Utiliser "reporters" dans une phrase
reporters exemples de phrases
1. She knew that sooner or later she was going to be found out and get cornered by reporters
2. " He gave a friendly nod to the correspondent and then raised both hands over the pack of reporters like a Roman emperor
3. The boys became roving reporters who went about camp each day and simply observed what was going on
4. In the galleries up above the assembled politicians there was a veritable host of media reporters, who were all fighting and scrapping for the best vantage points
5. There was a look of madness in every elected representative’s eyes, and the reporters in the gallery, having assumed they were in some way mentally sub-normal, were ready to hang on every word that the great politician might say
6. They checked their legal agreements through, clause by clause and swore to each other in front of various newspaper and television reporters that they would always be true, but no matter how vehemently they protested their love for one another the doubt always remained
7. politicians there was a veritable host of media reporters, who were
8. every elected representative’s eyes, and the reporters in the gallery,
9. television reporters that they would always be true, but no matter
10. Hundreds of reporters and photographers vied with each other to
11. Not to mention the newspaper reporters and journalists, who seemed
12. sports reporters to find that Roman was on pace to break just about every pitching
13. “Yes, they’ve painted the ship with the internationally-recognised markings of reporters entering a war zone
14. Toran Marlow currently had five reporters out in the field
15. In this age of complete – almost – media/press freedom he could not help but be affected by the comments, some from their most respected reporters, as to his own state of mind
16. He looked away from Millicent and ignored the reporters who shook their heads and tutted whilst taking notes
17. ” He nodded at the reporters, flashing them a friendly grin
18. It goes to the press and there would have been a crowd of reporters waiting for him when he landed
19. The First Amendment provides extraordinary advantages for many reporters and journalists in the news media pre-disposed, for a variety of reasons, to distorting (the) news in whatever manner considered appropriate in advancing either a social or political agenda that they may (otherwise) support
20. ” Thus, it was of little surprise when, in language coarse if emphatic, he announced that reporters would not be allowed to witness the surrender, though the reason for this suppression of one of the great chapters in American history seemed inexplicable
21. I nodded at the reporters, wondering what they were doing here
22. By the time that the reporters had finally packed up their gear and left, it was six o'clock in the morning and I was dog tired
23. The reporters said it had been worth every penny
24. And besides, I've already got them reporters interested
25. “‘So now I have to find a new beer store,’ and crazy shit like that,” noted Fred as all the reporters chuckled
26. 4% unemployment, which in 1996 reporters pointed to as an imperative to reelect Clinton, now that very same level of unemployment is mentioned by the same reporters as justification to cause Bush’s defeat
27. countries, that apparent “collective blindness” has blinded reporters to see what the great “silent majority” of the American voting public has been able to appreciate
28. Already convinced of widespread corruption within the Samoza government, international reporters gave wide coverage to the conflict and abuses of civil rights by security forces
29. The image of a grinning Captain Flores, speaking to a crush of reporters in the continuing broadcast, caught Truman’s attention
30. Reporters had gone back to their newsrooms, or went to the bar to compare notes
31. Why am I so nerdy? That should be a question that reporters in the news investigate and follow up on with a headline:
32. When I returned to my office I saw a TV camera crew and several reporters gathered outside of my building
33. He stops in his tracks and looks around to see if any of the other guests or reporters are spying
34. Abe appeared over the brow of the hill to meet the reporters
35. The crowd of reporters gasped at the news, a veritable bolt out
36. reporters filmed eagerly as the show unfolded
37. camera crews and reporters standing by the road blocks, zooming
38. reporters were busy pushing foam headed microphones in front of
39. Various so called ‘witnesses’ were talking to reporters but the
40. Reporters had got word of the incident via an interception on the police radio band and were busy snapping pictures of the victim
41. Intense flashes hit his eyes, the reporters were in full swing, they would have a field day with this,
42. Midday had arrived and a large crowd of reporters had gathered outside the police station in central Edinburgh waiting for news of events from the previous evening
43. The Rowlandson Bank’s press officers were in full flow fielding questions from reporters on the background of Harry and the reasons he committed this heinous crime
44. The small auditorium is full of news reporters, cameras and bright lights
45. "Possibly because I was one of the reporters covering the Function at Government House, whilst you were with the Society Queen and her entourage at the Palace”
46. Dziekanski's mother told reporters she was surprised and angry about the
47. ago," Vertlieb later told reporters, adding he was "upset and frustrated"
48. the government of Poland at the inquiry, told reporters after the
49. Though the Managing Editor did not write any more anti-Christian articles in “The Collegian”, the incident proved to Roger what he often complained about, that in their resistance to herald Christian ideals, reporters practice wolf-pack journalism to savage Christianity making honesty an exceedingly scarce virtue in their reporting
50. Many reporters, Roger believes, consider themselves as clean as an elephant’s tusk and maintain that, in a pluralistic society, Christians should practice the virtue of silence and not inhibit the freedom of others