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    Utiliser "scantily" dans une phrase

    scantily exemples de phrases


    1. The screen shows a scantily clad Indian girl in traditional, but rather skimpy, garb gyrating and singing

    2. “I find it hard to think clearly with a scantily clad beautiful woman in my arms

    3. The home market was at all times likely to be more scantily supplied ; the commodities were at all times likely to be somewhat dearer there than they would have been, had the exportation been rendered as free as the importation

    4. The second was old bills, some legal papers dealing with the building itself and a few letters to and from attorneys regarding minor legal skirmishes with the local neighbors who objected to having a drinking establishment with scantily clad females in close proximity to their homes

    5. wall, mostly of Harold Gibbons with a multitude of scantily clad females

    6. We are greeted by a bevy of scantily clad young ladies with shorter skirts than Wah Wah, which are not ideal for playing pool in but brilliant for customer retention

    7. women danced around scantily clad to the heavy rhythms while smoke passed

    8. atmosphere with scantily clad female patrons and white men who looked as if

    9. The millions of scantily clad

    10. Pictures of scantily dressed women are typically fake accounts that are likely to have been created using bots

    11. A mist engulfed the fox and a beautiful young lady emerged, scantily dressed her jaw-dropping figure brushed past the trapped lad, her raven black hair swishing into his face

    12. That night two men were conversing in the Barbican, the elder, Americus, of subtle features and beard scantily inhabited, was saying to his son:

    13. From the yacht, the land is a passing delight of forested hills and mountains, rocky headlands, hidden beaches and coves, palm fringed shores, exotic old cities overlooked by ruined chateaus, beaches thronging with scantily clad, bronzed young bodies… freedom inaccessible to those trapped aboard the throbbing prison of a ship

    14. After traipsing the hot, scented alleys, wandering around the old fort and cemetery, watching eagles in the surrounding hills, we sweated in Turkish baths and exercised in a cellar gymnasium with other scantily clad young men lifting weights, wrestling and drinking sweet mint tea

    15. The young man, who had been wondering how to approach the scantily clad Adonis racing towards him, placed an arm round his shoulders and said, ‗Only if you kiss me

    16. She was clad more scantily even than the others; for instead of a skirt she wore merely a broad strip of gilt-worked purple cloth fastened to the middle of her girdle which fell below her knees

    17. At last there came along a poor widow, scantily attired, and they observed as she cast two mites (small coppers) into the trumpet

    18. That is to say, they had learned to work crudely in copper and tin, which were found scantily in their country, and for which latter metal they raided into the mountains of Zingara, or traded hides, whale's teeth, walrus tusks and such few things as savages have to trade

    19. I went past his house one Sunday after a big weekend and this scantily clad lass opens the door and tells me he is in the room I go in and he has a chick in the bed with him

    20. Accompanying him are three attentive and scantily dressed young native European women

    21. with the scantily clad girls stuffed into their corsets

    22. There were smiles all around, greatly facilitated by the consumption of alcohol and the scantily clad or partially nude young, attractive women

    23. As he slowly made his way across the crowded dance floor, several young women who were scantily clad and bore several piercings in places that were visible (and several in places that were not visible but evident) surrounded Wickland in an effort to entice him into their movements that in his opinion had no resemblance to dancing

    24. Helping first Janet to sit, Bernard then sat and signaled to one of the scantily dressed waitresses circulating around the tables

    25. wines and whiskies, more than the bevy of scantily clad young maidens that

    26. The room was scantily furnished with a dilapidated bureau in one corner and a rickety washstand equipped with a dirty washbowl and pitcher

    27. And thankfully it was not with invitations to sweat it out in some jungle oven or on a remote beach with scantily clad young women groping him

    28. Then, four scantily clad back-up dancers came out from behind the stage and joined ‘Tina’ in perfect sync

    29. In the back was a large crystal bar with two bartenders serving top-shelf liquor while scantily dressed servers, dressed in purple and black uniforms, walked around with plates of appetizers and drinks

    30. sights he read about on the internet, including those scantily clad local

    31. However, they had removed the yellow dress, leaving her very scantily clothed, and the temperature was dropping rapidly

    32. Placing the lantern on a small table next to the wheel, he stood, staring at Ella and her scantily clad body

    33. ful response to the scantily dressed woman who had made advances

    34. Of late, the neglected bed in the Temple Court had known him more scantily than ever; and often when he had thrown himself upon it no longer than a few minutes, he had got up again, and haunted that neighbourhood

    35. Among the topmost leaves, which scantily concealed the gnarled and stunted limbs, a savage was nestled, partly concealed by the trunk of the tree, and partly exposed, as though looking down upon them to ascertain the effect produced by his treacherous aim

    36. He put his boot on what he had spat, wiping his sole along it, and bent, showing a rawskinned crown, scantily haired

    37. cheapest pine and oak furniture in Frank’s store for, as Ashley was penniless and forced The six rooms of the little house on Ivy Street were soon scantily furnished with the to buy on credit, he refused anything except the least expensive and bought only the barest necessities

    38. He has, however, been seen in fashionable hot spots around Italy and France, schmoozing with the glitterati and having his picture taken with scantily clad young women, usually in restaurants

    39. The maid soon returned and showed him into a small and scantily furnished drawing-room, in which portraits of Professor Valerius and old Daae hung on opposite walls

    40. The scantily clad Helene smiled at everyone in the same way, and Natasha gave Boris a

    41. I could be sitting on a golden throne surrounded by forty-three scantily clad models, and if I accidentally uttered the word budget, I sincerely believe they would all instantaneously look up (from feeding me grapes and fanning me, duh), open their jaws in shock, and then flee in horror

    42. There was nothing to raise her spirits in the confined and scantily furnished chamber that she was to share with Susan

    43. It was a short man, and seemed like an artisan who had been drinking; he was shabbily and scantily dressed; a cloth cap, soaked by the rain and with the brim half torn off, perched on his shaggy, curly head

    44. The scantily clad Hélène smiled at everyone in the same way, and Natásha gave Borís a similar smile

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    Synonymes pour "scantily"

    scantily skimpily inadequately insufficiently