Utiliser "self-gratification" dans une phrase
self-gratification exemples de phrases
1. There is great need for the teaching of moral discipline in the place of so much self-gratification
2. self-gratification as he loaded his morbidly obese body with
3. Lust and self-gratification he understood, but love was never an emotion he’d considered, at least not until Donna
4. He fantasized about the rape, losing himself in his self-gratification, masturbating violently
5. But remember this… what created all this, the engine which drove it, the dynamic which produced it all was the dynamic of our ever-increasing population, of too many people having too many babies… too many people fucking, the oldest sin of the Jewish Old Testament: the original sin of carnal knowledge, the sin of sexual self-gratification and self-indulgence: not for the purpose it is designed for, the survival and propagation of a species; but merely because as apes who have no tails and stood up on two legs: and started using tools… it allowed us to move out of the small ecological niches we had been living in so we could spread out over the entire Earth
6. Western Civilization is built on over 2,500 years of people trying to find for their own self-gratification, some kind of mechanical advantage… over others, over Nature, over almost anything
7. What are the motives for this? Fear of death, power, arrogance, self-gratification, ego, the insulated separateness of the self
8. The worship of self-gratification, and comfort addictions by mindless conformity and obedience any authority that tells you to do something
9. And even more pointedly: they would have to stop all of their own bad habits of self-gratification when it came to raising their own children
10. Their entire lifestyle would not be able to be one of pure self-gratification, because if it is: then they will give their own children the wrong examples to copy and live-by
11. The only thing that actually matters in consumer society; is instant self-gratification
12. Popular mass culture… Meaning any form of culture used to sell something; is essentially the selling of meaningless self-gratification, or the selling of mindless entertainment and distraction
13. capitalism tries to fill this inner vacuum with greed, selfishness, distraction, self-gratification and ego-gratification
14. Consumer culture is basically meaningless because the only motivational engines that drive this consumption are greed-profit and self-gratification
15. Greed in itself has no human value except that of convenience, expediency and self-gratification
16. Why are people doing this? Fear of Nature? Fear of the Universe? Spiritual emptiness, boredom, normality, expediency, convenience, the need for distraction? Paranoia, cowardice, ease, self-gratification? How does his affect human happiness or health? How does it affect our Sense of Wonder, or Love, or Courage, or Honesty?
17. Take away the distractions, entertainments, self-gratifications, chores, routines, and what is left?
18. The sacredness of the consumer and the sacredness of self-gratification
19. Hollywood is the sick culture of instant over-nite success, instant over-nite fame, instant over-nite happiness, instant over-nite wealth, instant over-nite fame, instant over-nite status, and instant over-nite self-gratification
20. Why be a missionary for greed… when the TV culture of consumerism does a better job of it without any personal risk? What is modern culture but a modernized process of converting the ignorant to a more corrupt set of destructive greed-consumer-self-gratification values? What is today’s civilization but a process of turning people into believers in the sanctity of greed? What is modern civilization but the desperate attempt to commercialize everything? Not one living civilized person can or even wants to defend this value, rationalize it, or justify it
21. You cannot make anything better by self-gratification
22. What is the difference between selective indifference, selective egoism, selective selfishness, selective self-rationalization, selective self-gratification and selective projection? Nothing
23. What are the dynamics of selective hate and selective fear, and selective cowardice, and selective dishonesty? How does selective hate, selective fear, selective cowardice, selective dishonesty, selective self-delusion, selective self-rationalization, selective self-gratification, selective egoism and selective indifference work?
24. Today; all civilized people starting from birth, are trained in the ethics and principles of self-gratification and ease; not hardship
25. By not training and teaching our children hardship and self-sacrifice, by only teaching them the ethic of self-gratification: modern consumer culture has doomed billions to shallow, unhappy lives; poisoned by greed, selfishness, egoism, arrogance, smugness, cowardice, dishonesty, and all the other vices that modern civilization nurtures and promotes
26. The self-gratification that comes from shopping vanishes almost instantly once you get home with your purchases… unless they are necessary and useful; in which case you will not get any thrill from buying them in the first place
27. And on, and on, and on… Then you get nearly all of modern technology harnessed in striving for the easiest, immediate, most distracting, most entertaining forms of self-gratification possible
28. Then you get 100’s of millions of sloth-bound, lazy, indifferent, smug, corrupted, comfort-addicted individuals all obsessed and focused solely upon their own selfish self-gratification… while meanwhile, billions of other less lucky, less fortunate people on this planet are doomed to living in hopeless, continual poverty, misery, oppression, and ignorance
29. without even knowing it, they had exposed the entire fallacy of modern consumer culture and its ethic of self-gratification
30. It comes from people valuing self-gratification above all other moral and ethical truths
31. The ‘in-out’ repetition of sex, the corruption of touch of tactile feelings channeled into selfishness and self-gratification; is an addiction
32. The idea of ownership: owning a wife; owning a trophy sex-symbol: using a wife as a slave: just so there the guaranteed ritual of the lowest, most base self-gratification can be repeated every night or week: eventually and inevitably becomes so banal and disgusting and revealing: nearly all married couples stop having sex and get separate beds simply because they know each other to well
33. Why? Because consumer parents religiously believe in instant self-gratification
34. Their only responsibility is to themselves; their only ethic is self-gratification
35. Self-gratification is meaningless
36. The religion of consumer choice is based upon the one-sided principle of pure one-sided selfish self-gratification in order to make consumers not notice that they have no real choice at all, that they have no power over their own lives whatsoever, and no power to choose except which flavor of ice cream they want
37. Until the unspoken religion of self-gratification is exposed and challenged and opposed and denounced publicly: consumers will continue to remain brainwashed and convinced that they only doing what is right and good for themselves and for the world
38. Because she cannot stand people who are not as sick as she is, who are not as addicted to instant self-gratification as she is
39. As long as they get a temporary self-gratification fix, that’s all that matters
40. These newer chemical forms of self-gratification were needed as an extra layer of numbness
41. The mass-norms of mass-greed and mass-hate and mass-fear and mass-self-gratification had risen
42. See if they are pandering to any of your addictions of self-gratification
43. What can any person say about this kind of validation? The validation of self-gratification as the only meaning in life is the root of every consumer corruption
44. For instance: Today: a few over-affluent people are going a little against the grain of self-gratification
45. Self-gratification is more than good: it is sacred
46. Eating and self-gratification: is sacred
47. The consumer mentality and culture of self-gratification and egoism has its own perfect defense against its own insanity: middle-class upwardly mobile consumers will never develop a mass awareness of their own sickness: they will never come together as a single class
48. Upwardly mobile middle-class people are so obsessed with distraction, and entertainment and self-gratification: that nothing else exists for them
49. The idea of replacing comfort addiction, convenience, expediency, mindless self-gratification and mindless tool-use with something more demanding, with hardship that is truly rewarding, is not a regression into the past
50. Once people believe in the sacredness of their own self-gratification, once their imbalanced awareness cannot discern between what is truly good for them and what is bad, how can anyone divest themselves of such entrenched cultural habits-values-beliefs? To propose that the entire human population on this planet willingly choose whatever is more difficult