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    Utiliser "snob" dans une phrase

    snob exemples de phrases


    1. Oh well, life can get like that in HakenCourt, this is not a neighborhood with snob appeal

    2. He wasn’t a snob

    3. I wonder what your family would think if they met me? Would they think I’m some toffee-nosed snob? I’d be nervous

    4. I never wanted to come off as a snob to someone just because I might have had a bad day—it’s the nature of the business that wouldn’t allow me to say or do certain things

    5. "What a snob!"

    6. My first impression of Sumei was that she was a snob, but I soon

    7. Mark then looked back at the snob he was still holding

    8. The young snob eyed with anger Mark, then the other customer

    9. he’s a snob of sort, because he lives above the railroad tracks and looks

    10. What are you a snob about? Have you admitted it to yourself and/or to

    11. Nothing but a rich, spoiled snob

    12. He giggled again at the stony faced woman who'd been such a snob with him and Caesar – treating them like children all that day

    13. Indeed from that day, her spirit being the spirit of the true snob, the hectorer of the humble, the devout groveller in the courtyards of the great, she was a much-changed woman

    14. His idiotic elite fantasy of a snob elite ruling a perfect Greek city, with perfectly obedient submissive robots, who obey their perfect Greek God-like rulers; became an idealized social model for every elite society from then on

    15. years, and quickly to the root of his problem in accusing me of being middle-class, a snob, a proto-intellectual

    16. God does not love the proud snob

    17. It was very phony--I mean him being such a big snob and all

    18. He was a big snob

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    Synonymes pour "snob"

    prig snob snoot snot elitist upstart pretender egotist