Utiliser "sole" dans une phrase
sole exemples de phrases
1. It is the sole refuge of humanity
2. vegetation, soaked through the sole of her boot
3. comes the sole possessor of it
4. Her sole purpose in life seemed to be dedicated to looking down her nose at people, and nowhere was this alarming personality trait more obviously demonstrated than in her reaction to possible suitors
5. She was not the stuff of legend nor of heroism, being the sort of person who worried that she was letting her whole class down when her shoes got dirty, and here she was facing down three members of an alien youth culture, whose sole intent was to inflict grievous bodily harm on another vulnerable individual
6. That he is no longer in direct control of the levers of power is a shame, but in his time of greatness he employed a whole army of secretaries and assistants, whose sole job it was to document every fact and every detail of every case and policy so that he could remain true to his principles
7. those who have gotten together for the sole purpose of fulfilling their lustful desires
8. Then he struck the sole of each boot once with the flat of his
9. members of an alien youth culture, whose sole intent was to inflict
10. abandoned as she was by her own father, should become the sole
11. He had watched, months before, as the boy and his father spent weeks rowing around the lake, which had culminated in the amazing display of gymnastic prowess before his own eyes as sole witness to the performance down on the little boat dock
12. They built into the midships sole a sleeved, retractable keel which when deployed extended to a depth of more than three feet, and from leading edge to following was also about three feet
13. The shop always had at least one hunter-in-residence whose sole job in life was to keep the place vermin-free, and they took their position of importance very seriously indeed
14. She’d actually measured performance by holes in the sole of shoes
15. Their sole were thinner and the blood blisters, on her feet weren't as bad
16. He had the ear of the chairman and CEO and was a sole source contractor
17. The vain hopes of gaining some of the great prizes is the sole cause of this
18. employments of labour and stock, can take place only in such as are the sole or principal
19. lolgy, and has deemed these here places allocated for the sole use thereof
20. A service of plate, and the other frivolous ornaments of dress and furniture, could be purchased for a smaller quantity of commodities ; and in this would consist the sole advantage which the world could derive from that abundance
21. The discovery of the abundant mines of America seems to have been the sole cause of this diminution in the value of silver, in proportion to that of corn
22. To see life continue, and nurtured towards goodness, that was both men’s sole reason for existing
23. sole satisfaction attracts them more than political
24. The cheapness and abundance of gold and silver plate would be the sole advantage which the world could derive from the one event; and the dearness and scarcity of those trifling superfluities, the only inconveniency it could suffer from the other
25. The work which is performed in this manner, it has already been observed, comes always much cheaper to market than that which is the principal or sole fund of the workman's subsistence
26. To maintain and augment the stock which maybe reserved for immediate consumption, is the sole end and purpose both of the fixed and circulating capitals
27. Encircled in stone, a sole, solitary field filled the valley below, at its center, a pulsating black heart – the Rift
28. If either of them has increased in this proportion, it seems to be an effect too great to be accounted for by the sole operation of this cause
29. He was the sole M
30. Victory should be aimed for, but not the sole purpose
31. The sole use of money is to circulate consumable goods
32. with thick sole, suitable for the apartment in
33. The consideration of his own private profit is the sole motive which determines the owner of any capital to employ it either in agriculture, in manufactures, or in some particular branch of the wholesale or retail trade
34. It was the first time since he’d given her the sling six years before that Nerissa had Father’s sole attention for more than a few minutes
35. The importation of gold and silver is not the principal, much less the sole benefit, which a nation derives from its foreign trade
36. The sole stricture laid upon them was that they avoid overt personal detection when possible
37. If, in a year of scarcity, therefore, any of them should find that he had a good deal more corn upon hand than, at the current price, he could hope to dispose of before the end of the season, he would never think of keeping up this price to his own loss, and to the sole benefit of his rivals and competitors, but would immediately lower it, in order to get rid of his corn before the new crop began to come in
38. That he is aware of the Illian destruction, but knows no more about it than we do, suggests that he took it as divine providence guiding him to his chosen destiny---a new Naud Empire cast in his own image, with himself as sole Lord of all
39. Then another realization sprang out of the explanation: Mim and Yula weren't the sole representatives of their folk and they weren't from this Spur at all! Most importantly it was plain now that those 'Enthilesté' weren't some mythological creation
40. In other words, you perform the act for the sole purpose of being in a meditative state
41. But the hope of finding treasures of gold there was the sole motive which prompted to undertake it; and to give this motive the greater weight, it was proposed by Columbus, that the half of all the gold and silver that should be found there, should belong to the crown
42. These little settlements, too, were under the government of an exclusive company, which had the sole right, both of purchasing the surplus produce of the colonies, and of supplying them with such goods of other countries as they wanted, and which, therefore, both in its purchases and sales, had not only the power of oppressing them, but the greatest temptation to do so
43. Great Britain and her colonies still continue to be almost the sole market for all sugar produced in the British plantations
44. When those high duties were imposed, Great Britain was the sole, and she still continues to be, the principal market, to which the sugars of the British colonies could be exported
45. fellow-citizens at home, and is secured in the same manner, by an assembly of the representatives of the people, who claim the sole right of imposing taxes for the support of the colony government
46. To found a great empire for the sole purpose of raising up a people of customers, may at first sight, appear a project fit only for a nation of shopkeepers
47. The maintenance of this monopoly has hitherto been the principal, or more properly, perhaps, the sole end and purpose of the dominion which Great Britain assumes over her colonies
48. The monopoly is the principal badge of their dependency, and it is the sole fruit which has hitherto been gathered from that dependency
49. Monopoly of one kind or another, indeed, seems to be the sole engine of the mercantile system
50. Consumption is the sole end and purpose of all production ; and the interest of the producer ought to be attended to, only so far as it may be necessary for promoting that of the consumer
1. staring at the tracks, made by his heavy soled boots,
2. His bare soled feet tread lightly, sprites on hot gravel,
3. He realises as he listens to the dull rubber soled thud of his feet on the road, as he moves in time with the beat of the bass line, that the monsters have never been that far away
4. I bought a pair of rope soled shoes, neat trousers and a white shirt, then attempted to hitch to Madrid
5. soled, shoe or slipper, and oftenwith cloth top as the following
6. ” She said bending over in front of me as she began to take off her own hard soled leather shoes
7. We heard the doors open and hard soled shoes clattering on the pavement
8. Before departing he requested that it should be told to his dear son Patsy that the other boot which he had been looking for was at present under the commode in the return room and that the pair should be sent to Cullen's to be soled only as the heels were still good
9. On the table stood a dirt plate, left there from somebody’s dinner, a soled table-napkin and a knife, fork and spoon that had just been used
1. The brain has to integrate sensory information from the inner ears, from vision, from proprioceptors (sensors in muscles, tendons and joints that tell the brain where the limbs are positioned) and from pressure sensors in the soles of the feet
2. · Wear shoes that give good support and have thin non-slip soles
3. At first, when the long hours of silence were rudely interrupted by activity out in the corridor, I did not believe in the sounds that came from the world outside of my cell: boots on ladder rungs, a scuff of rubber soles across rough concrete, and finally the sound of a key in a lock
4. soles of my shoes, trying to reveal the hidden diamonds
5. the solidity of land giving way beneath your soles,
6. until, with blood on the soles of her feet,
7. That sheltered side of the island was an enchanted landscape of grazing-grounds and willow trees and the surest way to know such a place is through the soles of the feet
8. My feet took their time when I walked and their soles had grown tougher and tolerant of hot sand
9. one that would hide all but the toe caps and the soles of her big
10. boot soles as thick as tyre treads
11. strength was draining out through the soles of your
12. A moment, an idyll, a place of worship, and in that moment he truly loves her, briefly and without question, and continues to do so until he recognises the sounds of the promised land for what they are; tyres on ribbed concrete, car doors slamming and leather soles on gravel
13. soles of your feet on the day when I
14. The leading row of criminals leapt into the ditch and the steel caltrops punched through the soles of their shoes and boots
15. To walk it felt so much more strenuous, the weight on his back bouncing and forcing his legs to take up the shock, feet pounding despite the aircushion absorbers on his soles
16. Pausing for breath for a moment he tried to sit on the ledge itself, soon discovering that without the soles of his boots pressed firmly against it he would rapidly slide off
17. foot soles are plated with it, and it is considered sacrilege of the higher calibres for them to touch
18. I did so, relief flooding the soles of my feet
19. Apparently the down side of satin sheets is that they are really slippery, and because of the lack of grip he had needed the rubber soles of his canvas boots for grip, he not the tallest man around
20. The skinny devil was propelled sideways and tumbled aft, while Truman minimized his skid by lying on his back with palms to the deck and the soles of his shoes pressed flat
21. The shoes had seen a lot of use, but they had new soles and fitted well
22. He brought some plain trousers, shorts, a dufus-looking pair of red suede high-top running shoes with brilliant-white rubber soles, and some kind of electric-blue silky sheer kimono, which he actually thought too big for her
23. Furious yells, hard soles against cobblestones, doors that were opened and then slammed hard again
24. The soles of my shoes mark each rock with a wet footprint
25. I can’t see daylight because the soles of shoes cover every inch of glass above us
26. She twists paper into the floor with her boot soles
27. 13 For I could have been content with good will for the salvation of Israel to kiss the soles of his feet
28. themselves down at the soles of your feet; and they shall call you; The city of the Lord, The Zion of the Holy One of Israel
29. place of my throne, and the place of the soles of my feet, where I will dwell in the midst of the children of Israel forever, and my holy
30. The man strode purposefully towards him, the soles of
31. you shall tread down the wicked; for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that I shall do this, says the Lord of
32. ―It‘s the rope soles of your espadrilles,‖ I said
33. I could smell the humidity and feel the slime under the soles of my shoes
34. 6 And Adikam was exceedingly ugly, and he was a cubit and a span and he had a great beard which reached to the soles of his feet
35. She’d laughed with joy as her soles burned
36. Doc held the baby up and rubbed the soles of it’s feet
37. The heat penetrating through the soles of my feet is unbearable
38. 13 And it shall come to pass, as soon as the soles of the feet of the priests that bear the Ark of the Lord, the Lord of all the Earth, shall rest in the waters of Jordan, that the waters of Jordan shall be cut off from the waters that come down from above; and they shall stand on an heap
39. 18 And it came to pass, when the priests that bore the Ark of the covenant of the Lord were come up out of the midst of Jordan, and the soles of the priests' feet were lifted up to the dry land, that the waters of Jordan returned to their place, and flowed over all his banks, as they did before
40. Her tiny feet wore matching sandals of white silk ribbon over white leather soles
41. He was gratified to find that he could get a good grip on the armrests, and that the footboard was positioned against his soles so he could brace himself solidly with his feet and his shoulders
42. To the soles of
43. 6 And Adikam was exceedingly ugly and he was a cubit and a span and he had a great beard which reached to the soles of his feet
44. “The Disguise Illusion I’m casting follows the surface of your hands and the soles of your feet, and compensates for size differences by altering the Illusion’s posture and limb positions accordingly, and if necessary, it changes the apparent position of any object you’re touching or holding
45. They continued to walk on, the sand’s heat burning through the leather of his shoes into the soles of his feet
46. From the crown of my head to the soles
47. “I have holes in the soles of my shoes
48. More than that, I could feel them tugging through the soles of my shoes
49. In my cheap scuff sandals with car-tyre soles he reckoned I looked like a poor Arab, which pleased me enormously
50. He had soles as tough as car tyres so didn't need footwear