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    respectively exemples de phrases


    1. He is given the capability of emotions and conscience, and he may develop intellect and reason, respectively; we can also call these two subcategories of his spiritual nature essence and personality, something given and something acquired

    2. Theseus and Hippolyta played the dual roles of Oberon and Titania, respectively, as so many directors before her had cast them

    3. As if on cue, Mandy and Harold rose from their chairs and made a bow and a curtsy, respectively

    4. I'm sending you this card just to let you know that I am wondering why I got no reply for from you for my two letters dated August 23 and September 3, 1979 respectively

    5. first visit, but by now they were 12 and 14 respectively

    6. Both lieutenants, Connor Griffiths and Talimay Singh, who was still absent in grieving over her lost brother, were in charge of the Ravenwey Burrows outpost and the Oakneil one respectively

    7. demand half the bank money for which credit had been given upon the deposits that the receipts had respectively been granted for

    8. The boxes themselves bore the words, 'No Return,' and 'Return,' respectively

    9. I separated them, respectively, into two parts—barrel and base

    10. On top of this however, you also have to make use of words for which vowels and consonants, respectively could be evenly divided by 7

    11. The subjects of every state ought to contribute towards the support of the government, as nearly as possible, in proportion to their respective abilities; that is, in proportion to the revenue which they respectively enjoy under the protection of the state

    12. It seems impossible, that the council, with the best intentions, can ever proportion, with tolerable exactness, either of these two assessments to the real abilities of the province or district upon which they are respectively laid

    13. to as the received and critical text respectively)

    14. The difficulty and irregularity of payment from the different colonies to Great Britain, have not been at all in proportion to the greatness or smallness of the balances which were respectively due from them

    15. The difficulty of getting payment from our different sugar colonies has been greater or less in proportion, not so much to the extent of the balances respectively due from them, as to the quantity of uncultivated land which they contained; that is, to the greater or smaller temptation which the planters have been under of over-trading, or of undertaking the settlement and plantation of greater quantities of waste land than suited the extent of their capitals

    16. whaleships, General Pike and the Nile, arrived in San Francisco on August 1 and 2 respectively, causing another round of

    17. Ancient lawgivers of classical Greece, respectively to Athens and Sparta

    18. And why is that? Well, it reserves to the States respectively, or to the people, those rights not enumerated and specifically delegated to the United States by the Constitution

    19. Both elections ended in resounding defeats for the Republican (Conservative) candidate Barry Goldwater in 1964 and the Democratic (Liberal) candidate, George McGovern in 1972, respectively

    20. Their candidates were two of the oldest men to ever run for president and vice president, John Palmer and Simon Buckner at, respectively, 79 and 73 years old

    21. We’d told the guys to hold out a little while longer while I performed my antics, allowing Alice and Bob (the caterpillar and unicorn respectively - I didn’t know at the time that they were such a nice couple) to keep firing, especially at the hell-bat swarms that had filled the place with their droppings

    22. [16] More details of the lives of Ebenezer and Ralph Erskine respectively can be found in my own Whose Faith Follows (Eva Publications, 2013)

    23. The Report of the Theological Commission on Same-Sex Relationships and the Ministry that was submitted to the General Assembly of 2013 contained thoughtful and scholarly summaries of what have now become known as the traditional and revisionist approaches respectively

    24. feeling of fear and excitement respectively

    25. “During the first psychosis, I actually thought for a time that I was Jesus and that a friend of mine—George who had helped E get me to the emergency room—were God and Mary, respectively

    26. respectively, or to the people

    27. Forest or the Rogue River respectively

    28. Christina and Will are seventh and ninth, respectively

    29. practice of the usufruct and of the production respectively,

    30. The eldest daughter, Teypachtli, was about eleven years old at that time, next was another daughter, Chipilotl who was nine years old, then the three boys, Icpitl, Iztacyochitl, and John who were six, three, and a year old, respectively

    31. The next two rooms contained the memorabilia, armor, and weapons of George and John, respectively

    32. Segunsua was a Muisca merchant, Pia, his wife, was a Taino and their three children, Chia, Kirikiri and Zuhe were ten, eight, and five respectively

    33. The two girls were, of course, Paula and Sarah, aged eighteen and eleven, respectively

    34. The current emperor, Federico the Third (Frederick III), had been under harassing attacks from the kings of Bohemia and Hungaria, Jorge and Mateo (George and Matthew), respectively, although they had now turned against each other since Jorge was a vile heretic who had been excommunicated and condemned by the aitasantu (the Euskera name for the pope)

    35. are now exalted, but who shall then be exalted and glorified more than they, they shall respectively be transformed, the latter into the

    36. He laid his two paws on my hands respectively, cogently but with the absence of agony

    37. the company in 1973 and 1984, respectively

    38. Roger also remembered having read on April 15, in a release by the Cardinal Kung Foundation, that Catholic priests Shi Wende and Lu Genyoum, both from Hebei but different dioceses, had been arrested on March 14 and April 5, respectively

    39. After securing Josie’s promise never to expose Chad and Manrique, ages 6 and 8 respectively, to Agatha’s influence which had ravaged their home, Roger allowed Josie to take them with her

    40. Of the four minor children, only Carlos and Suni, ages 13 and 14 respectively, were living with him and the older brothers

    41. Then Kitch and Gilmore took it upon themselves to prove what hard asses they were by giving only C, D, and F grades in Agency and Contracts, respectively

    42. ” I worked for Legal Aid Offices in Bridgeport and Houston, respectively, after our first and second years

    43. 19 and 20, on the list respectively

    44. I spent the penultimate night on the road in Van Horn where interstates 10 & 20 meet, coming together from Houston and Dallas, respectively

    45. This conferred tremendous power on the three elected commissioners, none of whom was a lawyer during my tenure, making the assigned assistant AG’s duties doubly onerous as both the legal advisor to the Commission on disputed points of law as well as an active participant in essentially tripartite hearings where the staff, usually the Tariff & Rates division, who were civil servants, put in an alternative case to that advanced by the carriers and shippers, respectively

    46. I got fines of $12m and $15m, respectively, imposed on them for blocking grade level crossings parallel to Grand Avenue (the U

    47. Each railroad sent teams of four high powered lawyers from LA and SF, respectively, and I defeated them single handedly in televised (then a novelty) Order to Show Cause hearings

    48. That these were Macmillan’s assumptions regarding field counsel was confirmed in May 1975 at my first OGC seminar in DC by Charlie Rose and Matt McIlhenny, SupShip Counsel at Groton and Newport News, respectively

    49. reserved to the States respectively, or to the people

    50. Late in my tenure, Mike had me working with his lawyer buddy in Sacramento and a big Missoula law firm on $15m and $4m bankruptcies of Asarco (EI’s absolute largest customer anywhere) in Tacoma, WA, and East Helena, respectively

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    Synonymes pour "respectively"

    respectively severally