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    return with exemples de phrases

    return with

    1. As soon as she recognised me as someone she could talk to, she let loose in Greek with a tirade of complaints and hand signals, touching my forearm, threatening her cargo and even taking strides away only to return with cries of admonishment

    2. “Oh yes my Lord, you may rely on my discretion, I shall conduct the test immediately and return with the results

    3. Yes Brent, he does, replied Maya, he also says that you are to return with us when we leave

    4. that he would return with more news very soon

    5. The young travelers would be on their own from the arrival in Bassie-Normandy, to Paris, where Lawrence Spelman would retrieve them and return with them to Redditch

    6. prayed that Jean would soon return with news to help turn

    7. "He wished to return with me

    8. We may gamble on its restoration, counting on the possibility that the Plague shall return within our time

    9. Every so often I would return with brown crusts in my pocket and always I would sit on the same bench and both the swans the female in the lead would come across the river from their island home and sit with me whilst I fed them

    10. Nobody bid so I thought as I had driven all this way, and not return with anything, I put my hand up, but alas another person also bid, so again I raised my hand and the hammer came down, it was mine! I went to the office to pay and received my invoice and returned to the counter to pick up my purchase

    11. to Lyon, and asked Pippi if he wanted to return with her to

    12. said you never return with any game

    13. their journey’s original purpose until evening, he’d have no choice but return with her to his home

    14. Rikke appeared both relieved and proud to see Penelope return with the bandit’s sword in hand

    15. And the lamplighters and road sweepers marked his return with equal dependability, as the cold vapours began to congregate in dark corners and beneath sagging eaves, at very nearly exactly just before eight each evening

    16. Life was not that bad, and to make it even better, they all had a chance to return with a profitable catch at the end of the season

    17. ” I understood this but I had promised the lads I would return with water and I knew what kind of condition they would be in if I didn’t

    18. return with their captains and mates

    19. "And having stolen this treasure from us, what do they want to do with it? What do they intend doing when they return with Boddaert's Magic? What evil are they going to use it for?"

    20. “Return with me to Poland and we will see how we’ll manage

    21. Wouldn’t it be nice; to return with a tea pot, something to boil water in

    22. for fear that the captain would hear and return with his strap

    23. Upon seeing the signatures Edgar had copied, he determined to search for and find Truman and to enlist him in the program, so he too could return with his head high

    24. A lot of regulars, as well as tourists were strolling around watching the early morning charters return with their catch

    25. Ferguson, Hornsby and Colling waited expectantly in the battalion orderly room for Major Harris to return with word of the outcome of the visit, once the generals had departed

    26. He's intelligent, experienced and cunning, I'm sure he'll return with a plan for us

    27. "Perhaps the Fairies will return with good news, perhaps they've found a Yellow-bell

    28. Less than five blocks away was a mall where he could melt into the crowd and return with a newspaper

    29. I will return with you to your truck and then show you where it might be kept safely, away from prying eyes

    30. not be able to return without considerable effort

    31. 26 And Samuel said to Saul, I will not return with you, for you have rejected the word of the Lord, and the Lord has rejected you from

    32. Generation of Income for Totality of the People, Organizations and Countries The investment is unique and its return with profit and social gain

    33. 16 And he said, I may not return with you, nor go in with you, neither will I eat bread nor drink water with you in this place,

    34. could not convince Tai to return with them

    35. If they surrendered the city, all those who wanted to try their luck in battle would be permitted to leave and we would await their return with all their forces right here in front of the city

    36. Teypachtli was still on campaign there but should be finishing soon and return with them

    37. He would return with them or their heads as the events unfolded, but he would always return successfully

    38. Then Colon wanted to know if the Khakhan wished to appoint an ambassador to return with him

    39. wanted to do was to approach my return with the same sort of karmic expression that

    40. NDErs do not return with just a

    41. 29 And when the servants of Isaac which he had sent to Jacob saw that Jacob would not then return with them to the land of Canaan to his father, they then went away from him, and they returned home to the land of Canaan

    42. 30 And Deborah remained with Jacob in Haran, and she did not return with the servants of Isaac to the land of Canaan, and Deborah resided with Jacob's wives and children in Haran

    43. 10 Now therefore let us rise up early in the morning and cause them to return, and it shall be that if they return with us to Egypt to their masters, then shall we know that there is faith in them, but if they will not return, then will we fight with them, and make them come back with great power and a strong hand

    44. 10 And they said to her, Surely we will return with you to your people

    45. 29 And when the servants of Isaac which he had sent to Jacob saw that Jacob would not then return with them to the land of Canaan to his father they then went away from him and they returned home to the land of Canaan

    46. 30 And Deborah remained with Jacob in Haran and she did not return with the servants of Isaac to the land of Canaan and Deborah resided with Jacob's wives and children in Haran

    47. return with the lease papers, Lucy sat on the porch

    48. 10 Now therefore let us rise up early in the morning and cause them to return and it shall be that if they return with us to Egypt to their masters then shall we know that there is faith in them but if they will not return then will we fight with them and make them come back with great power and a strong hand

    49. Moshe’s attention was diverted by Rimmon’s return with Korah in tow

    50. 9 But they dehorted him saying we shall never be able: let us now rather save our lives and hereafter we will return with our brothers and fight against them for we are but few

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