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    Utiliser "run-up" dans une phrase

    run-up exemples de phrases


    1. Ish's run-up was fake, as he stopped near me

    2. Ish took an eleven-step run-up for the next ball

    3. Ish was about to take a run-up when Ali sat down at his crease

    4. I'aresh took a three-step run-up and bowled

    5. Fred took a ten-step run-up with

    6. 'Gifted?' Fred said to me as he prepared another run-up

    7. Lucy deliberately avoided looking into the crevasse as she moved backwards until she had the full width of the ledge as a run-up

    8. He spoke to the issue in his run-up to the presidency

    9. The primary trend has three phases: accumulation, run-up/run-down, and distribution

    10. Ie, don’t do one thing that you consider not all that important in order to have it as a run-up to your "Main" project

    11. All had been under close observation of the British authorities during the run-up to the Second World War as it was well known that the German Consul in Dar-es-Salaam often came to visit, recruiting fifth columnists, for Adolf Hitler

    12. of price run-ups on the basis of historical patterns is fruitless

    13. are still greedy after a twenty percent run-up will kick themselves if the stock begins to

    14. In the run-up to the Second World War the Japanese also had another encounter with Russian troops, but the Japanese invasion of Mongolia in 1939 was repelled by the Soviets

    15. Clearly, in the run-up to the general elections, the AAP leader was getting under the skin of his bigger rivals

    16. No logical explanation has been offered for Mayawati’s relative silence in the run-up to the 2014 elections

    17. It is not the first time that Zuma has done this - hundreds of ANC leaders did exactly the same thing for him in the run-up to the ANC conference in Polokwane in 2007

    18. S Africa’s stuttering economy adds to gloom in run-up to election

    19. UK Sport will receive £125million annually for the next four years to maintain funding at same level as the run-up to London

    20. I took the second javelin and did the same, a short run-up and flung it out in a beautiful arc, this time even better than the first and I laughed, delighted that I could still throw even after my terrible wounding

    21. The inevitable disintegration of any investment crowd causes a big run-up or drop in prices and lots of commotion and confusion in the marketplace

    22. So far we have looked at the birth of the bubble crowds that formed during the stock market run-up from fair value in 1994 to extreme overvaluation in 2000

    23. Investors’ human aversion to ambiguity and uncertainty, coupled with their limited capacity for scientific thinking, leaves them vulnerable to pied piper explanations for the run-up or the drop in prices

    24. The run-up to the war was a confusing time politically in the United States and internationally as opposing political forces debated the merits and dangers of such an invasion

    25. My reading of the historical record leads me to believe that we have seen by far the biggest part of the run-up in commodity prices

    26. After an extended run-up followed by a well-recognized topping formation (e

    27. In this example, assume that the trade was entered somewhere around A on the chart; if you were working a stop under the previous day’s low, it would not have been hit until the point marked C, the day after the extreme high of the run-up

    28. I also give you the goods on a number of global trends that are responsible for the recent run-up in commodity prices

    29. kind of in a steady downtrend after that initial run-up

    30. You can see this initial run-up last summer

    31. The biggest “run-ups” often occur in stocks so small that even many big investors can’t get any shares; there just aren’t enough to go around

    32. He sold the rest largely because with the rapid run-up in price, the stock had become too large a part of his portfolio, and he used his position limits rule to force him to sell

    33. But because of their extended condition after the run-up they are often not buyable without taking on greater risk

    34. Following any strong price run-up over several days, however, a stock will inevitably begin to pull back and consolidate

    35. If this pullback and consolidation occur in an orderly and constructive fashion, it is useful to watch carefully for potential pocket pivots to form as the stock finishes up its short consolidation following the sharp price run-up and sets up again

    36. Stocks that trade only a few hundred thousand shares a day are quite thin and hence subject to very rapid price run-ups, which can cause a great deal of damage, even if your position size is relatively small

    37. It is the rapid run-up to old highs in a former, beaten-down leader that is the critical characteristic in any POD that determines whether the formation is sustainable and hence prone to failure

    38. In this case the stock displays a necessary characteristic for such a long-duration POD formation to be valid as a short-sale set-up, and that is the very rapid, four-week price run-up on the right side of the one-year-long punchbowl

    39. Chapter 16 gives you more information about the changes within the Soviet Union in the run-up to the Cold War coming to an end

    40. In the run-up to the US Presidential Election held on 6 November 2012, Americans were bombarded with in excess of one million political adverts, the most ever aired during an election

    41. The fat tails are caused by Black Swan events and also by unexpected earnings or other good news that causes unprecedented run-ups in a company’s stock price

    42. This resulted in the price popping higher for a 10 percent run-up, before they started to collapse again

    43. This period includes what is often called the “lost decade” because most people made no progress but still endured massive volatility with the run-up through 2007, the free fall in 2008, and the bull market run that began in 2009

    44. For instance, during the 2013 Bitcoin price run-up, many folks new to the Bitcoin community wanted to purchase bitcoins quickly

    45. Cisco posted earnings gains of 150% and 155% in the two quarters ending October 1990, prior to its giant run-up over the next three years

    46. Three out of four big winners showed at least some positive annual growth over the three years, and in some cases the five years, preceding the stocks’ big run-ups

    47. And smart short sellers pick on stocks that are heavily owned by institutions and are starting to falter after huge price run-ups

    48. Largest daily price run-up

    49. If a stock’s price is extended—that is, if it’s had a significant run-up for many months from its buy point off a sound and proper base—and it closes for the day with a larger price increase than on any previous up day since the beginning of the whole move up, watch out! This usually occurs very close to a stock’s peak

    50. For example, a two-point gap in a stock’s price after a long run-up would occur if it closed at its high of $50 for the day, then opened the next morning at $52 and held above $52 during the day

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