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    Utiliser "sacrilege" dans une phrase

    sacrilege exemples de phrases


    1. "I could be a clone?" she asked, picking up on the very pregnant 'might have been' and worried that she was committing the greatest sacrilege the church knows

    2. Before another song began, I weaved through the throng, aware that all eyes were on me and so moved cautiously to avoid any undue sacrilege

    3. The policy must be as violent as that of Indostan or ancient Egypt (where every man was bound by a principle of religion to follow the occupation of his father, and was supposed to commit the most horrid sacrilege if he changed it for another), which can in any particular employment, and for several generations together, sink either the wages of labour or the profits of stock below their natural rate

    4. It was very deep and far enough from the altar that this didn’t seem a sacrilege

    5. foot soles are plated with it, and it is considered sacrilege of the higher calibres for them to touch

    6. Some think it would be a sacrilege

    7. * Maoris were not considered white folk and thus this statement was seen as sacrilege

    8. ” I chuckled respectfully, but took bets in my mind on how long he would last saying such things, which the Nationalists would surely regard as sacrilege

    9. In the Holy Land though, in His Land and His Domain, it would be sacrilege to utter these words in anything above a whisper

    10. He could not commit such a sacrilege even for his children's sake

    11. for this damnable treason and sacrilege, the wizard caused

    12. 6 And whoever was condemned of sacrilege or had committed any other grievous crime there did all men thrust him to death

    13. The north-men came like stinging hornets and spread on all sides like fearful wolves, robbing, violating, committing sacrilege everywhere, ripping and slaughtering my flock of virgin scholars! Alcuin -- behold with pity and tears the shrine of Saint Cuthbert, spattered with the blood of the brides of God, stripped of its ornaments, trampled by the polluted steps of pagan fiends, within fire-black walls once graced by Northumbria's finest art! A place more venerable than all in England was the prey of pagan wretches

    14. “As they celebrated the sacrilege, I became aware my Dancer was with me no longer

    15. And somehow a waiting room without coffee isn’t much of a waiting room—it’s more like sacrilege

    16. And sacrilege, three sins in killing three

    17. “Yeshua, committing sacrilege? But he would never do that

    18. “Oh yeah? He offers bread and wine at meals while calling them his flesh and blood and you don’t call that a sacrilege?”

    19. What she was doing now was to Amin al-Husseini pure sacrilege

    20. ” He carefully surveyed the occupants of the room with his eyes that were like cold fire, searching men’s souls for sin and sacrilege, as he slowly seated himself in the chair and crossed his legs

    21. Patricia smirked at that: a Parisian seeing a waitress put a straw in a glass of what appeared to be red wine would have justly screamed sacrilege at that sight

    22. the other side, the destruction of which would have been a sacrilege

    23. It’s no wonder then that when the statues of Zeus were pulled down all over the Roman Empire; its Pagan subjects had earnestly hoped that the Father of their Gods would destroy the Christians for the sacrilege

    24. ” One side chanted the sacrilege against ancestral lineage

    25. ” Scattered and muffled whispers dared to chant the treasonous sacrilege

    26. ‘It’s a sacrilege for females to visit the tombs, but I've never been caught

    27. I said, " It's a sacrilege for females to visit the tombs, but I've never been caught

    28. But to lie to a bishop raised the operation from just a private sin which God would deal with kindly on being asked, to a crime you were punished for if it was a cathedral you did it to, a real crime, the crime of sacrilege

    29. It seemed sacrilege for two strangers

    30. Even now, they’re considered sacred by the Caucasians, and their “killing” and eating is considered the gravest sacrilege

    31. Sacrilege, (commit): The crime of violating or profaning sacred things; robbers of temples

    32. 21 Thou therefore which teachest another, teachest thou not thyself? thou that preachest a man should not steal, dost thou steal? 22 Thou that sayest a man should not commit adultery, dost thou commit adultery? thou that abhorrest idols, dost thou commit sacrilege? 23 Thou that makest thy boast of the law, through breaking the law dishonourest thou God? 24 For the name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles through you, as it is written

    33. Laughing at the truth is a sacrilege

    34. It is a sacrilege against all living things

    35. It is a sacrilege against all life

    36. It is a sacrilege against all of nature

    37. What kind of cultural insanity made them commit such an insane sacrilege upon the biggest statue they ever built? It would have been tantamount to modern Americans disfiguring Mount Rushmore, and replacing its symbolic meaning by wiping off the original faces and replacing them with smaller faces of another species

    38. Archduke Franz Ferdinand had defied this unspoken taboo and married his love and his happy family life was living proof that Love is better than all the Royal privileges and peerages in the world: For committing that sacrilege he had to be killed and destroyed as a living example of familial happiness

    39. 22 Thou that sayest a man should not commit adultery, dost thou commit adultery? thou that abhorrest idols, dost thou commit sacrilege?

    40. That it would be sacrilege to do otherwise

    41. He seemed to him to be conducting himself in a monstrous fashion, to be robbing him in a sort, and almost committing sacrilege

    42. I am really in doubt whether the crime should not be entered under the category of sacrilege rather than theft

    43. He regarded the suggestion that he should act such an undignified part, as a kind of sacrilege

    44. He had been promised! He had committed sacrilege and murder for this reward

    45. To cut them up was sacrilege, he said with uncharacteristic passion

    46. Can you imagine what it means for a sensitive and high-spirited woman to be tied to him for day and night? It is a sacrilege, a crime, a villainy to hold that such a marriage is binding

    47. "I have felt it to be a sacrilege to divert a brain which is capable of the highest original research to any lesser object

    48. Mammy cried out equally loudly at the sacrilege of soldiers being permitted to sleep on Miss Ellen’s rug but Scarlett was firm

    49. It wasn’t the sacrilege of burning a church that had disturbed Sam, so much as the pure waste, because somewhere inside she couldn’t quite accept that life itself was a waste

    50. All day I have been thinking that if she could rise from her grave, she would herself sell the gold which her love for me lavished on this dressingcase; but were I to do so, the act would seem to me a sacrilege

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    Synonymes pour "sacrilege"

    blasphemy desecration profanation sacrilege irreverence impiety defilement heresy