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    Utiliser "set foot on" dans une phrase

    set foot on exemples de phrases

    set foot on

    1. Pale of face but in control, she hurries over to me, hugging me frantically as soon as I set foot on the ground

    2. "You know how I once told you," he continued, "how I felt like I was born when I set foot on this planet?"

    3. He felt at home even though this was the first time he had set foot on this continent

    4. This disease was the cross everyone had to bear on Gallipoli for it affected all who set foot on the peninsula to one extent or another

    5. As he set foot on the hard floor, he knew he’d never feel another surface beneath his step

    6. It was almost dusk on the third day since he had set foot on the Land of God

    7. She rarely had to set foot on public transportation

    8. since I’d set foot on the mainland, nor had I seen anything that

    9. It was the first time I had set foot on Allen Drive in 10 years

    10. Two individual Morphozoids set foot on the shore of the lake

    11. And as he set foot on the first step, the light was blotted out, and above him the marble door rushed shut with a resounding reverberation

    12. set foot on this planet, there was only one

    13. She ran toward the pilot who had just set foot on the pavement

    14. Newton, you will be sorry you ever set foot on this planet

    15. “No, I have not set foot on a planet since I was little

    16. The three stood motionless awaiting the Rakai to set foot on their temple

    17. When he set foot on the ground floor, he looked down at Rachel's body below

    18. John 11:25 I praise God today that I saw & set foot on for the first time my future home & field of labor "Dark Africa

    19. The details on how the mission was going to be conducted by Nancy Laplante once she set foot on the ground in the past had been kept secret from all but a few members of the Time Patrol

    20. Showing a typically British phlegm, Eden followed Stimson to the large sedan at the head of the convoy, while the other passengers of the plane set foot on the airfield

    21. He spent most of his first day catching his stride on the trail and stretching his legs because it had been nearly a year since he last set foot on the AT

    22. Going out of the office and on the wooden gallery that ringed the inside of the warehouse, the lieutenant intercepted the girl, a tall teenager with long red hair and big green eyes, as she set foot on the gallery

    23. They slid down the succession of ladders until they set foot on the bottom deck of the hold, which was filled with big forty foot steel sea containers stacked four-high

    24. I saw her kill at least two of those bastards that had set foot on the Heraklion

    25. Things changed however once he set foot on the Promenade Deck after his ship, the TCNS VAGABOND, had docked with the KOSTROMA in orbit around Mars

    26. As we set foot on the snowfield and walk on its surface, I have the

    27. One celebrated incident on the Temple Mount a few months ago had involved an Irish Christian Brother that had come to Jerusalem to have his arthritis healed, only to see his condition worsen dramatically once he set foot on the Temple Mount

    28. ‘’Listen up, people! We will soon jump and set foot on the target near its aft emergency airlock, which can be opened manually from the outside

    29. Priya set foot on the Main Promenade Deck, on Level 9, twelve minutes later, coming out of one of the elevator shafts of the central rotunda of the deck

    30. heavy end abutted the ground as Vinny set foot on Gary

    31. Pierre, who had made the trip atop of his horse, set foot on the ground with Jeanne, De Mézières and Lieutenant Dupré, letting the soldiers of the escort bring the cart and the horses to the stables

    32. He greeted the pilot and radar officer that came down with a vigorous handshake once they set foot on the tarmac

    33. that was rigged against me to begin with? If I were to do this I’d never be allowed to set foot on Vulcan again!” Tammas said, coming to the edge of his seat

    34. "I don't want to lose my beautiful air hostess before I even set foot on the plane

    35. Anger pushed aside the cramping in his legs when he set foot on hated ground

    36. ‘… these writers, men who not only had never set foot on

    37. The Aztecs could have crushed the Spaniards as they tried to set foot on the Gulf coast

    38. But that is not true of others who have perhaps not yet even set foot on

    39. The poor man was overcome by fear and threw himself from the back of the horse believing that the only way he could escape death would be to set foot on the ground

    40. set foot on the planet of his birth again

    41. When he had originally set foot on the remote paradisaical location, he

    42. She wondered if she would see this land again or was she now only to live upon this floating metal cage? Would her feet set foot on her beloved clan's soil? Would she ever run through Elanclose again?

    43. When the sailors set foot on land, “knelt down, kissed the earth, and

    44. They timidly established footholds and toeholds on the outer islands first before they ever set foot on the American continent

    45. " Worthy said to her as she set foot onto the track

    46. It's been two years since Massie set foot on that beach where she experienced first love, friendship, and heartbreak

    47. into motion when the very first slave set foot on Ameri-

    48. The American astronaut James Erwin, who was one of the first humans to travel deep into outer space, and set foot on the moon said, on his return to Earth, and after seeing creation from a new perspective

    49. Over two hundred thousand men missing from the sea of tents before him bore testament to the price that they had paid to set foot on Valley Lander soil the night before

    50. I’d take my chances with the sea sooner that I’d set foot on this island again!

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