’ ownership (existing holders of common stock would have had their percentage ownership reduced from 100 percent to around 2 to 5 percent of the reorganized entity)

    38. Too Big to Be Reorganized or Liquidated in an Uncontrolled, Contested Proceeding Whether Out-of-Court or in Chapter 11

    39. The solution to preventing Lehman-type debacles seems to be not to restrict the size of financial institutions, but rather to set in place mechanisms whereby financial institutions—large and small—can be reorganized, if troubled, via prepackaged, prenegotiated plans of reorganizations (POR) where relevant government regulators have a strong influence on what the POR will be

    40. The Emperor said that the fiscal system must be reorganized and the accounts published,’ recounted Bitski, emphasizing certain words and opening his eyes significantly

    41. This list has also been reorganized

    42. The Emperor said that the fiscal system must be reorganized and the accounts published,” recounted Bítski, emphasizing certain words and opening his eyes significantly

    43. They had saddled upon the reorganized finance and industry of the nation heavier taxes than ever, and a vaster and more expensive and more luxurious army of their parasites

    44. Our industries are being reorganized, and instead of engines of five, ten or fifty horse-power, engines of fifty to five hundred horse-power are now common

    1. Any one of us, or any other much more developed Form of the Universal Collective Intelligence, creates, changes, and reorganizes nothing — ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! Everything — ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING! — is already inherently present in the Creation, in the entire infinite variety of its collective-individual creative self-expression

    2. But if the company reorganizes successfully and comes out of bankruptcy, the bondholders often receive stock in the new firm, and the value of the bonds usually recovers once the company is able to pay interest again

    3. • Bankruptcy filings, in which a company petitions the court for legal protection from its creditors, generally with the aim of continuing its operations while it reorganizes its financial obligations

    1. They stood together watching the ship reorganizing itself as it drifted closer to the planet, the tiny moon at the planet's waist and the tinier speck off the point of that moon that was the biology base

    2. The Lykanthros and orcs are sure to be reorganizing their forces and are bound to turn south to Tinkerburg

    3. This was a four hours' teaching conference, embracing scores of questions and answers, and may most profitably be put in this record by reorganizing the summary of this momentous afternoon as it was given by Simon Peter to his brother, Andrew, the following morning:

    4. You are still reorganizing your financial life these days, but this month – especially early in the month – we see increased earnings

    5. Almost a decade before when Komadze had been reorganizing the KGB's Department V, the Executive Action Department, he had chosen the young Zinoviev to mastermind the plot and series of event that led to the "natural" death of Egyptian President, Abdul Gammal Nasser

    6. Outer planets which transit the same natal position three times (direct, retrograde, direct) or five times (direct, retrograde, direct, retrograde, direct) may produce an event anywhere within the time frame between the first and last direct transits; but the overall tendency is for the event to occur at – or shortly after – the first direct transit (and in the case of the slower planets, the following year or two is spent in clean-up or reorganizing in response to the effect of the first direct transit)

    7. This was a bill authorizing the post war reorganizing of state governments he’d requested three months earlier

    8. If Russia had not mobilized nothing would have happened except a small regional war in the Balkans would have been fought and won and the Austrian Empire would have been stabilized long enough for Franz Joseph to become Emperor and begin his massive reorganizing and progressive policies which would have turned the Austrian Empire into a proud collection of multi-ethnic nations with their own Parliaments and their own self-respect and their own political autonomy, and the powder keg of racial-ethnic-religious hostilities would have died out in one short generation: less than 25 years

    9. In fact it was a safe bet that she was in the region at this very moment, assisting him with reorganizing his forces

    10. The business of reorganizing the farming of his land absorbed him as completely as though there would never be anything else in his life

    11. He was now conversing, he reminded him, with the brother of the master of the country, charged with a reorganizing mission

    12. The architecture of the future was suddenly reorganizing itself, corridors becoming dead ends

    13. Exactly the same economic procedures are followed when reorganizing troubled companies, either out of court or in Chapter 11

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    Synonymes pour "reorganize"

    reorganise reorganize shake up regroup redo overhaul resituate regenerate readapt reconstruct remake