Utiliser "revenues" dans une phrase
revenues exemples de phrases
1. Low government revenues in rural areas and urban bias in central resource allocation have meant that social service provision has tended to start in cities and extend only gradually to the countryside
2. With audience figures going through the roof and with advertising revenues hitting all time highs, the executive producer was, of course, paid a big fat bonus
3. The increase of the revenues
4. Like him who perverts the revenues of some pious foundation to profane purposes, he pays the wages of idleness with those funds which the frugality of his forefathers had, as it were, consecrated to the maintenance of industry
5. The burghers themselves frequently got credit enough to be admitted to farm the revenues of this sort winch arose out of their own town, they becoming jointly and severally answerable for the whole rent
6. It might, probably, be necessary to grant to such towns as were admitted to farm their own revenues, some sort of compulsive jurisdiction to oblige their own citizens to make payment
7. Compare that figure to the company’s annual generated revenues
8. They defended Madras, took Pondicherry, recovered Calcutta, and acquired the revenues of a rich and extensive territory, amounting, it was then said, to upwards of three millions a-year
9. upon their capital; and that whatever remained of their revenues and neat profits at home should be divided into four parts; three of them to be paid into the exchequer for the use of the public, and the fourth to be reserved as a fund, either for the further reduction of their bond-debts, or for the discharge of other contingent exigencies which the company might labour under
10. The revenues arising from both those species of rents were, the greater part of them, paid in kind, in corn, wine, cattle, poultry, etc
11. The clergy could derive advantage from this immense surplus in no other way than by employing it, as the great barons employed the like surplus of their revenues, in the most profuse hospitality, and in the most extensive charity
12. The gradual improvements of arts, manufactures, and commerce, the same causes which destroyed the power of the great barons, destroyed, in the same manner, through the greater part of Europe, the whole temporal manufactures, and commerce, the clergy, like the great barons, found something for which they could exchange their rude produce, and thereby discovered the means of spending their whole revenues upon their own persons, without giving any considerable share of them to other people
13. A man of a large revenue, whatever may be his profession, thinks he ought to live like other men of large revenues; and to spend a great part of his time in festivity, in vanity, and in dissipation
14. The other revenues of the ecclesiastics of both religions at fifty per cent
15. The high duties which have been imposed upon the importation of many different sorts of foreign goods in order to discourage their consumption in Great Britain, have, in many cases, served only to encourage smuggling, and, in all cases, have reduced the revenues of the customs below what more moderate duties would have afforded
16. In countries where the public revenues are in farm, the farmers are generally the most opulent people
17. In short, by means of fetishism kings hold their despotic sway, and the priests draw large revenues, and exercise an enormous influence
18. This bill, ushered by Republicans and Democrats from both houses of Congress, promises to reduce the nation‘s deficit by $56 billion over the next seven years, not to mention increasing revenues that, everything being equal, will further reduce deficits over that period
19. How much longer is our nation expected to fill the coffers of rogue nations that routinely utilize its (oil) revenues to finance our destruction! One can only hope that once public concern supersedes its off-handed complacency by making its presence felt in Washington, that its (collective) impact will hopefully override the perennial lip service that oftentimes passes itself off as a genuine commitment to solving this dilemma
20. Imagine the rippling effect on a number of industries that are tightly inter-woven, nor to mention its own impact on the nation‘s ability to adequately fund its own entitlement programs that, in turn, would subsequently trigger higher inflation resulting from higher (consumer) prices precipitated by lower productivity levels that would (likely) lead to higher taxes that would (more than likely) discourage investment that would (most likely) generate even lower revenues than before
21. He supports San José legislators who labor on a bill that, if enacted, will require equitable distribution of tax revenues among all the provinces
22. And, more importantly, they could fund many inefficient projects if they happened to luck into higher revenues because of a buoyant economy
23. gas, chemical companies or any company with revenues over $2 million when the EPA was unable to
24. For instance, the corporations are obligated to create fiscal department or to hire services of third party to render accounts to the tax collection of the collection of tributes, social costs and declaration of revenues for not being punished by ignorance of the social legislation, tributary or labor
26. He said, ‘Reducing tax rates increases tax revenues
27. ’ Can we find just one politician who will interrupt another when the other speaks of ‘raising taxes’? Can we find just one politician out there who points out the difference between raising tax rates and raising tax revenues? Raising tax rates will bring in more revenue for a while, until it stifles the economy
28. Democratic president JFK cut tax rates and that act increased tax revenues
29. revenues have far exceeded predictions
30. revenues in turn was a win-win for her, at the expense of the U
31. in the house of the righteous is much treasure, but in the revenues of the wicked is trouble; the lips of the wise disperse knowledge;
32. Eventually the tax revenues will evaporate
33. with their best gifts; 3 Insomuch that Seleucus of Asia of his own revenues bore all the costs belonging to the service of the sacrifices
34. (estimated annual revenues $18-billion)
35. basis to closely-held companies with annual revenues of as much as US$75 million
36. drive revenues and just as importantly the “gross margin” for the business
37. Setting the price of our products or services will drive revenues and just as importantly the
38. you to give pause to ways to increase top line revenues and bottom line profits
39. Finally, in late 1934 a Ponzi scheme was hit upon as a way to increase Treasury revenues without calling it a tax
40. Their oil revenues are huge
41. It is a fact that cutting taxes increases Government revenues
42. Plus, tax revenues
43. Although Senate staffers realized the constitutional problem (raising revenues by the Senate) they
44. This single contract comprised 60% of PSL’s annual revenues, so to say that PSL management sucked up to NASA is huge understatement
45. members and an estimated $600 per member in revenues, the NEA
46. Birx had just closed the lab’s Antenna business which provided 40% of its revenues historically
47. He was “on the road again” desperately trying to replace those lost future revenues by expanding the balloon and telemetry businesses where PSL had no peers
48. It was the largest in their history, doubling their projected annual revenues
49. feelings: they were necessary for trade, which enriched the rulers through tax revenues and made goods available to the peasantry, but proselytizing Christianity carried with it hatred against Jews as “killers of Christ” and also the stigma of being “other” in a culture newly unified under a single religion
50. Better is a little with righteousness than great revenues without right