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sex appeal exemples de phrases
sex appeal
1. with the sex appeal of a turtle
2. Very rough estimates of their average corporal weight are recorded at more than 3,000 pounds for the males—sometimes reaching up to 7,000 pounds for the big-time, in-between-meal snackers! The females come in a bit lighter, due to their wanting to watch their figures and maintain their sex appeal, of course
3. With his dark hair combed back to slick and gleaming, he selected for the day a new brand of cologne, which he splashed on liberally, not for additional sex appeal, of which he had considerable, but because he liked the freshness it gave to his skin and the faint whiffs he caught from time to time throughout the day
4. It only added to his sex appeal
5. First, it’s going to be more amenable to accepting the case because of its high sex appeal
6. to his sex appeal
7. ” The witch, Lovely Bai instructed us, inspecting our figures and trying to figure out whose body would be the most hot and sexy and had the most sex appeal for her clients
8. She had huge sex appeal
9. While a confirmed heterosexual herself, she could easily see that the blonde Time Patrol agent had an exotic sex appeal that was quite dramatic where men of the Imperium were concerned, partly because of her natural beauty but also because of her hair and of her pure racial type
10. I’ve had a bit of a flirtation going on with one of them, but I guess this situation may have an effect on my sex appeal
11. What’s it that makes this fabulous woman so irresistible? Sure there’s much more to her persona than her oozing sex appeal
12. And given her sex appeal, won’t she be maddening in bed, at any time in her life? The long and short of Roopa is that she’s an excellent short-term prospect and an enduring long-term asset, the endearing one, is she not?’
13. Do you know what’s going to be your likely response then? As if to prove to yourself that your sex appeal hasn’t lost its gloss, you’ll take on another lover to sing the same praises of you
14. Once, such a one told me that she was enamored of me for my romanticism and as her persona didn’t trigger my passion, I realized that its woman’s sex appeal that brings man’s innate romanticism into play to provide the cutting edge for lovemaking, and unless combined by male passion and female amorousness, coition is mere sexual motion
15. While I felt that something in me snapped, she said it was time that I got married and became a father, when she told me to court a suitable dame, I said that I was unlucky in love; she said that she knew a girl, who would be an ideal wife for me, and as if to goad me to her candidate, she said the dame had a rare sex appeal to eroticize the romantic in me; she said that the girl was not privy to her double life and even if she came to know about it, she was sure she would be sympathetic towards her
16. “Didn’t I tell you about a plain girl, who was enamored of me; much later, another I knew nursed the idea of marrying a romantic guy but was aghast as her father intended to get her married to a dull character; when she told me about her predicament, I said that though she was beautiful, yet she was not vivacious, and that it’ sex appeal that triggers romantics; I told her in half-jest that if she were sexy, I would’ve seduced her; that made her comprehend the sexual realities of her life
17. Women respond by, passing her vote to the candidate that has sex appeal without the impact intelligence
18. Not hers though! She’d been immune to that charm and sex appeal and his accent didn’t do a thing for her!
19. There were literally hundreds of bars in Hong Kong and Kowloon where the hostesses were glamorous and exuded sex appeal
20. Though she was Evan’s fiancée and Colin’s friend, Colin was aware that she fairly oozed sex appeal
21. It appears that neither of these companies possesses glamour, or “sex appeal,” in the present market; but in all the statistical data they show up surprisingly well
22. Angel - France without whom we may never have stumbled across grail's potential and without whom we wouldn't have any sex appeal in the group
23. But it was a certain kind of sex appeal, initiated, developed and perfected by her
24. She said that the roles she was playing “are all the same, all dumb-blonde types with sex appeal,” and “it’s too much tedium
25. What drew people to Marilyn wasn’t her classic acting ability or her regal bearing—it was her sex appeal
26. Marilyn’s “look” was significantly altered for this role, though her beauty and sex appeal are not affected in the least