Utiliser "sharpen" dans une phrase
sharpen exemples de phrases
1. It was the most haunting thing, like the sound a cat would make if you used her ribs to sharpen knives
2. Once Ali faced five balls in a restrained manner, he could sharpen
3. Alistair had managed to acquire a whetstone to sharpen the tools
4. He wrote furiously, constantly, only pausing to sharpen his pencil
5. “When’d you sharpen up?” Desa asked about his axes
6. By gynmastic exercises, it was intended to harden his body, to sharpen his courage, and to prepare him for the fatigues and dangers of war ; and as the Greek militia was, by all accounts, one of the best that ever was in the world, this part of their public education must have answered completely the purpose for which it was intended
7. I just sharpen my sword, fill my pipe and gulp down what Mott fancies each time
8. 20 But all the Israelites went down to the Philistines, to sharpen every man his share, and his coulter, and his axe, and his mattock
9. 21 Yet they had a file for the mattocks, and for the coulters, and for the forks, and for the axes, and to sharpen the goads
10. He would sharpen his writing skills, so that when he got to college he’d have a head start
11. change the shape of his lance head to different points and sharpen the blade as if
12. With the backing of our emotions, the intellect can sharpen our innate talents and utilize them to our advantage
13. When an individual’s innate talent coincides with his interest, he will easily sharpen that talent into a marketable tool
14. 20 His severe anger shall he sharpen for a sword, and the world shall fight with him against the unwise
15. Its more detached perspective away from the political battlefront of America seems to sharpen that publication’s frequent comments on America
16. beginning of the 20th centuries sharpen the curiosity and enliven the interest of the visitor
17. What you'd want to do then is determine if you can sharpen the focus of that
18. See what I mean? Trying to sharpen the focus of your niche too
19. "Enough lead to sharpen a pencil," Bowen cutted in
20. me to increase the density of pixilation and sharpen up the picture in its
21. change the shape of the blade slightly and sharpen both sides of it
23. He lifted his voice in a thunder that carried to the farthest confines of the encampment: 'Aie, you dogs, sharpen your ears and listen! Gather around here
24. it would be a nice afternoon treat to sharpen its fangs on
25. It’s a game that telepathic people play, just for fun and to sharpen their own concentrations
26. Did the Envoy (cpth) not say: “… the one of you should sharpen his knife and relax the animal to be slaughtered”?
27. It seemed to sharpen her intellect
28. the use of a virtual account where you can practice and sharpen you
29. more like some twisted abattoir, where the cattle were volunteering to sharpen the knives
30. This is a game of words and we need to sharpen our abilities to fight back with our resources and discredit Jack and his other partner, whoever he is
31. The daily intercourse of man with man, which a city naturally produces, seems to sharpen intellect, and stimulate mental activity to an extent which dwellers in rural parishes, or other solitary places, cannot realize
32. He that would perfect his work must first sharpen his tools
33. Listening to and giving directions helps your child to sharpen listening and speaking skills
34. The child tried to sharpen his pencil with a sharp blade, thinking that it would be better than the pencil sharpener which its father had advised it to use
35. "Don't forget to sharpen the blade first
36. There is no romaji in the book so it will sharpen your reading skills
37. Move your fingers to sharpen the next part of the blade
38. To sharpen using the Shiageto whet stone, hold the handle of the
39. She would sharpen sticks at both ends, drive them into the bottom of these holes, and cover them with dead leaves
40. These included three 16 pound stone sledges, several Cleveland model tackle blocks with long lengths of stout rope, three Disston's type cross cut saws for two man tree cutting, four stone picks of seven pounds each, two toothed stone mason's hammers of ten pounds each, six pointed quarry picks, various steel wedges, a large stone cutter's saw called a Frig Bob, a smaller starting saw called a Razzor, a triangular file to sharpen saw teeth, two drill braces, a pedal operated grinding stone of 60 pounds for sharpening of the other tools, and an assortment of small hand tools
41. She could imbue melee weapons with tiny bits of earth that made them more jagged, or she could sharpen blades to help them penetrate armor
42. do when they have nothing else to do: Sharpen their blades
43. Whet: To sharpen; to rub for the purpose of sharpening, as an edged tool
44. other conditions has affected it, you can sharpen your memory with the proper knowledge
45. experiences with, can sharpen you memory
46. remainder of the turn is to sharpen your soft minds
47. After the shock, they needed to regroup to sharpen their
48. Suffering and pain also sharpen our awareness of happiness
49. I am sorry to say this variety does not come out so well in the reproduction on page 194 [Transcribers Note: Plate XLIV] as I could have wished, the half-tone process having a tendency to sharpen edges rather monotonously
50. Having a backup writing utensil can help you continue your test without being distracted by having to sharpen a pencil or refill a pen
1. sharpened into spears awaited them at the bottom of the short pit
2. They had then cut off all branches between two and three inches thick, sharpened both ends and dug in a forest of spikes around the walls and the gate
3. The second wave tripped over the fallen first wave and, as they crawled forward they too became victims of the deadly sharpened steel traps
4. All those years in the Dead Worlds, she had been honing her skills – a blade being sharpened to a razors edge
5. The silver in her eyes was almost blinding and her face had sharpened
6. Blackness permeated my eyesight, but my other senses sharpened
7. Father said the advantage of iron was that it could be sharpened anew once dull, whereas bronze had to be melted down and then recast
8. But with no water in the immediate vicinity and nowhere left to hide, a fractured beam and all of its sharpened splinters was the only plausible approach left
9. He smiled as small children scampered about the greenery, pestering the cows and horses while adults chopped wood and sharpened weapons
10. For his headache had only since sharpened and his temper only worsened
11. It appeared to be made of sharpened bone
12. After you resolved that, as a good Jewish man, you should put me away?” My voice cut him and I sharpened it more
13. His eyes sharpened, and he cocked his head as if listening
14. The intensity of her look sharpened to a glare as she cut him short
15. Travel bags were packed and weapons were sharpened on stones and checked into their carrying devices
16. Now, her focus sharpened
17. Galeron’s eyes sharpened on her own
18. "Fixed what?" I growled around a mouthful of fingers, busily trying to extract the pessary with a sharpened matchstick
19. When Conal heard the name Lexi, his interest sharpened
20. The trench was filled with sharpened pikes made from wood
21. Perched always on the knife-edge of extinction, he sharpened his tools of survival throughout that crisis-laden epoch
22. What he was now saying though as if he spoke directly to their minds, sounded totally different; his voice abrasive beyond human measure, as if razors sharpened against coarse stone:
23. Time only sharpened his understanding that she had also looked at him
24. The argument sharpened when it was discovered that there was a hole in the ozone layer over the South Pole that hadn’t been noted before
25. Perched always on the knife-edge of extinction, he sharpened his tools of survival throughout that crisis-laden epoch” (the Pleistocene)
26. This tool of survival was sharpened persistently over those ages before the possibility of a use of the power of this imagining could be extrapolated into a wider utility
27. Two pairs of them set up household, each in its own area above the patio, occasionally squabbling noisily during breeding time when rivalries sharpened
28. They’re similar, Cara and Tris, two women sharpened by loss
29. The pain sharpened in her eyes and she covered them with the heels of her hands, skin wet with tears of agony
30. That tactic was sharpened to perfection when President Ronald Reagan nominated Judge Robert Bork for a seat on the Supreme Court in 1987
31. Some analysts and commentators spread a litany of anti Yankee “buts”, sharpened slashes against the assaulted country and consoling and even cheering hand-clapping for the executors of such atrocity
32. The contrast was sharpened by the very essence and character of the Roman Empire with its tyrannical rule and its idolatry which
33. The talons were hooked and seemed well sharpened and used, during battles from times past
34. The foe-ruler laughed, dodging the swipe of the bent and sharpened iron at the shaft-end
35. Each Eid archer stood on the shore of the frozen river by a sharpened wood stake stuck into the ground to stop charging horses
36. Waiting for darkness, drifting with lowered sails in the open water over the horizon, fighters sharpened and oiled the blades of their weapons
37. Halfdan drew that long, sharpened iron from its sheath and rested the blade on his lap
38. As the photo sharpened, she saw something odd
39. The crew had sharpened two of the diving knives,
40. He had one of the sharpened diving knives in his fist,
41. a bit of work; but if I sharpened some of the tools that I’d thrown
42. Several days’ labour preparing the defences were evident, with several ditches dug into the frozen ground at the track’s entrance to slow a charge up and lines of sharpened stakes had been driven into the ground to stop any cavalry
43. "Maybe you're not hearing me, soldier," Calvin's voice sharpened
44. When he looked at Calvin his eyes sharpened for an instant, as if to say something, but then they were empty
45. As I moved from roof to roof, the bricks and stone only sharpened my claws
46. I could've further sharpened the niche but like I said, there really is no limit to how sharp
47. delicate pink rosebuds sharpened his gaze as he watched them
48. Around this barrier was a succession of moats and sharpened poles
49. These creatures had sulfur teeth standing out projected out of their mouth, sharpened like knives; their long tails moved in all directions and used them as if they were a whip
50. Bjorn assailed the spherical creatures with sharpened stones hurled from his sling
1. A hooded executioner stands on the dais, impassively sharpening a tremendous scimitar with a whetstone
2. The wind was sharpening now so I shoved my hands into my pockets and quickened my pace, darting about and skimming round the corners and making good headway till I turned a corner and almost ran into a large woman chopping wood right in my path
3. Michael, after tutting at the state of Dave’s carving knife, busies himself with a steel, sharpening the offending article
4. He was often set the task of sharpening tools, and soon learned to respect the sharp edges and fine points of the variety of metal tools they relied upon
5. Of course I wasn’t there for the sharpening
6. ” The tan-skinned Torvellen grunted and then returned to sharpening his knife that looked more like a short sword
7. “The cellar …” he stated slowly, his eyes sharpening
8. Gastronomic flavors were already sharpening our appetite
9. From early childhood he recognizes his image as a representation of himself…Awareness of self could have been the beginning of future abstract thought…Somewhere within that miasma of inherited change…(from a fortuitous notice of a naturally sharp edge to purposeful manufacture) Man continued the sharpening of his tools of survival
10. The ever-finer sharpening of Man’s sharp stones, the substitute fangs that he had been so woefully deficient in, must have been used to open dead carcasses for a long, long time before the realization that it could be used on live flesh also dawned on some lucky individual
11. “Mark has two days furlough, and then we will spend a few days sharpening his mage skills and training him to cast his own power
12. I finished sharpening the knife and it is a fine piece of work
13. While he pleasured over her frame, sharpening his joy, she swirled in his arms in rapture
14. When they were not aloft Ambrosius and Stan also helped out by performing various duties such as swabbing the deck, taking soundings, feeding the petrels and, at Fishmael's insistence, sharpening the harpoons every twelve hours
15. So the trunks stayed where they were and Petra Cotes set about reconquering the husband by sharpening the only weapons that his daughter could not use on him
16. “What time is it?” she asked, desperation sharpening her words
17. They had thirty years of sharpening stone treatment
18. Half of the blades had been honed away in the years of sharpening
19. “What if she gets killed in the meantime?” Said the young man, sharpening his tone a bit
20. Commission can be explained by the necessary sharpening of the
21. The weapon you carry is only as good as you keep it so I spent the next hour cleaning, oiling and sharpening the weapons that I had been using over the last couple of days since I hadn’t hadn’t been able to do more than wipe them off at the time
22. “Where’s Alicia?” he said wildly, angrily, fear sharpening his voice
23. By contrast, sharpening caste identities—as represented by Mayawati’s Dalit-dominated Bahujan Samaj Party and Mulayam’s Samajwadi Party—appeared to have a more enduring appeal
24. Hunter walked into the deepening gloom of the evening woods, his senses sharpening with every step
25. He set to sharpening his pencil with that blade thinking that it is better than the sharpener which his father advised him to use
26. Pierce watched her, his eyes sharpening
27. ” Flower butted in, the annoyance in their tones sharpening
28. ” his unfocused vision began sharpening
29. A sharpener is indeed what you use for sharpening the
30. This method is actually the only one that truly has a sharpening effect on
31. These are the most commonly used tools for sharpening Japanese
32. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to use whet stones for sharpening
33. blade that requires the greatest amount of sharpening
34. you can use for sharpening your knife
35. There is a certain type of sharpening tool that comes in the form of a
36. Whereas sharpening methods above are implemented to shave off dulled
37. this will reduce the need for actual sharpening while at the same time
38. Consider the tips below to limit the need for frequent sharpening and to
39. Upon his arrival at the chapel the green knight, who was sharpening his axe, greeted him
40. The Ogre wiggled its fingers around, the knives seemingly sharpening themselves as they rubbed against each other
41. She spent at least two hours sharpening sticks, driving them into holes, and covering the holes with leaves, but she began to fear she might be wasting her time
42. The children all stood up when I came in, and the teacher ceased sharpening his wits on a dulness that could not feel, and with many bows put a chair for me and begged me to sit on it
43. Sharpened flat stones became worthy knives though because they killed no animal they were mainly used for slicing off lengths of vine and sharpening stabbing spears that would also never be used for the purpose they were designed
44. These included three 16 pound stone sledges, several Cleveland model tackle blocks with long lengths of stout rope, three Disston's type cross cut saws for two man tree cutting, four stone picks of seven pounds each, two toothed stone mason's hammers of ten pounds each, six pointed quarry picks, various steel wedges, a large stone cutter's saw called a Frig Bob, a smaller starting saw called a Razzor, a triangular file to sharpen saw teeth, two drill braces, a pedal operated grinding stone of 60 pounds for sharpening of the other tools, and an assortment of small hand tools
45. He went back to sharpening the axe
46. “Hmmm…” LanCoste had moved beyond conversation and didn’t look up from sharpening the glistening arc of one of his magnificent axes
47. habit (7) about sharpening the saw, is concerned with
48. Whet: To sharpen; to rub for the purpose of sharpening, as an edged tool
49. In order to speed such a development, James was sharpening up some of the Centre's procedural compliances, and had recently made a disturbing discovery
50. Sharpening stones – waterstones are cleaner than oilstones
1. and the slow numbing of fingers sharpens
2. It affects and stimulates the Nervous System the Head and the Brain then Calms it down it also Sharpens the Memory
3. sharpens iron; so man sharpens the expressions of his friend
4. The Gaillard Cut, big conduit for boats, sharpens the interest of the passengers who travel that channel, due principally to its history and geology
5. your mind sharpens and you start to think more clearly
6. sharpens and increases it’s perception to learn
7. Amazing how tension sharpens the senses
8. essence of prayer fosters and sharpens the knowledge-
9. When my look finally sharpens, I can see that the bedroom is huge and decorated minimalistically
10. self-awareness, dramatically lowers stress, sharpens thinking
11. Who sharpens the bullets for sharpshooters? It is rather ironic that slang for a gun is “piece” while the word “peace”
12. The effect of the persistent denial to women of full equality with men sharpens
13. The very tip of the 45 degree column sharpens into a
14. But this is intuition, not astrology, although the practice of astrology sharpens intuition
15. The one sharpens the appetite,
16. Iron sharpens iron
17. As I watch, the very shape of her face changes, sharpens
18. ‘This often comic tale sharpens the appetite for more
19. (sharpens the vision…) about much that was formerly shrouded in shadow and mystery
20. The hair dragged up high at the back sharpens the lines of the profile as the low knot blunts them
21. The butcher-boy puts off his killing-clothes, or sharpens his knife
22. Sharpens the mind’s eye
23. The terror of being judged sharpens the memory: it sends an inevitable glare over that long-unvisited past which has been habitually recalled only in general phrases
24. Using the LLH interval count sharpens up the 107-day count considerably by eliminating less-than-ideal 107-day counts
25. The siren wail sharpens, and the sound pierces Ciere
26. [This text (…) sharpens the profile of Bakhtin’s whole career]