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    Utiliser "sonic" dans une phrase

    sonic exemples de phrases


    1. The next thing Nancy knew she was in a super sonic elevator traveling at high speeds

    2. For about two years now I have entered a very interesting phase of my life, since I have more and more psychic experiences; yet, I have also perceived certain paradox incidents which appear more and more frequently, surrounding me like a Sonic War: At daybreak, when I do the most important meditation exercise of the day, there is incredible mobility in the block of flats next to my house: A number of cars come and go continuously in and out of their outdoor garage, which happens to be right next to my bedroom window! Even earlier, from 4:00 to 6:00 am (no exaggeration) they race engines incessantly and/or slam car doors uncountable times! Why, indeed? Only God -or Satan- knows! The fact is that more often than not I can hardly sleep, I feel exasperated and I can't meditate properly

    3. What's going on? The sonic war against me is getting more and more unbearable day by day and I just can't stand it any more! For some strange reason, I am surrounded by all kinds of noise pollution: Every morning, at 7:30 am, my father gets out to the yard and keeps himself busy with meaningless tinkering and hammering at pieces of wood or metal for hours! When I return from work at 4:00 in the afternoon and lie in bed so as to have a brief nap, dad goes upstairs, to Alice's half-built penthouse, and starts hammering at stuff again till 5:30 that I leave for the gym! He doesn't really repair anything, he just enjoys the noise! The yard and the penthouse are full of rusty tools, old dilapidated furniture and all kinds of junk dad finds on the road and carries home! I often complain about the noise and the piggery but he never listens; on the contrary, he swears like a trooper!

    4. Music manufacturing was mainly about licensing the genes of each sonic block design

    5. Might she even hope that in a few weeks he’d be over it? She’d still love to know how that pocket prophet worked though, technology like that could produce a capable sonic block that weighed far less than the current average of about two hundred pounds

    6. The dolphins were making a strange sonic whistle which produced an egg shape of lighter blue liquid within the darker waters of the tunnel

    7. The two creatures chattered on and off in their strange sonic language

    8. There have been already hundreds of calls of that bogey creating sonic booms throughout the area,” FAA Controls says

    9. A few seconds later, constant sonic booms are heard and felt on the ground like very loud bass thumps

    10. Constant sonic boom sounds spread out in all directions in the area

    11. Wakes of sonic booms move in directions behind the UFO and Blackbird

    12. Air Force jets flying at sonic speeds over land

    13. occupants of the airplane cannot hear the sonic boom, but it is still

    14. Being transported into a solid rather than vaporous medium would result not in a sonic boom but an explosion similar to a meteor strike, with obvious deleterious effects upon those transported

    15. when my manager, Claire informs me that there was a robbery last night at the Sonic fast

    16. The sound of the sonic shower in the background was a nice accompaniment to the soft

    17. The techs froze in their places as my sonic blast burned out the delicate microprocessors of their circuitry

    18. From the damage, it seemed as if his weapon had struck my collar at the same time as I triggered the spell and the sonic charge to shatter the mechanism and free me

    19. None had any of the more modern tube weapons I now knew were sonic rifles of the Ice City

    20. The subsonic transducers mounted on the rock walls of the mountains, intended to take advantage of the ability of certain sub sonic frequencies to induce unreasoning fear worked, but only for a short time

    21. At the same time Katsuya was yelling his objection, he fired a highly concentrated shot of sonic waves from his arm cannon nailing The Host, sending him into some of the machines on the wall

    22. and Midway Games, and ironically its old rival Sega, which released several of its Sonic the Hedgehog titles originally planned for Dreamcast

    23. First, with them flying faster than sound, any Chinese anti-aircraft gunner they would overfly in the still dark sky would hear the planes only after they had passed, when the sonic shock wave of the formation would hit the ground with enough force to pulverize every windows along its path

    24. Fedor never heard the second shot, a bullet hitting him in the forehead and blowing open the back of his head before the sonic bang reached his ears

    25. miss a concentrated sonic pulse from one of the snipers

    26. The Boss had them al on a super sonic jet and in Singapore the morning

    27. "Thorne has two G15 destroyers, with full phasor capabilities and a sonic bomb arsenal, parked on the southwest corner of the pad

    28. All they needed was a pilot, a copilot, a navigator, a fourth dimensional navigator, an electro tech (in the event that any of the electronic equipment might be damaged or start to malfunction), three men to double as cook, mechanic, and medical officer, and then, during time of battle, to man the three photonic guns, and finally, one man was needed to fire the torpedoes or the sonic bombs

    29. The fire-control technician, who fired the sonic bombs, had at his fingertips the power to obliterate an object as small as a man or as large as a city

    30. It would completely disintegrate anything it hit with the exception of an object made of norimuinatit—upon which the sonic bombs had no effect

    31. Needless to say, it was important that the fire-control technician be perfectly skilled in the employment of sonic bombs

    32. And this, "he pointed to a station next to the communications station, "is the sonic bomb control station

    33. "Once we hit it with a sonic bomb, you'll never know it was there

    34. Frostadeem, a tall, but lithe and agile man, was watching out the window as the sonic bomb disintegrated the control tower

    35. "You saw the tower go down, and you know it was a sonic bomb

    36. He turned his head toward the tower and in a state of confusion he lost his vision as it was pulled into the black hole, then instantly it returned, and he watched the effects of a sonic bomb

    37. "It had to be a sonic bomb," said the sergeant

    38. Lieutenant Lasitor hesitated with a look of worried concern, then he said, "Sonic bomb? No one has sonic bombs on Ar

    39. "Why do you think they have two G15's sitting on the landing pad? Why do you think they just knocked out the tower with a sonic bomb? Come on man, think

    40. At the meeting inside the G15 the previous night, Sharpie had made a suggestion, which was readily accepted by Ben and the Galaef, that once the gates had disappeared, Phist should hit the hole on each side with two more sonic bombs in order to make the entrance bigger for the charging guards and mountain people

    41. If we open the doors they'll put a sonic bomb through the opening and the tower will become nothing but a little pile of powder

    42. Zorn sat at the sonic bomb control station, while Brale and Xilil sat at the rapid-fire phasors stations with their fingers on the triggers

    43. “Dahms wants her ground troops to start the attack now, before Hurd can reinforce the opening created by the sonic bombs

    44. There was a flash on the screen as the sonic bomb was propelled with great speed from the G15

    45. Sam was still standing when Phist explained to him that as long as they were hovering outside with a loaded sonic bomb cannon, Hurd’s men wouldn’t be able to open the doors to release the scents

    46. If a large enough hole was created, a sonic bomb could do some major damage to the machinery, not to mention that he and the others would be wiped out of existence

    47. It occurred to the Corporeal that his sympathies may lie with the oppressed peoples of the city, but nevertheless he wasn’t anxious to be killed by a sonic bomb

    48. Sonic gun emplacements were also scattered strategically about the city along with giant searchlights

    49. “Probably that sonic boom as you buzzed the tower,” Scully said

    50. Dashing north at near sonic speed for a number of pre-calculated minutes, Gertrude then told her RWO to switch her nose radar in search mode

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    Synonymes pour "sonic"

    sonic transonic