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    Utiliser "soapstone" dans une phrase

    soapstone exemples de phrases


    1. He marched over to the square soapstone font

    2. “Come look over here,” he said, pointing to the soapstone font

    3. Liners from around the world berthed alongside and tourists lost themselves for days, filling bags with intricately embroidered jackets, antiques, I-Love-HK T-shirts, ivory carvings, wooden and soapstone statues, and hi-fis and cameras that they would learn on their return home were really no cheaper and in some cases were more expensive than elsewhere in Hong Kong

    4. More books, Chinese fans and plates on dark wooden stands and soapstone ornaments of ancient sages holding staffs and scrolls, horses with their manes flying, and a fat smiling Buddha, his large belly shining in satisfaction

    5. The bleached effect of the white painted walls and cabinets, white appliances, white barstools, and white tile floor was broken up only slightly by the soapstone countertops and splashes of cobalt blue in various white ceramic and clear glass containers

    6. Sometimes they are polished with soapstone and sand, till they shine within like silver punch-bowls

    7. It was in the left hand try-pot of the Pequod, with the soapstone diligently circling round me, that I was first indirectly struck by the remarkable fact, that in geometry all bodies gliding along the cycloid, my soapstone for example, will descend from any point in precisely the same time

    8. Soapstone is found in it

    9. On the southwest mountain of Saddle, the strata are bare to the summit for a considerable distance, and are very fine grained mica slate, having somewhat the appearance of a soapstone slate

    10. A coarse soapstone is found in the limestone near the college, and a vein made up of brown argillaceous slate, soapstone, quartz, and sulphuret of iron, passes through it

    11. Machinery, use of soapstone in diminishing friction of, xiii, 192

    12. Soapstone, and its uses, xiv, 376

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    Synonymes pour "soapstone"

    soap-rock soaprock soapstone steatite