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    Utiliser "so-and-so" dans une phrase

    so-and-so exemples de phrases


    1. ‘What sort of idea?’ he called back, amusement audible in his voice – cheeky so-and-so! ‘Oh, hang on, I’ve nearly finished

    2. ‘Did she tell you that Peter virtually sat on her doorstep for a year trying to persuade her to marry him? He is a persistent so-and-so, that brother of mine

    3. sentence you should say ‘so-and-so and I’

    4. should say ‘so-and-so and me’

    5. permit from so-and-so was so that they could clear our project

    6. Had I attended so-and-so a concert on a certain night and … et cetera? How did he know that, I demanded

    7. Remember the time when she tongue-lashed So-and-So for his rudeness to our mother? That was a seismic event

    8. so-and-so’ dissolves; ‘I am a witness only’ remains and that too

    9. ‘I-am-so-and-so’ obscures the changeless state of pure aware-

    10. yourself as such-and-such, so-and-so, this or that

    11. cease to be a Mr-so-and-so, busy about his own affairs

    12. him that so-and-so is a realized man and can be accepted as a

    13. ten in the morning “ Well, Claude, you ol’ so-and-so

    14. "Ma-sigh, ma-see, ma-saw—what do I care? Proves you're a lying so-and-so is what it does!"

    15. By the way, did you hear the good one Sheila got on Ian? He bragged he ought to be called an ace—because of the five-count—and she says, Aren't you mispronouncing it? So he falls for it and says, What are you babbling on about, you silly so-and-so

    16. But there was the threat by Sutton, and in a way she liked getting a rise from the puffed-up so-and-so

    17. "Thought I could get the so-and-so to light itself off, but as soon as the bottom oil is gone the spray won't catch

    18. Although he should have viewed the successful and extremely rapid resolution of this case with relief, Mr Becker couldn't help but feel sorry for the poor so-and-so this harpy had got her claws into—it reminded him so much of his own situation

    19. “Is that [So-and-So]?” can be transformed into “Who is that?” “Could that be a [gizmo]?”

    20. the message will say: “But surely that is so-and-so' s style”-- referring to the intermediary to whom the message was confided

    21. “So-and-so, being a cab driver in this city is very tough

    22. calls in his subordinates and says "Please take Mr Gotlieb to so-and-so"

    23. “The dirty little so-and-so tried to have me shot

    24. around bragging about what you did and how you helped out and how so-and-so would

    25. When we say that so-and-so is down in the dust, we mean that he has nothing

    26. Also, when you say this life tempted so-and-so, that is, he saw its garniture and show, so he tended to it with admiration until it became a chief concern of his spirit

    27. “Failing were the hands of one” so-and-so means that they were unable to achieve the deeds they intended to do

    28. He will then ask himself, what about so-and-so person who have passed away? What about such and such person whose life is not prolonged? And where is so-and-so person? What are the remains for those people who left this world of their powerful leadership or their authority and their kingship? What far from this life’ enjoyments they are! If death is the end of everybody, and unavoidable destiny, if all man’s attempts and efforts throughout his life leads him to this very important destiny, therefore, there will be no hope in this life

    29. That old so-and-so"

    30. When, in spite of your existing, “respectable” position in society, with its concomitant titles, regalia and authority, your life creativity begins to degrade gradually in some of the Directions of development to the primitive levels of mental-sensuous activity common to aboriginals of the “so-and-so” tribe or to native peoples (close to their level of development) that jump around a sacrificial fire and worship their totem, then this may serve you “personally” as an obvious sign of the process (that tends to appear in your refocusings) of a gradual return to the states which bring the manifestation of your UFS closer to these tribes and peoples, no matter in which Time Flows you “personally” (or they) are

    31. And each of these refocusings contains your individual wave mark, confirming that this creativity was performed “personally by so-and-so

    32. 72-3: Al tío Fulano: from old So-and-so

    33. unlawful entry as security will see that professor so-and-so will receive my book

    34. this and that and how was so-and-so; when was it going to

    35. “That little so-and-so?” Murphy offered helpfully

    36. † In common conversation, or in writing, either by heathen or Christians, we say, 'So-and-so did such and such things while he lived, but now he is dead;’ without giving any opinion against the survival of the soul

    37. ' 'And did you hear, Nikolay, that on the same day Widow So-and-so and her sister were murdered and robbed?' 'I

    38. lay-brother; his superior came to know of it, and one day said to the worthy widow by way of brotherly remonstrance, 'I am surprised, senora, and not without good reason, that a woman of such high standing, so fair, and so rich as you are, should have fallen in love with such a mean, low, stupid fellow as So-and-so, when in this house there are so many masters, graduates, and divinity students from among whom you might choose as if they were a lot of pears, saying this one I'll take, that I won't take;'

    39. but she replied to him with great sprightliness and candour, 'My dear sir, you are very much mistaken, and your ideas are very old-fashioned, if you think that I have made a bad choice in So-and-so, fool as he seems; because for all I want with him he knows as much and more

    40. The answer was, "Senor, there is written and recorded the day on which your lordship took possession of this island, and the inscription says, 'This day, the so-and-so of such-and-such a month and year, Senor Don Sancho Panza took possession of this island; many years may he enjoy it

    41. The governor, the majordomo, and the carver went aside with him, and, unheard by his sister, asked him how he came to be in that dress, and he with no less shame and embarrassment told exactly the same story as his sister, to the great delight of the enamoured carver; the governor, however, said to them, "In truth, young lady and gentleman, this has been a very childish affair, and to explain your folly and rashness there was no necessity for all this delay and all these tears and sighs; for if you had said we are so-and-so, and we escaped from our father's house in this way in order to ramble about, out of mere curiosity and with no other object, there would have been an end of the matter, and none of these little sobs and tears and all the rest of it

    42. So-and-so, of I don't know where; and the other To my husband Sancho Panza, governor of the island of Barataria, whom God prosper longer than me

    43. Even in his own heart's privacy, he excused himself, saying, "If she hadn't said so-and-so, it would never have happened

    44. He’d say, ‘Mr So-and-so was smoking chars but has stopped because it’s sinful,’ or, ‘Mr X has kept his beard and I congratulate him,’ or, ‘Mr Y voluntarily closed down his CD shop

    45. People liked to hear their names on the radio; they also liked to hear which of their neighbours were sinful so they could gossip: ‘Have you heard about So-and-so?’

    46. ‘Miss So-and-so has stopped going to school and will go to heaven,’ he’d say, or, ‘Miss X of Y village has stopped education at Class 5

    47. “That’s so-and-so,” they told me

    48. Most people said: “Is so-and-so going?” When they heard that their friends and neighbours had volunteered, they did not want to be left out

    49. When someone dies and the relatives carry on, you always hear them say so-and-so would have wanted it that way

    50. So-and-so’s daughter or son, attending such-and-such school won this-or-that award

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