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    Utiliser "resumed" dans une phrase

    resumed exemples de phrases


    1. two-for-one offer resumed, and through it all Cat breathed hard and fast

    2. She resumed her observation of the banks past which the barge was steadily progressing

    3. She resumed her baking and my anger grew

    4. He rabbits on suggesting all sorts of things and gradually normality is resumed … by the time he parks in the drive of the house I’m more or less on an even keel … if feeling totally washed out

    5. ’ He said by way of explanation as he resumed his seat in the kitchen

    6. “At the start of the War,” he resumed, “We had a standard

    7. “I was invalided out of the army,” he resumed, his gravely voice

    8. Touching their caps, the companions resumed their walk, watched

    9. resumed, “It was only safe to cross when the tide was out and, even

    10. old man resumed, “Whatever you try – arrows, spears, fireballs

    11. “At one time,” he resumed, “There were a large number of

    12. “It was a brave and resourceful man,” he resumed, “Bromath by

    13. “Where did that come from?!” demanded Belle once she'd resumed respiration

    14. ” whispered Belle with resumed shock

    15. “George resumed his Sunday fishing excursions once the bungalows were completed, he took turns every few weeks with Belle

    16. “What happened after that is a matter of speculation,” he resumed,

    17. The two gentlemen resumed their seats in the dining hall and were soon joined, as usual, by the Spelmans

    18. extended stays in your world,” Bram resumed, “And we know that

    19. The waitress brought our steaks, once we had everything we needed, Simon resumed his story,

    20. When they had completely run out of fence, they resumed their walk on the roadway, with Harry calling 'Switch sides' at every odd moment or so

    21. Chloe was beside herself, so she resumed the explanation, “It seems that, in the States, there are not candidates of Harold's depth of talent and skill enough to be considered for the vacancy

    22. Kennitch for his forecast of the realized benefits in more specific terms, then resumed

    23. They enjoyed each other's company into the wee hours of the morning and resumed their conversations over breakfast

    24. “I’ll guess that would be a ‘no’,” she said, and resumed walking down the back hallway with him in tow

    25. The guard finished writing down their names then hastily retreated toward the head of the line where he resumed his interrogations with increased vigor

    26. There was silence for a moment, then the conversation resumed

    27. The pounding resumed and she turned to see the gate vibrating

    28. recovered much of the lost weight, enough that pale Selene had resumed her monthly visit

    29. problem at your home or college!” she resumed in her motherly

    30. “Anyways, leave all that, but nice place, yes?” I resumed

    31. resumed the six basic steps she had taught me

    32. in my arms and we resumed our soft whispering

    33. And with that he went back to his desk, and resumed writing the

    34. am not the ghost,” I resumed, clearing my credentials

    35. Chloe ignored my insult, tossed her curls with an amused smile, then resumed her

    36. By now the queen had resumed her position by his side, her audience with Helez complete

    37. Then Tragus resumed his shouting, angrier than ever

    38. He had intended to leave his comments there, but quickly resumed as soon as he saw the Breton’s mouth fly open for retort

    39. Blackburn's trial resumed that day, after its postponement was decided by Judge Hicken

    40. They slowly resumed their normal soft-blue glow

    41. The Earth resumed its slow rotation forwards

    42. He did cease twice, but immediately resumed as if a “tap” had been turned off by an unseen hand only to be immediately turned on again

    43. ” Her voice trailed off, then she resumed

    44. The baby settled and we resumed our conversation as I picked up my cup and sipped

    45. When we resumed our Journey, Boaz continued his story

    46. She resumed: ‘Right now the inconceivable appears to be happening, and you are understandably in a state of extreme distress

    47. And what had it to do with her? But Shelagh resumed eating as if nothing had happened

    48. ” Alex replaced the pot on the burner and resumed his place at the table

    49. He resumed his watch on the waves, which were

    50. When she resumed walking, Amaranthe kept her pace normal

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