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    Utiliser "side arm" dans une phrase

    side arm exemples de phrases

    side arm

    1. They both wore side arms

    2. A long back recliner chair with side arms and a kind of moulded arch over the headrest

    3. The Walther P38, which replaced the Luger as standard side arm in the German Army during the Second World War had a protruding pin to show that it was loaded

    4. the portion of Cuba east of a line drawn through Aserradero, Dos Palmas, Cauto, Tanamo, and Aguilera; the United States to transport all troops in the command to Spain; officers to retain their side arms; the forces to march from the city with honours of war, laying down their arms at a given point, it being understood that the commissioners would recommend that the Spanish soldier return to Spain with the arms he so bravely defended

    5. Besides that they all carried the standard M9 side arm being policemen first and soldiers second

    6. He wore one of the standard British canvas holsters with a side arm attached to a lanyard

    7. There are also four side arms

    8. Sauer"s p225 side arms that hold 8 9mm

    9. “Side arms only

    10. With his side arm pressed against Winthrop’s back, Lt

    11. dressed similarly – only, with holstered side arms on their belts - and each one with an AK-47

    12. Hood's main side armour during such an engagement should stand up nearly as well as Bismarck's or Prince of Wales'

    13. Another had struck the side armour amidships, causing flooding and putting one dynamo and one boiler out of action to reduce her maximum speed by two knots

    14. He put a Ferengi side arm to his belt and lifted the Ferengi phaser rifle

    15. Madex pulls out his side arm and fires a single shot at

    16. Davis releases his side arm and cocks the barrel; aims

    17. Sue and Bev were standing on the other side arm in arm with

    18. Pon noticed that the other mercenaries in the control centre were only lightly armed with M9 side arms, unlike the ones that guarded them who carried Bullpup rifles

    19. Mophi calculated that at the most they only had the two rifles and two possibly three side arms and he couldn’t see how they could compete with trained military personnel when it came to a gunfight

    20. Captain Ca carefully fired off his side arm with slow single shots

    21. Does that sound acceptable to you?” Two Asian men dressed in all black walked into the room with side arms visible under their folded arms

    22. I watched him as I rested against the side arm of the overstuffed leather chair with my arms crossed before me

    23. If thou dost acknowledge this fairly and openly, thou shalt escape death and save me the trouble of inflicting it upon thee; if thou fightest and I vanquish thee, I demand no other satisfaction than that, laying aside arms and abstaining from going in quest of adventures, thou withdraw and betake thyself to thine own village for the space of a year, and live there without putting hand to sword, in peace and quiet and beneficial repose, the same being needful for the increase of thy substance and the salvation of thy soul; and if thou dost vanquish me, my head shall be at thy disposal, my arms and horse thy spoils, and the renown of my deeds transferred and added to thine

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