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    Utiliser "sell out" dans une phrase

    sell out exemples de phrases

    sell out

    1. Could poverty itself sell out? With art?

    2. He’s trying to sell out my country,’ he thought

    3. 5 - the morning I was going to sell out my business to the richest family in the custom van business which would guarantee my success, my father showed up out of nowhere and asked me how much it would take to not sell

    4. It's an upsell outside of the combo

    5. It seemed that his failure was predestined, up to the end of the year, Roland didn't sell out a single pixel online

    6. And Mick, your restaurant partner, is begging you to sell out to him so he can have a good tax write-off

    7. The unions are terrified that CN will sell out to a competitor who would simply close the pant down and move production abroad

    8. They could sell out and move back to Ireland, where properties were a fraction of the price they were in London

    9. would never sell out and then do

    10. We still saw each other twice a week for business as I didn"t want to sell out on the guy and once a week to catch up a mates

    11. “At the time though, I couldn’t believe you would sell out your fellow victims for two hundred thousand dollars

    12. They almost always sell out

    13. Sell Out Young with No Regrets

    14. Trust Christ and completely sell out to Him

    15. He challenged me as a college student to sell out for Christ and promised that I would never regret the decision

    16. These malleable leaders sell out their own people out of fear of the US, and greed, and power for themselves

    17. alternatives when the original authorized dealers sell out

    18. Soon the enterprise was a sell out before we even could

    19. “Is Mort going to sell out too?” Julius asked, a hint of hopefulness in

    20. an hour after the old man refused to sell out to Van Thorn, only made

    21. “Mort refuses to sell out to Van Thorn

    22. breaks the camel’s back, is when the kings of the earth sell out Israel

    23. too high to sell out to a private company but as they were proceed-

    24. every business, simply increase the profits and sell out on an EBIT multiple

    25. to protect it, remember you will sell out to a large corporation

    26. But what if he was lying? And how could she sell out her own family anyway?

    27. This surely was a sell out by South Africa to colonialist China

    28. Sell out, drink lots of water, and most importantly, have fun

    29. Doesn’t that leave you and SiteSell out in the dark?”

    30. Sell out, and

    31. There are staff members that would sell out their brother if they thought it

    32. Even though she had no children, she had the nagging sense that she'd “sell out

    33. “Why did it sell out?”

    34. wil ing to sell out cheap

    35. Analysis of the past events or planning about the future life is not a bad quality but the point is that we should not sell out our souls to yesterday or tomorrow

    36. Doesn’t that leave you and SiteSell out in the dark?

    37. There were those who would sell out their own

    38. only way is to sell out without having to pay off the crew

    39. I always thought the wine I gave, would sell out first; before the blood of an ordinary song, but I was wrong

    40. She would not embarrass the man she swore allegiance to, but she would not sell out her own standards

    41. It was also heavily featued in the media, news, and papers which caused 50,000 units to sell out in just three days

    42. Monsieur Lheureux, in fact, went in for pawnbroking, and it was there that he had put Madame Bovary's gold chain, together with the earrings of poor old Tellier, who, at last forced to sell out, had bought a meagre store of grocery at Quincampoix, where he was dying of catarrh amongst his candles, that were less yellow than his face

    43. In spite of the improvements and additions which were making to the Norland estate, and in spite of its owner having once been within some thousand pounds of being obliged to sell out at a loss, nothing gave any symptom of that indigence which he had tried to infer from it;-- no poverty of any kind, except of conversation, appeared-- but there, the deficiency was considerable

    44. "Then sell outsell out, marquis, or you will lose it all

    45. "But how can I sell out here?"

    46. "Then give me a letter to him, and tell him to sell out without an instant's delay, perhaps

    47. `Sell out!' replied Grinder with a contemptuous laugh in which the others joined

    48. Strong testimony for the prosecution, no doubt, but still—this guy Cornwall is no different than the first witness, a jailhouse snitch who’d probably sell out his grandmother to shave some time off his sentence

    49. By midday on Monday she knew she would sell out before the end of the week

    50. Around here, property owners who sell out to the coal companies are not held in high regard, and she was terrified of what her neighbors would think

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