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    Utiliser "set up as" dans une phrase

    set up as exemples de phrases

    set up as

    1. ‘Yes, but why Liz? If she hadn’t been set up as the murderer initially, I’d agree with you, but as things are, it seems all of a piece

    2. Of course, the Foundation is set up as a non-profit-making Charity which helps

    3. “Alright you lot I know things got a bit hairy there for a moment but it’s not so bad now in fact we are going to try to flank this position further over on the left where his artillery doesn’t seem to be as well set up as it is here

    4. My well-favored stalk of wheat, set up as an oak in the midst of this polluted and diseased field

    5. See, we’re set up as individuals

    6. another meaningless ritual biology had set up as a physical act with

    7. They’re all kitted out, mainly hide-outs but we have workshops, ordnance stores, armouries, and we even have a unit set up as an operating theatre

    8. When we get back, after Gary gets rid of the virus – if he’s able to get rid of it - I want the guest house set up as a temporary work area for the genetics team

    9. There was a small clearing there where he had a small circle of stones set up as a fireplace

    10. Here are some of the trading rules that I have set up as my trading

    11. The other columns and rows are set up as a pattern of one row of titles and another

    12. The model is set up as a “stand alone” optimizer for the purposes of illustration

    13. This is a factor set up as (1 + Decimal

    14. The same applied to Ben Scully and Wolfgang Blauner, each being of the opinion he was the one who had been set up as a scapegoat by his mates

    15. After several minutes of reflection for each of them, Charlie cleared his throat from the knot within and said, “We really should get set up as there was lots to do before the gates opened in a couple of hours

    16. The tabernacle was sufficiently portable that it could be moved and set up as the Israelites wandered

    17. Still not sure if he was being set up as the butt of a joke, he looked at the portal and said, �Deactivate!�

    18. At the stage of pashyanti, the mind is set up as a witness-an onlooker

    19. He had been taught a very hard lesson, and been set up as an example for every conceited, self-focused person who witnessed the incident

    20. machine gun, still in working condition, was set up as the main defense

    21. the obelisk in the Vatican is set up as a huge sun dial and astrological marker that uses the shadows of

    22. Cat had been set up as my instructor and her frustration with me seemed somewhat justified, even if her attitude towards me had me wanting to pull her hair out and throw her in a tar pit

    23. nothing of and that was just set up as a substitution by God because He failed to set up the kingdom that the prophets did know of

    24. Dark rumors gathered round him in the university town, and eventually he was compelled to resign his chair and to come down to London, where he set up as an army coach

    25. This value is presumably book value, which either may be the original dollar cost less depreciation or may be some more or less artificial value set up as a result of transfer or reappraisal

    26. On the other hand, Swift and Company reduced its reported earnings in the fiscal years 1933–1935 by $16,767,000, which was set up as a reserve for future inventory decline

    27. The trade was set up as price moved down toward what eventually would be an August 31, 2010, low

    28. However, the widow made a pretty fair show of astonishment, and heaped so many compliments and so much gratitude upon Huck that he almost forgot the nearly intolerable discomfort of his new clothes in the entirely intolerable discomfort of being set up as a target for everybody's gaze and everybody's laudations

    29. With Marius' money, Thenardier set up as a slave-dealer

    30. The mirrors, set up as in the store, angled to reflect three Martínezes and the echoes and memories of those who had occupied this suit with him and known the bright world inside this thread and cloth

    31. For all futures markets, this is set up as a 24-hour time chart (equity and ETF charts use regular trading hours)

    32. The children of human beings should not be brought up as if they were animals; and we should set up as the object and strive to maintain as the result of our labors something better and nobler than a well-dressed body

    33. Chastity and celibacy, it is urged, cannot constitute the ideal of humanity, because chastity would annihilate the race which strove to realize it, and humanity cannot set up as its ideal its own annihilation

    34. But then, under the influence of false criticism extolling Shakespear, he writes "Boris Godunoff," a cold, brain-spun work, and this production is lauded by the critics, set up as a model, and imitations of it appear: "Minin," by Ostrovsky, and "Tsar Boris," by Alexée Tolstoï, and such imitations of imitations as crowd all literatures with insignificant productions

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