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    Utiliser "shaggy-haired" dans une phrase

    shaggy-haired exemples de phrases


    1. A shaggy-haired boy with a crease between his eyebrows

    2. Even the shaggy-haired head of one

    3. The brown robed, bearded, shaggy-haired gentleman responded, “It is our duty as residents of the Township of Needless to take heed to our elevated security threat as it is defined in the Needless Homegrown Security procedures

    4. Mary sees a shaggy-haired Aaron with a shaggy beard

    5. As it advanced, the mender of roads would discern without surprise, that it was a shaggy-haired man, of almost barbarian aspect, tall, in wooden shoes that were clumsy even to the eyes of a mender of roads, grim, rough, swart, steeped in the mud and dust of many highways, dank with the marshy moisture of many low grounds, sprinkled with the thorns and leaves and moss of many byways through woods

    6. goes to use the john, Will approaches a Shaggy-haired Counselor-in-Training and points to a figure down at the end of the block

    7. When Tíkhonovna entered the room, there were there the cook, a white, ruddy-faced, fat, manorial woman, with the sleeves of her chintz dress rolled up, who with difficulty was moving a pot in the oven with an oven-fork; then a young, small coachman, who was learning to play the balaláyka; an old man with an unshaven, soft white beard, who was sitting on a bed place with his bare feet and, holding a skein of silk between his lips, was sewing on some fine, good material, and a shaggy-haired, swarthy young man, in a shirt and blue trousers, with a coarse face, who, chewing bread, was sitting on a bench at the oven and leaning his head on both his arms, which were steadied against his knees

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