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    1. The Yorkshire manufacture, indeed, declined, and its produce did not rise to what it had been in 1755, till 1766, after the repeal of the American stamp act

    2. There may be good policy in retaliations of this kind, when there is a probability that they will procure the repeal of the high duties or prohibitions complained of

    3. When there is no probability that any such repeal can be procured, it seems a bad method of compensating the injury done to certain classes of our people, to do another injury ourselves, not only to those classes, but to almost all the other classes of them

    4. Let the same natural liberty of exercising what species of industry they please, be restored to all his Majesty's subjects, in the same manner as to soldiers and seamen ; that is, break down the exclusive privileges of corporations, and repeal the statute of apprenticeship, both which are really encroachments upon natural Liberty, and add to those the repeal of the law of settlements, so that a poor workman, when thrown out of employment, either in one trade or in one place, may seek for it in another trade or in another place, without the fear either of a prosecution or of a removal; and neither the public nor the individuals will suffer much more from the occasional disbanding some particular classes of manufacturers, than from that of the soldiers

    5. The statute of the twelfth of the present king, which repeals almost all the other ancient laws against engrossers and forestallers, does not repeal the restrictions of this particular statute, which therefore still continue in force

    6. It was this terror, whether well or ill grounded, which rendered the repeal of the stamp act, among the merchants at least, a popular measure

    7. Nothing seems necessary for the repeal of such regulations, but to convince the public of the futility of that system in consequence of which they have been established

    8. ) California's state and local governments had to repeal their laws on Native slavery because of the amendment

    9. What about laws inside the US? Would Romney have been guilty of ideological blindness, leading to American deaths? For national healthcare, he has been very contradictory, passing a statewide version, but calling for the repeal of the national version

    10. But a repeal would not pass unless the Democratic majority in the Senate ended

    11. They were buzzing a little about the funeral, but most of them were talking about the repeal of the hated merchant tax

    12. Reform or repeal acts that do not abide by the Constitution

    13. Repeal the Endangered Species Acts and void all of the rules and regulations issued for them

    14. Congress ought to repeal the act before it does more damage to our national economy

    15. Such boycotts often proved effective — forcing Britain in several instances to reduce taxes or repeal them, as they did with the Stamp Act in 1766

    16. to permanently repeal the federal tax on inherited estates

    17. Democrats also contended the cost of repeal is more than the

    18. Legislation to repeal the COLA

    19. The AMA did not accomplish its major goal of a repeal of this

    20. such actions as blasphemy and battled for repeal

    21. This agreement called for release of all political prisoners; restore confiscated property of farmers, repeal salt tax, and right of people to picket liquor, opium, and foreign cloth shops

    22. I’d love to oppose the notion that we are the only deep thinkers in the universe I’d also love to repeal the belief that we cannot survive without governing And most of all I’d love to strike down the insinuation that I am a poet Because most of all,

    23. If it was put by a human being, there must be a man more thinking and more genius than him that can repeal his statute and establish new legislations

    24. Repeal of the Rowlatt Act

    25. My aim is not to pass laws, but to repeal them

    26. Therefore, the President and Legislature could repeal the Patriot Act!

    27. Our officer did not stop simply at bringing about the repeal of that unjust law but he addressed the ruler saying,

    28. an attempt to repeal the health care plan completely

    29. Try to increase my revenue? Lobby the city council to repeal the

    30. However, critics argued that the time had come to reform or repeal the act to allow

    31. “I wish to repeal the harvest tax and set aside an emergency supply of barley, for years of pestilence

    32. I do not know if Corina"s second law is infallible, if there are exceptions or if we, Lizzie and I, managed to repeal it

    33. It appeared dry and cold; but at the bottom was dotted in with pencil an obscure apology, and an entreaty for kind remembrance and reconciliation, if her proceeding had offended him: asserting that she could not help it then, and being done, she had now no power to repeal it

    34. Do you know that the orange lodges agitated for repeal of the union twenty years before O'Connell did or before the prelates of your communion denounced him as a demagogue? You fenians forget some things

    35. Congress can either repeal or change the limits on the IMD exclusion; but it would be easier and quicker if the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) simply mandated a change

    36. Hedge funds lobbied for a repeal, and the feds conceded after a test proved life without the uptick would be just fine

    37. Sen must have seen his confusion, because she said, “I’m trying to repeal the Allegiant Act

    38. The price of 57 established for Commercial Solvents in July 1933 was more of a gambling phenomenon, induced by the expected repeal of prohibition

    39. “Just this morning, Senator Morgan was telling people in the lobby of this hotel that he intends to repeal the antilynching laws now in effect

    40. In our opinion, it is likely that increases in productivity from the repeal of Section 382 would far outweigh the losses of tax revenue for the government

    41. When the Depression set in, the Democrats, who recognised a vote-winner when they saw one, included repeal of prohibition in their electoral programme and in December 1933 Congress finally passed the 21st Amendment to the Constitution, repealing Federal prohibition and leaving individual states free to prohibit or allow the sale of alcohol as they pleased

    42. As soon as the Senators were seated round the table in the debating-room, Wolf began to bring forward with great animation all the motives in favour of a repeal

    43. Skovorodnikoff, who sat opposite Wolf, and, with his fat fingers, kept shoving his beard and moustaches into his mouth, stopped chewing his beard as soon as Bay was silent, and said with a loud, grating voice, that, notwithstanding the fact of the director being a terrible scoundrel, he would have been for the repeal of the sentence if there were any legal reasons for it; but, as there were none, he was of Bay’s opinion

    44. Wolf, in his thin voice, reported Maslova’s appeal very fully, but again not without some bias and an evident wish for the repeal of the sentence

    45. After Fanarin’s speech one might have thought that there could not remain the least doubt that the Senate ought to repeal the decision of the Court

    46. Macon said, already had many resolutions been submitted to the consideration of the House on the subject of our foreign relations, and the embargo; some for a total and some for a partial repeal of it

    47. Just as our measure is beginning to operate, just as provisions are becoming scarce in the West Indies and elsewhere, notwithstanding the evasions of our law, we are called upon to repeal it

    48. And again, as my colleague has correctly told you, if you have a right to repeal one part of the ordinance, you have a right to repeal another part, and so overturn the whole system at a blow

    49. As to the third branch of these celebrated alternatives, "a continuance and enforcement of the present system of commerce," I need not spend time to show that this does not include all the alternatives which exist under this head—since the committee immediately admit, that there does exist another alternative, "partial repeal," about which they proceed to reason

    50. Yet who, before this committee, ever thought an election of one of two inevitable courses, made under such circumstances, "abject and degrading submission" to the will of either of the assailants? The second assertion, that "repeal in whole or in part of the embargo must necessarily be war or submission," the committee proceed to maintain by several subsidiary assertions

    1. The first of them, however, so far as I know, has never been directly repealed, and serjeant Hawkins seems to consider it as still in force

    2. It may, however, perhaps be considered as virtually repealed by the 12th of Charles II

    3. The second of them was expressly repealed by the 7th and 8th of William III

    4. made against the exportation of wool, among other things in the said act mentioned, doth enact the same to be deemed felony, by the severity of which penalty the prosecution of offenders hath not been so effectually put in execution ; be it therefore enacted, by the authority aforesaid, that so much of the said act, which relates to the making the said offence felony, be repealed and made void

    5. The penalties, however, which are either imposed by this milder statute, or which, though imposed by former statutes, are not repealed by this one, are still sufficiently severe

    6. This tax was afterwards repealed, and in the room of it was established the window-tax, which has undergone two several alterations and augmentations

    7. Laws that are improperly enforced are vapid and unmanly and should be unceremoniously repealed!

    8. Miers possessed such extraordinary talents and inestimable influence that could conceivably unravel fifty years of Supreme Court decisions! (Unquestionably some laws should be repealed although that is merely my own point of view

    9. He repealed Glass-Steagal, an act that had regulated banks since the Great Depression

    10. That one simple move would abolish the astronomical profit and, for that alone, criminals would abandon the trade, exactly as when similarly prohibitive liquor laws were repealed

    11. The bill contains unconstitutional requirements and should be repealed

    12. which repealed the Compromise of 1820 in favor of popular sovereignty of all states

    13. President Franklin Roosevelt repealed the amendment in 1934; only

    14. In the 2005 and 2007 energy bills there were biofuel mandates and subsidies mandated and those should be repealed

    15. There has never been an enactment where 26 states sued to have a law repealed and now other states are suing to get him to protect our borders and stop illegal immigration

    16. Essentially the problem is one of the synthesis or the absolute antithesis between monotheistic repealed faith and intellectually formulated philosophy

    17. In §1 of the additional provision, Item 51 shall be repealed

    18. This act has repealed the

    19. The good it was doing surely justified the means by which he raised the funds; after all, most of the nation had repealed Prohibition, and it was only certain religious fanatics who now forced certain areas of the South to remain dry

    20. In America's history, things occurred that ended up being repealed

    21. Prohibition was repealed in 1933, so everyone over the age of 21 has a

    22. Then the Constitution would change and be repealed and amended every year

    23. All three sections of this amendment were repealed by the Twenty-first Amendment

    24. The eighteenth article of amendment to the Constitution of the United States is hereby repealed

    25. Laws can be repealed

    26. This all begs the question, does any of this reflect the reality of short selling in 2007 when the rule was repealed? There’s little dispute about the twin facts that the plus tick rule went away in mid 2007 and that the market had a historically rough go of it in 2008

    27. Following violent criticism, the tax was reduced to a vestigial 2½% in 1938 and repealed entirely the following year

    28. It would be highly productive if Section 382 of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) were repealed or amended to eliminate the change of ownership rules in order to ensure that these tax loss carryforwards would be available to offset future income taxes that would otherwise be payable by such companies

    29. " (emphasis mine)2 In February 1610, the Bourse passed a law prohibiting short selling, which was subsequently disregarded and later repealed

    30. It was later repealed, but the author of the law was accused of knowing more about the corpus juris than commerce

    31. It was finally repealed in 1860, although, during its tenure, it was ignored as harmful and unenforceable

    32. It was repealed 15 days later after aggravating the condition it was created to fix: Gold rose from $200 to nearly $300 in two weeks when the law was in effect

    33. The law was finally repealed in 1909 for securities and in 1911 for commodities

    34. “Whether it is repealed or not won’t matter now,” she said

    35. Speaker, that they should, for the embargo law continues in operation until repealed

    36. Test the market from Boston to Savannah, as to the price which you may get at ninety days credit, the embargo being continued, or on condition that the embargo be repealed in thirty days

    37. Will gentlemen say the embargo law must be repealed, and suffer our commerce to flow in its usual channel, while the decrees of France and the British Orders in Council are enforced, by which they would not only be liable to seizure and condemnation, but what is more degrading, pay a tribute of many millions of dollars annually, too degrading to be thought of with patience? We received liberty in its purity from our heroic ancestors—it is a duty incumbent on us to transmit it to posterity unsullied, or perish in the undertaking

    38. " Therefore resolved, that the embargo be repealed, and commerce with Great Britain permitted

    39. I will tell you what description of people in the United States are most anxious that the embargo should not be repealed

    40. That the operation of those orders would be extended to Spain and Portugal, should the embargo be repealed in part, I infer from this positive assertion of the British Secretary: "It is not improbable, indeed, that some alterations may be made in the Orders in Council, as they are at present framed; alterations calculated not to abate their spirit or impair their principle, but to adapt them more exactly to the different state of things which has fortunately grown up in Europe, and to combine all practicable relief to neutrals with a more severe pressure upon the enemy

    41. I therefore, sir, with great deference to superior abilities, propose that the law imposing an embargo on all ships and vessels of the United States, and all the laws supplementary thereto, be immediately repealed, and that we authorize our merchants to arm their vessels, under proper regulations, in defence of our legitimate and lawful commerce; that the Government from time to time afford the commerce of the country such protection as may be found necessary and prudent

    42. thought it would be better that this country should remain yet longer under the pressure of the embargo, which he had no doubt must be repealed early in the next session

    43. In the year 1806, we passed that miserable old non-importation act, which last session we repealed; and really, sir, we got rid of it with an adroitness which pleased me exceedingly

    44. Gentlemen said it was merged in the non-intercourse act, and therefore, as a matter of indifference, they would repeal it; and when the non-intercourse act shall expire by its own limitation, at the end of this session, or be suspended by the President's proclamation, as it is in relation to Great Britain, there is an end of both; and thus, the old measure, the old, original sin to which we owe our first difficulties, was as much gotten rid of as if a majority of this House had declared it an unwise measure, and therefore repealed it

    45. ) that the Orders in Council are repealed; that Great Britain has stipulated to send on an envoy with instructions to negotiate for a settlement of all differences

    46. Resolved, That the Secretary of the Treasury be directed to lay before the Senate a statement of all claims which have been adjusted and allowed at the Treasury Department, in virtue of the law entitled "An act providing for the settlement of the claims of persons, under particular circumstances, barred by the limitations heretofore established;" and also, a statement of the balances standing in the books of the Treasury against the United States, which are barred by the statute of limitations, together with his opinion whether the said statute can be modified or repealed, as to that or any other description of claims, without subjecting the Government to imposition

    47. That so far as relates to the said balances, which result altogether from accounts actually settled at the Treasury, the statute of limitation can be repealed without subjecting the Government to imposition; but that considering the length of time which has elapsed since the claims have been barred, and the little value on that account affixed to them, the repeal of the statute, unless properly guarded in that respect, may not generally benefit the rightful claimants

    48. But, sir, in the unfortunate year of 1806, the memorable year of the schism, as it is called, the year of non-importation-act memory, in that year when we had a war message against Spain on the table, and a message of a different character locked up in the drawer—in that year we passed an act which has been quoted, by which we repealed the second and fourth sections of the act to provide for the Naval Peace Establishment; that is to say, we undid the reform which had been carried into execution by our predecessors—with a very ill grace, I acknowledge, and at the very last time of asking, on the 3d of March, 1801, late at night—it was a forced put, no doubt of it—we passed an act in which we repealed the second and fourth sections of that act, and added to the officers of the Navy as follows: instead of nine captains, to which number the Federal Administration had reduced them, and which number we believed for four years to be amply sufficient, we added five new captains—and yet we ought to recollect that in the interim between these two acts the frigate Philadelphia had been wholly lost, and another frigate (the General Greene) retained in the service by the act of the 3d of March, 1801, worse than totally lost, as any one may see who will go and look at her remains in the navy yard—so that the number of officers made by Congress in 1806 was in the inverse ratio to the number of ships, and, with two frigates less, we determined to have five captains more

    49. The act of the 3d of March, 1801, reduced the number to thirty-six; the act of 1806 repealed that reduction and authorized the appointment of seventy-two lieutenants—it is true, sir, that the same act made no addition to the number of midshipmen, nor to the number of ordinary seamen then in service

    50. But this bill provides, that when all the constitutional sanctions are obtained, and when according to the usual routine of legislation it ought to be considered as a law, it is to be submitted to a new branch of the Legislature, consisting of the President and twenty-four Directors of the Bank of the United States, holding their sessions in Philadelphia, and if they please to approve it, why then it is to become a law! And three months (the term allowed by our law of May last, to one of the great belligerents for revoking his edicts, after the other shall have repealed his) are granted them to decide whether an act of Congress shall be the law of the land or not! An act which is said to be indispensably necessary to our salvation, and without the passage of which, universal distress and bankruptcy are to pervade the country

    1. on Taxation, repealing the estate tax would cost the government

    2. ” The same enthusiasm that greeted me was now repealing me

    3. Last weekend, the Republican-controlled House proposed legislation that made the ongoing funding of government subject to a defunding of “Obama Care”, piled on top of a grab-bag of GOP wish-list items including the approval of the Keystone pipeline, a commitment to future business-friendly tax reform, repealing a tax on medical devices and more

    4. Ironically, one of the first things Ronald Reagan did when he came into office was slash federal funding for the treatment of mental illness, trimming the budget for the National Institute of Mental Health and repealing the Mental Health Systems Act of 1980

    5. When the Depression set in, the Democrats, who recognised a vote-winner when they saw one, included repeal of prohibition in their electoral programme and in December 1933 Congress finally passed the 21st Amendment to the Constitution, repealing Federal prohibition and leaving individual states free to prohibit or allow the sale of alcohol as they pleased

    6. , that the Senate could not try a case on its merits, in this case he was evidently strongly in favour of repealing the decision of the Court of Justice, and that Selenin, in spite of his characteristic reticence, stated the opposite opinion with quite unexpected warmth

    7. Suppose then we were to change its phraseology, and make it the preamble to a resolution for repealing the embargo, it will then read: "whereas the United States cannot without a sacrifice of their rights, honor, and independence, submit to the late edicts of Great Britain

    8. A great deal has been said about repealing the embargo to put an end to discontents

    9. If the non-intercourse system was to prevail, he thought it made much more intelligible to the revenue officers by repealing the embargo laws, and enacting the non-intercourse as a new system throughout

    10. Eppes) say, that unless the section repealing this law were stricken out, he should be compelled to vote against the bill

    11. The Judiciary would have been appealed to; and, from the known opinions and predilections of the judges then composing it, they would have pronounced the act of incorporation, as in the nature of a contract, beyond the repealing power of any succeeding Legislature

    12. And, sir, what a scene of confusion would such a state of things have presented—an act of Congress, which was law in the statute book, and a nullity on the judicial records! Was it not wisest to wait the natural dissolution of the corporation, rather than accelerate that event by a repealing law involving so many delicate considerations?

    13. Pinkney is directed in these words—"If the British Government should accede to the overture contained in the act of Congress, by repealing or so modifying its edicts, as that they will cease to violate our neutral rights, you will transmit the repeal, properly authenticated, to General Armstrong, and if necessary, by a special messenger, and you will hasten to transmit it also to this Department—similar directions are given to General Armstrong

    14. But the gentleman from Massachusetts says the repealing of this duty ruined his constituents, who live on the sandbanks of the country

    15. Russell, an Order in Council was issued, repealing the former obnoxious orders, which had been ostensively the most prominent cause of the war; and yet the President has never issued his proclamation announcing that fact, as by the terms of the law of March 2d, 1811, he was expressly bound to do

    16. But if, as the advocates of the bill profess, these men are to be enlisted, and, together with those heretofore authorized, are to form a powerful army for the purpose of foreign conquest, I have no hesitation in giving it, as my opinion, that it is improper and wrong, or, at least, as the President has told us respecting the French decree repealing those of Berlin and Milan, that "the proceeding is rendered, by the time and manner of it, liable to many objections

    17. Limitation, Statutes of, in the House, resolution requiring the Committee on Claims to inquire into the expediency of repealing or suspending the statutes of limitation, so far as they operate in bar of the payment of certain claims referred, 468;

    1. The statute of the twelfth of the present king, which repeals almost all the other ancient laws against engrossers and forestallers, does not repeal the restrictions of this particular statute, which therefore still continue in force

    2. Yet the statute, in fact, denies and repeals all of this, just as God’s messenger (cpth) prohibited it

    3. it repeals Newton’s principles of mass

    4. Thus this amendment repeals the Eighteenth Amendment but does allow individual states to retain or enact their own alcohol restrictions

    5. Considering then that the bill as amended in this House, in furnishing no substitute for the law of non-intercourse, which it repeals, nor the proposition of the other House, intended to take its place, is a total dereliction of all opposition to the edicts of the belligerents, I cannot vote for it in its present form

    6. If, however, we were inclined to doubt, we must be satisfied by the letter of the Duke of Cadore to General Armstrong, of September 7th, in which it is said, that the Emperor "repeals his decrees of Berlin and Milan, under the conditions pointed out in my letter to you of the 5th of August

    7. It had been ascertained that the French Government, which urged this blockade as the ground of its Berlin decree, was willing, in the event of its removal, to repeal that decree; which, being followed by alternate repeals of the other offensive edicts, might abolish the whole system on both sides

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    Synonymes pour "repeal"

    abrogation annulment repeal annul countermand lift overturn rescind reverse revoke vacate invalidate nullify cancel negate reversal invalidation abolition cancellation retraction