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    Utiliser "revolve around" dans une phrase

    revolve around exemples de phrases

    revolve around

    1. Us humans are actually still the Kings of the Universe, and everything and everybody else revolve around us and our sanctified planet

    2. The differences in the various schools seem to revolve around three philosophical concepts: whether people are independent or interdependent; whether the universe is friendly or indifferent to the individual and his or her fellow humans; and whether the best of humanity is of the heart or the head

    3. And Dorian’s household was set up to revolve around two points, the lesser one very clearly being me

    4. Opposite, top: Cattlemen are a breed unto themselves; their fortunes revolve around weather, the health of their herd, the price of feed, and the economy

    5. priorities revolve around what makes their lives the easiest

    6. If you like to watch modern movies, especially those that revolve around trash compacting robots, stories about toys and talking cars, then you like visual effects and if you like visual effects then you appreciate a great deal of applied math

    7. that things revolve around God

    8. If it weren’t for television, sports, and videos, you’d all go mad within weeks! You believe that all things revolve around you’re ethnocentric, myopic view of the world

    9. to revolve around the idea of what Nathifa thought, what Nathifa did and whether it would be good

    10. are a bunch of different version of this, but they all revolve around the same basic concept

    11. All of our marketing efforts revolve around just one site

    12. perceptions since Copernicus first suggested that the sun does not revolve around Earth

    13. “Now, was there anyone else in the club car when you met them? Anyone that may have noticed their behaviour?” After all, he concluded, the more witnesses the better, especially since the case seemed to revolve around the couple’s disturbed relationship

    14. But you’re so self-centered that you insist everything has to revolve around you—and when you realize that

    15. sun, and the moon to revolve around the earth?

    16. Most of our chats are dull and revolve around mundane topics but occasionally we'll get involved in a deep conversation that goes on for hours

    17. animal species on the planet; before their god realized that the sun didn’t revolve around a flat, motionless earth; there wasn’t enough water to flood the entire planet; no man’s wooden boat could hold a pair of each of the 13 million animal species; land plants can’t survive underwater; and all the Indians, Asians, Pygmies, Inuit, Europeans, Africans, and Aborigines of the world today couldn’t be descended from Adam and Eve through Noah’s family in only a few thousand years

    18. Zorba does not revolve around its two suns, On the contrary, they revolve around Zorba

    19. side of the moon, even as we rotate and revolve around the sun, and the

    20. God! Each and every sermon focused primarily on God and I couldn't recall a single sermon where the pastor had ever had the entire message revolve around politics

    21. The ―All‖ is like a large sun, with five universes revolving around it, the same way the planets in our solar system revolve around our sun

    22. This may be hard for you to swallow, but the Twittersphere does not revolve around you! The

    23. These environmental habitats all rotates and revolve around and over our lives and therefore their conditions could never be grasped by our potentials that have to rely and rest across their spheres

    24. She hates her for that and many of the client’s reactive behaviors, deep wounds and present situation revolve around her relationship with her Mother

    25. seem to revolve around similar themes and

    26. a machine they revolve around by his illusive power (Maaya)

    27. while I revolve around them in their lives

    28. Most KM initiatives revolve around knowledge workers, whether they’re interacting with customers directly, indirectly through computer systems, or with other knowledge workers and managers

    29. Most of these issues revolve around economics, accessibility, intellectual property, the underlying infrastructure, and the commitment and active role of management in setting policy

    30. The major fact-finding activities revolve around five key axes: 1

    31. But it will mostly revolve around these groups

    32. Instead: everything began to revolve around themselves

    33. If Galileo had never discovered that the sun does not revolve around the Earth: the Earth would be kept as the most sacred, the most important place in the Universe, and mankind would never have spent untold hundreds of trillions of dollars upon useless pointless scientific projects and ventures which have not returned one single useful; thing back to their investors except useless tidbits of useless facts which have no application and no use to any human ever born

    34. Without Galileo discovering the sun did not revolve around the Earth, mankind would not have been able to invent all of the insane distractions and technology which is designed only to avoid facing the actual problems humans have here on Earth

    35. We cannot ask from earth that why it is revolving around the sun because the earth has to revolve around the sun, it makes no difference whether there is any reason for it or not

    36. We have to revolve around the divine will

    37. I have only confessed this to a handful of people since it occurred, for it always has the same effect--the listener fears me, is disgusted by me, for most of the theories regarding the Murmurers somehow revolve around them being

    38. cited about having my whole life revolve around run-

    39. life that revolve around certain key judgments and beliefs and opinions

    40. associated with Vatican institutions and cohorts (cabals) revolve around the number three and

    41. stars, the zodiac, and cyclic time, all of which redundantly revolve around the number 360

    42. Christianized and revolve around Judeo-Christian and Kabbalistic interpretations, those who seek

    43. The primary failure of theorists who expect unlimited parallel universes seems to revolve around

    44. Most Vatican deceptions revolve around hiding the true nature of life

    45. Sometimes in the comics a whole story will revolve around a hero trying to maintain his secret I

    46. Should we argue as did the ancients that the earth is flat, and as some do today, and introduce for proof that the sun, moon, and stars revolve around it, we would be pursuing the same course as is relied upon to endless torment

    47. A picture was starting to revolve around the dark shapes that moved in the shadows behind Gareth in the memory

    48. “We know there’s no one out there, William, the universe does not revolve around you

    49. In yet another example, many meditative techniques revolve around ideas like focusing attention on a part of the body or on the breath as it goes in and out of the body; again, this is designed to achieve a single-point focus of attention

    50. This is an occasional occurrence, and the interests of the company itself revolve around being able to market common stock at all rather than around the price at which common can be marketed (an OPMI interest)

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