Could poverty itself sell out? With art?
He’s trying to sell out my country,’ he thought
5 - the morning I was going to sell out my business to the richest family in the custom van business which would guarantee my success, my father showed up out of nowhere and asked me how much it would take to not sell
It's an upsell outside of the combo
It seemed that his failure was predestined, up to the end of the year, Roland didn't sell out a single pixel online
And Mick, your restaurant partner, is begging you to sell out to him so he can have a good tax write-off
The unions are terrified that CN will sell out to a competitor who would simply close the pant down and move production abroad
They could sell out and move back to Ireland, where properties were a fraction of the price they were in London
would never sell out and then do
We still saw each other twice a week for business as I didn"t want to sell out on the guy and once a week to catch up a mates
“At the time though, I couldn’t believe you would sell out your fellow victims for two hundred thousand dollars
They almost always sell out
Sell Out Young with No Regrets
Trust Christ and completely sell out to Him
He challenged me as a college student to sell out for Christ and promised that I would never regret the decision
These malleable leaders sell out their own people out of fear of the US, and greed, and power for themselves
alternatives when the original authorized dealers sell out
Soon the enterprise was a sell out before we even could
“Is Mort going to sell out too?” Julius asked, a hint of hopefulness in
an hour after the old man refused to sell out to Van Thorn, only made
“Mort refuses to sell out to Van Thorn
breaks the camel’s back, is when the kings of the earth sell out Israel
too high to sell out to a private company but as they were proceed-
every business, simply increase the profits and sell out on an EBIT multiple
to protect it, remember you will sell out to a large corporation
But what if he was lying? And how could she sell out her own family anyway?
This surely was a sell out by South Africa to colonialist China
Sell out, drink lots of water, and most importantly, have fun
Doesn’t that leave you and SiteSell out in the dark?”
Sell out, and
There are staff members that would sell out their brother if they thought it
Even though she had no children, she had the nagging sense that she'd “sell out
“Why did it sell out?”
wil ing to sell out cheap
Analysis of the past events or planning about the future life is not a bad quality but the point is that we should not sell out our souls to yesterday or tomorrow
Doesn’t that leave you and SiteSell out in the dark?
There were those who would sell out their own
only way is to sell out without having to pay off the crew
I always thought the wine I gave, would sell out first; before the blood of an ordinary song, but I was wrong
She would not embarrass the man she swore allegiance to, but she would not sell out her own standards
It was also heavily featued in the media, news, and papers which caused 50,000 units to sell out in just three days
Monsieur Lheureux, in fact, went in for pawnbroking, and it was there that he had put Madame Bovary's gold chain, together with the earrings of poor old Tellier, who, at last forced to sell out, had bought a meagre store of grocery at Quincampoix, where he was dying of catarrh amongst his candles, that were less yellow than his face
In spite of the improvements and additions which were making to the Norland estate, and in spite of its owner having once been within some thousand pounds of being obliged to sell out at a loss, nothing gave any symptom of that indigence which he had tried to infer from it;-- no poverty of any kind, except of conversation, appeared-- but there, the deficiency was considerable
"Then sell out—sell out, marquis, or you will lose it all
"But how can I sell out here?"
"Then give me a letter to him, and tell him to sell out without an instant's delay, perhaps
`Sell out!' replied Grinder with a contemptuous laugh in which the others joined
Strong testimony for the prosecution, no doubt, but still—this guy Cornwall is no different than the first witness, a jailhouse snitch who’d probably sell out his grandmother to shave some time off his sentence
By midday on Monday she knew she would sell out before the end of the week
Around here, property owners who sell out to the coal companies are not held in high regard, and she was terrified of what her neighbors would think
“Oh, but Will! They couldn’t sell out Tara
Union patriots who were willing to sell out the Union behind its back—for one-hundred- “Half the money is honestly mine,” he continued, “honestly made with the aid of honest per-cent profit on their goods
Savvy naked writers tend to sell out-of-the-money calls and puts whose underlying stocks or futures are unlikely to reach their strike prices during the remaining life of an option
With this in mind you should look at your current portfolio occasionally and decide if you want to buy more, while at the same time considering whether to sell out others
Classically we should sell out when there is a 30%+ profit on the table, for this is a classic value investment share, but who knows what will pan out exactly
For example: when I bought lots of Trinity Mirror on average around 40p, I planned to sell out at 90p
The market then approaches the floor again, where buyers enter, seeing an opportunity to join the bullish trend, and take the market back to the ceiling again, where the second wave of weak traders sell out, and exit with either a small loss or marginal profits
At the top of each wave, buyers are left in weak positions, and then sell out on the next wave, to be replaced by more buyers at the top of the wave, who then sell out at the top of the subsequent wave
Much as the investor would like to be able to buy at just the right time and to sell out when prices are about to fall, experience shows that he is not likely to be brilliantly successful in such efforts and that by injecting the trading element into his investment operations he will … inevitably shift his interest into speculative directions
Despite the decline in earnings and investment quality, he had several opportunities to sell out advantageously during the next six years
, raise more capital from the stockholders) or sell out securities and retire debt with the proceeds, in an amount sufficient to restore the proper margin
It was possible, therefore, for the alert investor to sell out such holdings to some heedless and unsuspecting victim, who was attracted by the reputation of the issue and the slight discount at which it was obtainable in comparison with other issues of its class
Much as the investor would like to be able to buy at just the right time and to sell out when prices are about to fall, experience shows that he is not likely to be brilliantly successful in such efforts and that by injecting the trading element into his investment operations he will disrupt the income return on his capital and inevitably shift his interest into speculative directions
In the meantime an opportunity arose to sell out at a large profit (the high price being 284 in 1929), which corresponded to the enhancement possibilities of a convertible or subscription-warrant issue
The holder of this issue was therefore enabled to sell out its speculative component at a high price and to retain his original preferred-stock commitment, which maintained an investment status throughout the depression until it was finally called for redemption at 110 on April 1, 1933
To buy in times of depression and low prices and to sell out in times of prosperity and high prices
Yet part owners of this business—under the stress of depression, it is true—were willing to sell out their interest at one-tenth of the value that a single private owner would have unhesitatingly placed upon it
Sell out such purchases when a price is reached substantially above normal value, say, higher, or from 20% to 50% higher on a scale basis
Conversely, when this larger group decides to sell out at the same time, either to cut short a loss or to protect a profit, the effect must again be that a lower average price is received
If the division between investment and speculative operations were as clear now as once it was, we might be able to envisage investors as a shrewd, experienced group who sell out to the heedless, hapless speculators at high prices and buy back from them at depressed levels
—which justifies them in placing a large part of their resources in one medium and holding on to this commitment through all vicissitudes, despite numerous temptations to sell out at apparently high prices along the way
For who will buy when the general public, at a given signal, rushes to sell out at a profit? If you, the reader, expect to get rich over the years by following some system or leadership in market forecasting, you must be expecting to try to do what countless others are aiming at, and to be able to do it better than your numerous competitors in the market
* Even in 1949, therefore, it was by no means a certainty that the investor could base his financial policies and procedures mainly on the endeavor to buy at low levels in bear markets and to sell out at high levels in bull markets
Should the holder sell on a small rise; should he hold for a much bigger advance; if the issue is called—as often happens when the common has gone up considerably—should he sell out then or convert into and retain the common stock?*
Investors who paid $30 per share for a book value of $50 could sell out at $75, a gain of 150 percent
“Sometimes they come back for more if they sell out, but I haven’t seen them lately
Had Brewing chosen to sell out to a larger company, it is extremely unlikely that the Schaefer family interests could have retained the same type of control over Brewing that became available to them through the creation of Corporation, which alone may have discouraged this approach
While Uyehara often will sell out within a few days, he decided to let MDVN run because it was climbing nearly every day on strong volume at a time when most other stocks were falling due to mounting concerns over the financial crisis
For example, a trader might buy out-of-the-money puts in June and sell out-of-the-money puts in March
At the same time, the trader might sell out-of-the-money calls in June and buy out-of-the-money calls in March
Now he will want to buy put calendar spreads—buy out-of-the-money June puts and sell out-of-the-money March puts
Sell out if the price falls to 100 but not if it gaps down to 80
You can use stop orders both to buy into a position (next chapter) and to sell out of a position
In this pattern the objective is to buy in to a rising price trend, signalled by a break through a resistance level, but to sell out at the earliest opportunity if the uptrend signal turns out to be false because the price falls back through the resistance level
The more often you can buy in to a rising trend and sell out of a falling trend, the more money you will make
Sell out at that price and bank the proceeds, thereby increasing (hopefully) or decreasing (hopefully not) the available funds
Late in 2007 she is disciplined enough to instruct her fund manager to sell out of the S&P 500 mutual fund when the index level falls to her most recent stop level; and it’s a good thing too, as you can see in the chart
By mid-2002 she would have been disciplined enough to sell out at this level, she would have avoided further losses in that year, and she would have been free to buy in again in 2003 as per the original scenario
Sell out both positions when the price falls below the higher support level (and higher stop level) of 12,200 at the end of 2007; for a 33% capital increase on the $50,000 position and a 9% increase on the $47,500 position
I wasn’t tempted to sell out for a big profit, nor to set a tight stop-loss to protect my notional big profit, because I was now in this position for as long as possible
I do remember at some point that it was the day before we were supposed to close on the house, and I needed to sell out my position so that I could have money to buy the house
Within a few minutes after the open, I sell puts that are one strike out of the money (remember, we want to buy in-the-money options but sell out-of-the-money options)
When it gets tough somebody’ll sell out and leave the rest of us to take it on the chin
We decided we want a guy that won’t sell out for a load o’ canned goods
During a time of prosperity and economic expansion, the companies that cannot earn a respectable living are left no recourse but to sell out or restructure if the level of the stock price aggravates shareholders or if a raider notes the underlying assets
In spite of the improvements and additions which were making to the Norland estate, and in spite of its owner having once been within some thousand pounds of being obliged to sell out at a loss, nothing gave any symptom of that indigence which he had tried to infer from it;—no poverty of any kind, except of conversation, appeared—but there, the deficiency was considerable
"See if I don't sell out all my goods, and bring you some presents from the fair