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    Utiliser "shrapnel" dans une phrase

    shrapnel exemples de phrases


    1. Flying backwards into the sun, hearing every shrapnel shard

    2. and the shrapnel burst, desiccating

    3. Now as well the Turks were throwing bombs down and two Fusiliers right in front of me took the brunt of these being peppered in shrapnel and their screams will haunt me till my dying day

    4. We pretty much learned to ignore this and just ducked for cover although if you were swimming you had to duck under the water as the shrapnel burst overhead

    5. When you were under the water you could see the shrapnel as it hit hissing and cooling down as it sank past you in a jig saw of different shapes

    6. As we moved forward we could see the outposts in front of us and we prepared to make a dash for them but before we got anywhere the artillery behind them opened up with shrapnel shells and we had to go to ground to find cover from the murderous hail that met us

    7. Elijah was holding onto his hat for dear life as the enemy shrapnel lashed our positions he lifted his head about a quarter inch off the deck and said

    8. Time seemed to drag but I guessed that we had been pinned down for about half an hour now we had tried to squirm our way into the floor to make ourselves smaller and so not so much of a target for the random shrapnel

    9. However it seemed that the barrage was lessening as the gun barrels must have been getting red hot and the shrapnel blizzard became more of a flurry

    10. ” He lay flat with the Sergeant and us as more shrapnel whizzed overhead

    11. We seemed to have been crawling forever towards the rear and suddenly much to our relief there was no shrapnel at all and we could stand up and walk which was heaven itself

    12. The Turks were pouring shrapnel and bullets down the gullies and in a bid to outflank them we came out on to the top of the gully as we did so we saw the New Zealand attack start

    13. These brave men from thousands of miles away stormed forward without a sign of fear or concern for their safety only to be cut to pieces by the Turkish shrapnel and machine guns

    14. Then they fired their shrapnel shells at us and this with the bullets chopped the bush to pieces flinging greenery everywhere and cutting our lads to pieces

    15. I went out to pick up a bloke who had crawled back wounded to our lines as I stopped down to lift him up the Turks fired off a shrapnel shell and I was peppered with the stuff

    16. ” Just as he had said this another salvo crashed into the beach sending shrapnel and erupting sand for yards around

    17. But within minutes the Turkish artillery responded with heavy shrapnel and we could hear it pinging and rattling like hailstone on the front trenches were the casualties and dead had began to pile up before a single man had started advancing towards the Turkish lines

    18. “What the hell are we doing with these things on our backs at least on the front they might protect you from shrapnel or bullets

    19. But within a matter of minutes the Turkish machine guns and shrapnel had turned the trenches into an hell on earth piled high with dead and wounded

    20. It was now that we walked into a storm of shrapnel and machine gun bullets I could see mates of mine dropping on all sides and we hadn’t gone more than a few yards over the ground in front of us and we were already being decimated

    21. I couldn’t stop and knew there was nothing I could do for him as I walked forward with tears in my eyes and a heavy heart as the shrapnel pattered around us like hard peas being poured into a pan

    22. I felt the rest of the places where I had been hit and found out some of these were small holes made by shrapnel the one in my groin was quite large though and I could feel the hard lump of a large piece of shrapnel in there

    23. “No I’m afraid its much more serious than that you friend was hit by shrapnel and not only is his face badly scared he has lost his sight as well he was also shot through a lung and it was touch and go with him

    24. I was injured further on in the galleries when a bomb went off and I was hit in the chest thigh and arm with shrapnel and I was out of it

    25. There were wrecks of men some with no faces and some with half their head shot away there were bayonet wounds bullet wounds shrapnel wounds all kinds of wounds and it broke your heart just to see them

    26. “I expect you to make a quick recovery and there should be no lasting damage from the bullet wounds however the shrapnel may be a bit harder to mend but given time to rest I see no reason why you shouldn’t soon be back with your unit

    27. “I am afraid that we can’t let you go just yet as those shrapnel wounds are taking longer to heal than we thought but you should be able to leave us by about October then you will be ready for duty

    28. The rest of the shrapnel and bullet wounds are slight by comparison they probably hurt but they are really only superficial in medical terms”, he laughed at this and his false teeth made a clicking sound like a demented land crab

    29. “No they don’t hurt so much now the Doctors took a load of shrapnel out of me and two bullets but most of the iron hadn’t done too much damage I was pretty lucky

    30. Given the name for the shard of shrapnel that

    31. further than it normally was because of his shrapnel implant, combined with the way his cockney

    32. “But wasn’t that because you only had shrapnel shells mostly on Gallipoli were here we have loads and loads of H

    33. was plastering the German trenches while shrapnel was being fired to destroy the German wire in front of the Hun trenches then we would be just able to stroll through

    34. The artillery are using shrapnel to cur the wire in order to do this the fuses on the shells must be cut exact

    35. But now to make things even worse the Germans started firing shrapnel shells from their hidden batteries behind Serre

    36. The shrapnel flayed the ground and pattered down on us like hailstone only this stuff that dropped from the sky was deadly

    37. I took a couple of hits and so did Bert but they were not serious in fact I had been hit in the hand and could see the small shrapnel ball under the skin

    38. Rather than attack again they were quite content to let the artillery have a go at us and they went at it with a vengeance as shrapnel hailed down onto us

    39. Dusty Miller had been killed by a shell as he tried to retrieve some ammo for us and the rest of the lads had either fallen to machine gun shrapnel or shell fire

    40. “We must go after this Sir no matter what happens because this will precede another counterattack”, he said this I could hear the shrapnel pattering down like hailstone on a tin roof

    41. Now the shrapnel in my hand and thigh began to hurt like hell Ted had been watching the RSM and Colonel and now he said

    42. The convent was packed with wounded but my thigh and the shrapnel in my hand had been dressed and I had a bandage on my head

    43. With the range fixed, shrapnel was implemented

    44. One shrapnel, however, struck Fort St

    45. Flying shrapnel from each bomb erupted through the crowd decimating and injuring everyone in their path

    46. As they started raggedly forward, we loaded the cannon with shrapnel and, as soon as they came into effective range, fired a devastating salvo into them that shattered whole ranks

    47. We again pulled up behind the cannon and they again fired off two rounds of shrapnel into the thinning ranks

    48. shrapnel rebounded ineffectively off its target, the impenetrable

    49. Later, I was told that the rocket had exploded ten meters short of my chopper, shrapnel

    50. - and some of the shrapnel from it hit the turret and some of the shrapnel from the

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